Chapter 411: Makeover old man

Living in this prosperous world, it seems that everyone can't get rid of a circle. From the enjoyment of parents' favor after birth, to the favor of parents has become a requirement. They love the children, but at the same time they have the things they want. Impose it on the child, and then allow the child to enter another cycle after adulthood, becoming the person he hated the most.
This is about life.
Xiao Qingrong's parents died early, and he was also fond of him in the early years, so he lived so hard, and after he gave birth to his son, there were no aspirations of many people in the village. Many villagers had many children, not Because raising a child is not because the child can provide for the elderly, but the people in this village have been like this for a lifetime, so I want to have more children. In this case, if any child can fly to the sky in the future, then A good way to bring the whole family into wealth is to say that you put your future and the future of other children on others.
To be honest, Xiao Qingrong has gone through so many worlds. Many of the people I have seen are lovers such as killers. They all say that it is far-reaching for their children, but that depends on whether the children themselves are willing or not.
Strict care may make the child rebellious, and excessive petting will also cause the child to die from the roots.
What Xiao Qingrong has to do now is to let the 22-year-old not know how to work on his own, only to know what kind of existence he is, does he not like to be old? Don't you like to go to work? He has methods.
The beauty of this meal was nine o'clock in the evening when I took the taxi home.
God knows that Xiao Chenxi in the room, although not exaggerating to starve to death, has already eaten all the snacks in the room, but this snack is usually eaten when playing games, it is not starving at all When Xiao Chenxi wanted to go out to see why his dad didn't call him to eat, he found that his door was locked and he couldn't open it.
He remembered that the key to the house was unlocked, so he found the key in the room for a while, but couldn't find it. When he called his father, his father's phone call could never be answered. It almost made him almost not crash. He didn't expect Xiao Qingrong to punish him intentionally, but thought that his father didn't go home, thinking about going, wanting to order food, and wanting someone to open the door, but his father was not there, and he was worried about what happened. In the end, he could only Nothing left.
Sitting angrily in front of the computer and playing games, anyway, the snacks on the table were eaten up, and when Xiao Qingrong returned, he saw that the room belonging to Xiao Chenxi was still lit at this time.
‘This young man is in good health. 'While lamenting that Xiao Chenxi is in good health, he walked into the house. Now this body is almost fifty years old. Of course, there is no way to compare with the body of young people. After all, one's physical function cannot go backwards. It's just going forward.
After entering the house, Xiao Qingrong did not plan to cook for this son in the present situation of the house. He did not want to have a barbecue stall. He had a way to make money.
After entering the door, Xiao Chenxi didn't find that his own dad had returned and was still playing the game in annoyance, while Xiao Qingrong found a somewhat dirty book in the lobby.
Do n’t underestimate this book. Big people have big people ’s living methods, and small people have small people ’s calculations. In addition to recording daily accounts, this book also has some people's contact information, such as things in life, what natural gas, Or a repairman, even a housekeeping company.
They now have a very large housekeeping company in the Acropolis. They say that they do housekeeping. But in fact, if you find a tutor from the inside, you can also find it. Xiao Qingrong saw the phone, and then looked at the working hours recorded above. past.
It was only nine o'clock in the evening at this time, and the housekeeping company was off at twelve o'clock.
"Hello, welcome to consult Aijia Housekeeping Company. Do you have any questions?"
The girl who answered the call was a sweet girl, and it was really refreshing.
"I want to find a nanny, who has better cooking skills, preferably the one with a chef's license."
In a regular housekeeping company, everyone inside has a cook's license. In fact, it's not just a cook's license. As long as you need proof, others can bring it to you. After all, it is a service industry and has always been very considerate.
"Good guest, would you please say your name and your address? I'll record your message first, and then recommend the most suitable nanny for you, okay?"
Xiao Qingrong said the address of his home. Although the house on this side is very old, it was bought by Xiao Qingrong in full, which is a hundred and twenty flats!
When the little sister over there heard Xiao Qingrong's home address, and then confirmed that there were only two men in the head of the household, her mind suddenly flashed and recommended quickly.
"Hello, Mr. Xiao, this is the case. According to your personal information, our company has several kinds of babysitters to compound your requirements, but I see that you and your son are two at home. I do n’t know if you have any intentions. Ask a male nanny to go home? This male nanny has a second-class cook certificate and has a gentle personality. I believe that I can get along with you and your son. "
In fact, in their company, there are few male nannies. Many people ask for housework at home. Therefore, the existence of male nanny is very embarrassing, and there are women who are unwilling to ask for it. After the male nanny in his company, do n’t look at their company, there are only four or five male nanny, but they are more competent and handsome, so if the family is male, they should not oppose the male nanny .
"Oh? Babysitter? This is also good. Can he clean it? I don't ask him to do laundry, but just clean up the household items, plus my three meals a day. If not, I can ask for another one. Hourly. "
Rich and rich, and the lottery will soon have more than two million. Xiao Qingrong thinks that money is something that is spent, and it is considered money. What's the point of staying in your hand?
"Mr. Xiao, rest assured that our nanny is qualified to work part-time, but because the male nanny's certificate is more professional and the price is higher, and according to the nanny's ability, it is generally a live-in nanny. Your family Is it okay? "
Can you afford such a babysitter? The family should be very rich, right? The little sister didn't know that the place where her guests lived was some poor alley.
"You can come to my house. Tell me about your salary. It's better to be stronger. I need him to help me do something."
Anyway, there is such an uneasy son in the family, and there is no feeling for one more person. After consulting, Xiao Qingrong identified the male nanny 53. He will come to visit at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, and there will be a one-day trial period. If the performance is not good, Xiao Qingrong can return this service. As for the price ... Well, such a house nanny will also give you 10,000 yuan a month. After all, the second-level cook card is not a bluff.
The call was hung up. Xiao Chenxi's room was out of business. Xiao Chenxi was hammering the door crazy because he just got up to go to the bathroom. As a result, he heard the voice of his father in the hall, so he came to hammer the door. of.
"Dad! Dad, I'm locked in the room! You're about to open the door! I'm starving !!!"
He shouted frantically, his voice was a little hoarse, and he drank all the water in the room.
Xiao Qingrong walked to the door of this cheap son and stood there.
"I locked the door."
In a word, the people inside collapsed even more. Xiao Chenxi looked at the locked door silently.
"Dad, why did you lock me in the room? I didn't eat at night, and I was starving. Can you let me go out? Let us have something to say."
He was a bit weak and didn't figure out why his dad had to shut himself in the door.
"Xiao Chenxi, more than a year after you graduated from school, do n’t think your dad, I do n’t know, you do n’t write software, but play games when you look at the computer all day, I just do n’t break through you, think Now that you have just graduated, it ’s good to rest at home for a while, but I did n’t expect you to be old at home so confidently for more than a year, and you are hooked on what live broadcast, I tell you, since you like Play games and like to watch live broadcasts. From today on, you will play with your games in the room. If I think about it, I will give you meals. If you ca n’t remember, you will stay by yourself. "
There was no expression on Xiao Qingrong's face. Although the tone of speech was angry for a while, he replaced himself with the child's father's feelings. Xiao Qingrong didn't want to educate the child, he just wanted to pull the child out and strangle him.
A 22-year-old man, who is old at home all day, what does it look like?
"Dad! What are you talking about? I'm really just at the computer every day just for work, not for fun! Do you hear any gossip outside? Do you prefer to believe outside people rather than yourself? Kiss my son? "
Xiao Chenxi, who was dismantled by his father, suddenly changed his face, but immediately quibbled, he knew that his father did not understand these Internet things, and even the mobile phone was a button, even if the touch screen mobile phone has been popular for so long, his father never I have never used any network software. If it was n’t for keeping up with the times and selling kebabs, it would n’t be possible to do Alipay and WeChat scan codes, although that scan code is by Xiao Chenxi.
Why is Xiao Chenxi rich? It is because every day Xiao Qingrong's money made through the Internet goes into his pocket, and Xiao Qingrong often does not know what is going on with this high-tech, so Xiao Chenxi secretly steals some money Xiao Qingrong does not know.
"I only believe what I see. Do n’t yell when you are done. I will unplug the network cable if you try again. It will make you miserable. From today on, you will have fun in the room and play games Children who have n’t grown up, wait until you do n’t want to play games anymore, I will let you out.

Xiao Qingrong said, he no longer cares about Xiao Chenxi, but just feels that the sound insulation of this room is really impossible, and he can't buy it here after buying a house.
If you treat your child with pampering pain, people may not take you to heart, but if you give it, it will cause problems.
Xiao Qingrong still remembers that one of his daughters educated the child, and when the child was obsessed with not stopping it, it was crazy to give the child an idea to indulge the child, and even do other things.
Think about it. For example, if you like to read novels, you also like to play games, but your mother wants you to read novels, not let you play games, and then force you to read novels all day, do you still like it?
Although Xiao Qingrong did not approve of this kind of education, at this moment he had to admit that it is more useful to deal with bear children.
Don't you like anything? Whatever you like, just like it.
In this world, there is no such thing as never going back.
Thinking of this, Xiao Qingrong walked into his room with a beautiful look, then took a bath to sleep, and felt that the decoration of this house was not very good, so he might as well buy another house.
At 6 o'clock in the morning, the biological clock belonging to this body has begun to make noise. Xiao Qingrong got out of bed and saw a bearded man in the mirror. There is no way. The family without women is really messy, not just It is messy, and the clothes of this middle-aged man are really not aesthetic, which is not in line with Xiao Qingrong's aesthetic.
In addition, looking at his slack skin and eye wrinkles, Xiao Qingrong felt that he still needed to make money.
After packing himself, Xiao Qingrong went out to eat, bought a few things casually at a breakfast shop below, returned home after eating, and waited for his new nanny.
To say that the nanny No. 53 of Aijia Housekeeping Company, his name is Qiu Changming, is a person who is very gentle on the surface and actually likes vomiting. He is only 23 years old this year.
Before that, Qiu Changming learned to cook and wanted to be a cook, but found that he was not suitable for staying in the kitchen for a long time. Later, he entered the nanny market by mistake. After all, he could afford it. The babysitters are in good condition at home, so it is easy to clean up the room. If you have three meals a day, it will be easier to cook for simple people in the family.
It's been almost two months since the last job. Qiu Changming knows the requirements for male nannies in the market and has been working odd jobs recently. If it hadn't been spent before, the money is probably a place to live. No more.
That's right, Qiu Changming is not from the Acropolis. He rented a house in the Acropolis, which happened to happen. This house was rented not far from Xiao Qingrong's house. It took him only 20 minutes to walk.
Compared to the ignorant younger sister at the front desk, Qiu Changming knows that this is the place where those who have no money live in the Acropolis, as well as the old alleys where people like him who come to work from other places live. The average person is I can't afford him, such a nanny, a live-in nanny, a ten thousand salary ...
Although it was strange in my heart, Qiu Changming was still a more professional service staff, so he came directly to Xiao Qingrong's house early. At less than eight o'clock, he stood at the door of Xiao Qingrong's house, ringing the doorbell nervously. .
Hearing the door bell, Xiao Qingrong came to open the room door, and all he saw was a clean boy standing outside wearing white sportswear. He looked pretty white and smiled.
"You are Mr. Xiao, aren't you? Hello, I am employee 53 of Aijia Housekeeping Company. My name is Qiu Changming."
Seeing his employer, Qiu Changming hurried to show a smile, his smile can often make people relax their vigilance.
"Hello, come in, come in and talk."
Although Xiao Qingrong had no expression on his face, but after seeing Qiu Changming, he was speechless. After all, it was strange to see this kind of princely self-reliance going out to work, although he had done this kind of thing before.
That ’s right, this male nanny who came to work from a foreign country, this innocent looking young man, is not the kind of guy from the countryside that people call, the cooking is not learned in the New Oriental, but a serious prince, There are tens of billions of assets in the family.
Now I am searching for his father Qiu Tzu on the Internet. I am afraid I all know it. Today, the best philanthropist in China is also the earliest group of real estate enthusiasts in China. I lost the recipes at home. Later, the people of this autumn family will no longer do food business. Now even if it is a huge development, it is only real estate, industry and the like, and never touch the catering business.
But this is all before, Xiao Qingrong knows that it is this kid in front of him who will create a new catering field, and make all the dishes he has developed into a simple takeaway, harvesting the domestic market, and will also Those special meals were sold to the National Aviation Administration through special preservation methods, as well as the Navy.
Qiu Changming always feels that the employer is looking at himself, but he seems to be thinking too much. After all, he is so far away from home, and he has not been in the news. It is estimated that no one will recognize himself.
"Qiu Changming ... Good name, I have heard from your company about your personal conditions. Do you know the situation in my family?"
Xiao Qingrong looked at the child who was still having an awkward moment with his family. After Qiu ’s gambling, he no longer allowed his child to learn to eat, and he was not allowed to touch food-related things. So after 20 years, Qiu Changming successfully established his catering kingdom with his own efforts, and one of the drinks is known to the whole country.
"Mr. Xiao, don't worry, I knew it before I came here. You and your son are the only ones in your family. This is my cook ID. You can check it out."
Qiu Changming took out his own certificate and the company's contract. This contract must be signed. Otherwise, there is no legal effect. Regular nanny companies have it.
Xiao Qingrong picked it up and looked at it, as well as this nanny contract, I can rent a prince for 10,000 yuan, and my mood is even better. Now Qiu Changming should be alone for the sake of cooking. I was born with strength, and later I do n’t know why it started a chain restaurant business, but this did not prevent Xiao Qingrong from wanting to participate.
After all, if Qiu Changming was doing something, Xiao Qingrong felt that he could only lie on the money.
"Well, I've seen it. I don't need to call me Mr. Xiao in the future. I'm so much older than you. Just call me Brother Xiao. My son Xiao Chenxi, just call Chen Xi. I'll take you to see him later. . "
After the two talked about homework, they will sign a contract after re-comparison with them, which proves that Qiu Changming's work has officially started. Like this nanny, they need to pay a deposit to the nanny company in advance. The employer wants to pay, Qiu Chang Ming himself will also be out, so it is a guarantee for everyone.
After signing the contract, Xiao Qingrong took Qiu Changming to see his son, and he didn't know what happened to the son who was hungry all night.
Qiu Changming watched the employer take out the key before opening the door of his son's room, and felt that this was a bit strange. After entering, he saw that the dirty room was frowning suddenly, and thought he was going to clean the room. .
At this time, Xiao Chenxi's room was really messy, clothes were thrown everywhere, the table was full of snacks that had been eaten, and there was a mess on the bed, and there was a mess on the ground. I still fell asleep, and didn't know what I was going to experience.
Taking a look at Xiao Chenxi who was still sleeping, Xiao Qingrong thought of this broken child, let alone cleaning, and washing his underwear for his dad, is this still human?
He took the glass of water next to him and poured it on Xiao Chenxi's head politely.
Xiao Chenxi, who was screaming and waking up, was awakened by the cold water, almost instinctively shrinking, then opened his eyes, and began to wipe the water on his face. It took him a while to see his family. Daddy and a strange boy.
"Dad ... what are you doing?"
He complained, and lifted the wet quilt open, exposing that excessively white skin, and at a glance he knew that he was a person who would not go out for a long time.
Xiao Qingrong looked at the silly boy and laughed.
"Why? Look at your room messed up like this, and don't know how to clean it up? Would you like to eat today? If you want to eat, just clean up here, you can't clean up, you can't eat."
Xiao Chenxi only felt that the smile of his dad at this time was just the smile of the devil. He was suddenly locked in the room last night, and now he was cleaned up. It was just like being a person and letting Xiao Chenxi directly refute.
"I don't! Why do I clean up, usually you clean up, I don't care, I'm hungry, I want to eat."
He was not mad because he had stolen money at this time, only laziness and dependence on his father were taken for granted. He has been taken care of by his father since his mother died.
Xiao Qingrong felt that he was still very good-tempered, and the child was not saved.
"Okay, then you stay."
He finished speaking, and left Qiu Changming to exit the room. Just when Xiao Chenxi thought his father had compromised, he found that the door was suddenly locked again, and rushed to the door to shoot the door.
"Dad! You open the door! Why are you locking me !!!"
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