Chapter 398: Koi girlfriend

The things in 618 mall are of course good things. Although the golden fingers of this crow's mouth are not expensive, they are really useful, especially when Xiao Qingrong really exudes desire, then this crow's mouth will be truly spiritual. ,crack shot.
So on the second day, Xiao Qingrong heard the news of Ji Lingfei from the forum ... Well, it is said that the goddess has long cut her long hair and suddenly cut it off. Now she is very beautiful even if she becomes a short-haired goddess. However, according to the information of his girlfriend's friend, it seems that the goddess' hair was gotten by a curling stick in the bedroom, which is okay, and when the goddess went to wash her hair, the hair was knotted on a hanger, which caused The long hair was completely scrapped.
Ji Lingfei stayed up all night and did not sleep. The other girls in the bedroom also comforted Ji Lingfei, because everything that happened was so strange. From the curler, Ji Lingfei had been unlucky. Her hair was knotted when taking a bath, and flat when she came out. Falling, and then hitting the door again when going out, such a series of unlucky things, it really makes the girls in the bedroom also have a lot of fear. After all, such a series of unlucky things is also strange enough.
As a client, Ji Lingfei is also going crazy. As a 14-year-old person who has been possessed by Koi, it can be said that Ji Lingfei's life is full of good luck. Otherwise, she cannot be confused by everyone now. Fu Mei, but suddenly so unlucky at the moment, let Ji Lingfei inevitably complain about koi.
In the apartment rented outside the school, Ji Lingfei looked at her short hair in the mirror. She was very dissatisfied with how she looked and complained.
"Why am I suddenly so unlucky? Isn't my luck good enough? Koi, do you think I've run out of luck before?"
Ji Lingfei did not know before, but later on in the process of using luck, I learned that the so-called koi does not mean to create luck out of thin air, but to choose to graft the luck of other people to other people. In this case, I lost If the person who loses luck loses only the original luck, then there will only be no luck. However, if more luck is lost, then bad luck will be involved. Good luck is always associated with bad luck. When it affects one's original luck, it will become doom.
At this moment, the koi on Ji Lingfei's body turned around. This is meaningless. When Ji Lingfei's luck runs out, the koi will heat up to remind Ji Lingfei. Ji Lingfei will choose to find some men at this time. Add luck.
Ji Lingfei's original family was not very good. Of course, the luck of the people related to her bloodline was not as good as expected. Therefore, from the age of 14 to 19, Ji Lingfei has learned the luck of her family. Those who were close to him were sucked to death. When no one could suck, Ji Lingfei reluctantly followed Koi's request and went to the man.
Maybe when I was looking for a man for the first time, Ji Lingfei still felt guilty, but after getting new and stronger luck, Ji Lingfei didn't feel like this. After all, as long as she has luck, she is equivalent to having all.
For example, Ji Lingfei should not have been admitted to this school, but the students in front of her could not come to this school for some reason, and Ji Lingfei came here as a substitute, which was luck.
Most of the luck now is used by Ji Lingfei for wealth, such as buying a house after winning the lottery, or drawing car awards, and various awards from small to big. Ji Lingfei has drawn a lot, and then many Weibo and WeChat Lottery has also become a tool used by Ji Lingfei.
Ji Lingfei can change the luck of others as her own, but she ca n’t deliver such words to others, so every time she wants something, she will search for a lottery on Weibo. Her clothes and cosmetics even use a lot of luxury goods. They all come from the Weibo sweepstakes. As for why you did n’t spend money to buy them, although there is money, what is more fun than what you can get without spending money?
This unrequited pleasure made Ji Lingfei sink into it.
The first time she tried to use her luck to extract lipsticks on Weibo, she thought that she would not win, but she did not expect to win the prize. It was dozens of lipsticks throughout the day, each worth three or four. Hundred yuan, after Ji Lingfei got that lipstick, she left her favorite color and gave other lipsticks to others. Since then, the road to lottery has begun. There is nothing that is faster than getting a lottery. Off.
After feeling Koi ’s answer, Ji Lingfei was relieved a lot. Now, she felt that what happened yesterday may only happen suddenly, not by the influence of her luck, so she was relieved. Now she looked at her short hair in the mirror. Even if you are not satisfied, there is nothing you can do. This time you can only take your own card and go to the shopping street to buy a lot of clothes suitable for short hair.
A woman who wants to chase a man must first be beautiful and beautiful, and then have a heartbreaking relationship. Therefore, Ji Lingfei always cares about her appearance. Although her family really makes Ji Lingfei hate it, but Ji Lingfei is the only one Fortunately, I have such a beautiful face.
It is because of such a beautiful face that she can become the goddess of white rich beauty in everyone's heart, and no one doubts anything, and now, this face will be no harm to any man.
Seeing that it was almost noon, Xiao Qingrong went to the cafeteria for dinner with his roommates after class. Due to his appearance and recent events, many people came to see him secretly. After all, this is a flower like Man, the legendary flower of kaolin, many people are betting Ji Lingfei can win this flower of kaolin.
After finishing the meal, Xiao Qingrong sat down to eat and turned a blind eye to the people around him. After all, in his opinion, Ji Lingfei was a selfish and self-willing woman, not to mention him. The only thing men see is the face she disguised. If you really know the real situation of the other party, who dares to approach such a lucky koi girlfriend?
Ji Lingfei was patriarchal by the people in her family, but after she got the koi, she absorbed the luck of all the people related to her blood. It can be said that it sucked directly. People die.
A 14-year-old child, who has never been an adult, began to on the blood of others to survive. How could such a woman give her heart for a man? The so-called sincerity is probably only mutual use.
Xiao Qingrong had to see what the Koi in her body was.
Sure enough, under the expectations of Xiao Qingrong, the people around him suddenly became silent. Many people secretly looked in the same direction. Even Xiao Qingrong's roommate Zhang Yujun and He Xingchen looked at it, and then suddenly became swollen. Eyes, He Xingchen poked at the big guy around him and said.
"My Cao, Qing Rong, your charm is really too big, so that Xihua can chase it to the cafeteria. God knows that this white rich beauty like Xihua never comes to the cafeteria to eat?"
When the department flower entered the school in the first year, it feedbacked the school's food problem, so the family department flower did not know what the relationship was, and there were meals for people outside. I do n’t know why, the only time I came to the cafeteria was to confess to Xiao Qingrong last time, and this time, the goddess came over again, and came towards them.
Xiao Qingrong certainly knew that Ji Lingfei was here because he heard 618 excited voices.
【I'm coming! Ji Lingfei came over to you, host, she is so ironed that she wants to soak you up! !! !! 】
618 is excited. The host has passed through so many worlds. It is a lonely single dog. Although he has raised a child, he is reluctant to talk about the subject. This is also 618, but he did n’t say anything. After all, people like the host are not worthy of ordinary people ...
Xiao Qingrong lowered his head and continued to eat, as if he didn't care about the surroundings at all, but his mind had begun again.
"Ji Lingfei is out of luck right away."
He knew that his crow's mouth function, as long as it was determined in his heart, would be realized, so at this moment I felt that I should let Ji Lingfei know what would happen when he approached him.
Today, Ji Lingfei bought her new clothes. She was dressed up most beautifully. She was already beautiful. Although she has become short hair now, it feels a pity for many straight men. But the goddess is still a goddess. , Now wearing a small fresh star white dress, it also looks very beautiful.
Ji Lingfei stepped towards Xiao Qingrong step by step. With expectation and joy in her eyes, anyone could feel the emotion in her eyes and thought that when she would see the true confession next time, it was within Ji Lingfei's distance from Xiao Qingrong. When he was at rice, he slipped on his feet and thumped, and the whole man fell to the ground.
There was a moment of silence in the cafeteria. Everyone's eyes fell on Ji Lingfei, and then there was Ji Lingfei's feet ... Well, soup.
I don't know who it was, but the soup fell on the ground. Ji Lingfei's shoes today seem to slip, and then the whole person fell to the ground. The thump was very obvious in such an empty canteen. Anyone can Feeling the pain of Ji Lingfei.
Almost instantly, Ji Lingfei reddened her eyes. The pain in her body made her want to cry immediately, and the eyes of the people around her cheeks became red with blood, because she fell in such a large court. It's a shame, especially when there are girls around and they took out their mobile phones to shoot this scene ...
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