Chapter 429: Extra life

On the day Xiao Qingrong left, of course, no one came to see him. Some were only Captain Fang. He greeted a friend from the young management office and asked his friend to take care of Xiao Qingrong, because he got the results from the doctor. It has been proven that this child is now just a shoal of dragons and will fly to heaven someday.
A 14-year-old child can master a hand-knife so accurately that when it hurts a person ’s vocal tract without hurting his life, this is a test for many doctors, and Pei Chunze ’s The neat knife on the two hands is really not something that an ordinary child can do.
This is enough to prove the child's talent, and of course, in addition to that, it proves the child's intelligence.
Xiao Qingrong didn't care much about going to the Shaoguan. After all, he stayed alive, and when he left, the Xiao family was not necessarily good.
That's right, Xiao Qingrong's incident was finally passed on. The experimental junior high school knew that Xiao Qingrong's attack on Pei Chunze was because Pei Chunze had molested the students. So Xiao Qingrong took Pei Chunze to apologize in the third grade. Not only did no one think The victim was Qiu Mingyan, and they set their sights on Xiao Chengyu.
Xiao Qingrong is still in the school for almost a year. Everyone had never thought about what Xiao Qingrong had with Xiao Chengyu. After this relationship broke out because of police affairs, many people doubt whether Pei Chunze is. Xiao Chengyu first fought, and Xiao Qingrong did so in order to avenge his brother?
Otherwise, why is he just an ordinary junior student and how did he do that?
And remembering that when Xiao Qingrong had a parent meeting, there were never any parents, and Xiao Chengyu seemed to be very favored, so everyone felt that this family was strange, and the discussion of this matter in school was even more continuous.
Originally, when this happened, there were only two months left for high school exams. Xiao Chengyu had been working hard to prepare for the exam all day, but now he is caught in the strange eyes and discussions of his classmates.
He wanted to explain that it had nothing to do with him, but every time the students didn't listen to him.
In addition, Xiao ’s father and Xiao ’s mother are not much better. Although Pei Chunze ’s parents knew that his son did such a thing, he was sorry, but after the doctor ’s words, he knew that his son would be looked after in his life. Such excessive damage is of course subject to compensation. The final compensation awarded by the court was 280,000. Xiao's father and mother really didn't want to give it, but the law is so strict that you can't tolerate it.
After losing 280,000, Xiao ’s father, Xiao ’s mother, hated her, and found the place where Pei ’s father worked, and posted Pei Chunze ’s to the other ’s place of work. This incident led to Pei ’s Father lost his job. After all, who has no children these days? Hearing this abnormality of pedophilia, but it makes everyone feel terrible.
For two months, the Xiao family and the Pei family tortured each other. Pei Chunxiao had already left the house early and returned to school. She had no idea what happened to her parents, and the Xiao family was messed up because of this incident. The group, so young Xiao Mengmeng has been affected.
An elder brother in jail and an offender brother are enough to allow Xiao Mengmeng's classmates to turn on xenophobic mode.
In the end, Xiao Chengyu didn't get into the experimental high school he wanted to go to before, he was only able to go to an ordinary high school, and Xiao Mengmeng also changed schools. The Xiao family can spend a lot of money for these things. Yu Hui cursed Xiao Qingrong, but this had nothing to do with Xiao Qingrong.
Xiao Qingrong had a very good time in the Young Superintendent. The Young Superintendent is not as tight as a prison. Of course, the control of children is mainly education. As long as they are not so resistant, there is not much to do.
Because it was explained by Captain Fang that he had to take care of Xiao Qingrong, Xiao Qingrong's life has been going well since he entered the Young Guan. The captain of Fang secretly sent a thousand yuan each month, which is enough for Xiao Qingrong to be in the Young Guan. Have a great time.
Not only did he do well, he also grew taller and stronger.
What can change in two years? For others, it may feel pitiful for two years. Even if it is changed, it will probably not change much.
However, in the southwestern part of the school, there has been a great change. The children in the school originally had to work in addition to simple textbooks and occasionally work for the school. It subsidizes the pressure on money. After all, these young people also need money to eat and drink Lazarus. The parents detained these young people, but their parents did not give them a penny. They were all raised by the state.
And what changed when Xiao Qingrong came?
Most of the work done by the Young Management Institute is handicrafts. It looks ugly and doesn't seem to make money, but this is the thing, but it is exported to foreign countries. Generally, it is in the poorer and backward areas. , Can also make a lot of money after going abroad.
For example, most of these handicrafts were made by the old, the weak, and the sick, but Xiao Qingrong submitted a plan for the mechanization of handicrafts after touching it a few times. This plan looks strange, but The person who manages the young management office happens to be Captain Fang's old classmate. They have a good relationship. Naturally, they know Xiao Qingrong's intelligence.
At the request of Xiao Qingrong, the director of the Young Management Institute paid for his own spare materials for Xiao Qingrong, spending tens of thousands, and then less than a month, watching his materials become a complete machine, and then as long as Put in the parts of those handmade products, the machine has completed the automatic production process.
This machine is almost faster than humans, how many times do you know, a machine is at least 20 people!
The appearance of this machine changed Xiao Qingrong's position in the young management office. Don't look at him as a child, but he can invent and create, then he is called a scientist! The director of the Young Management Institute is not a fool. Of course, he knows the power of this thing. He also looked for the handicrafts, so he knows the value of this thing.
After the final exchange with Xiao Qingrong, with the reconciliation of the captain, the production of this machine was licensed to a place and sold for more than 80 million. So I swallowed the money, and secretly created a passbook for Xiao Qingrong with Captain Fang, and deposited 80 million in it, leaving only a fraction of himself.
I can make so much money at such a small age, and the director thinks that this will take a long time to develop!
About a place like a prison can develop people's brainpower. After all, people are too boring and will think wildly. For two years, Xiao Qingrong successively 'invented' a lot of things, from the simple devices at the beginning to the pockets that he later learned. He can only report to the country. By the time Xiao Qingrong is released from prison, he has eight patents, and each one can sell him hundreds of millions of dollars.
On the day Xiao Qingrong was released from prison, Captain Fang brought someone to pick him up. In addition to Captain Fang, there were some scientific researchers assigned by the country. In order to celebrate Xiao Qingrong's release from prison, they also provided Xiao Qingrong with special cars, special aircraft, and Villa in Shangjing.
You know, Xiao Qingrong now has the latest research results in hand, but it is the evolutionary hard disk of high-tech electronic computers.
"Congratulations, Qing Rong." Captain Fang looked at the child's achievements today and was grateful for his decision. He also felt that the couple was pitiful, as early as the first day when Xiao Qingrong's first huge patent was officially used by the country , Xiao Qingrong's account has been transferred, and now even counted to be a Beijinger.
"Well." Xiao Qingrong felt that he hadn't done research for a long time, and watching the birth of something in his hand was quite fun.
In this way, as soon as he was released from prison, he was sent to Beijing, but Qiu Mingyan missed the time he was released from prison. In the past two years, except for Captain Fang, Qiu Mingyan went to the Shaoguan each month. Calling and making money here is to make Xiao Qingrong's life better.
In a flash of time, ten years later, Xiao Chengyu, an adult, had just gone to ordinary high school and then went to an ordinary university because of rumors in his youth. Now, after graduating, he finds a normal job. The younger sister Xiao Mengmeng, the Xiao family, like many ordinary people, has been inactive and mediocre. They seem to have forgotten that there was another person in this family.
Xiao Qingrong met Qiu Mingyan again after many years.
I have to say that the ancients said it well, and the sky will descend to the Sri Lankan people. They must suffer their mentality and strain their bones. Qiu Mingyan is now two years older than Xiao Qingrong, but he is already the boss of an Internet company.
"I came to see you as promised, although ... it seems a bit late."
Qiu Mingyan recognized at a glance that the people around Xiao Qingrong were by no means ordinary people, and he already knew that the people he admired were probably more powerful than he had imagined. In such adversity, he could still live such a life. Like mortals.
"No, it's not too late. I've been looking forward to meeting you."
Xiao Qingrong shrugged and laughed, thinking of Pei Chunxiao who was married and had children, and then look at Qiu Mingyan who is now alone but owns a big company. They finally got out of the haze and started a new life.
Since then, the cooperation between the two has become smooth and smooth, and Qiu Mingyan once again realized the feeling of creating miracles from Xiao Qingrong.
When Xiao Qingrong was 30 years old, as a national scientific researcher, he first appeared in the news webcast, telling the progress and development of science. At that time, Xiao's father Xiao mother was old, Xiao Chengyu saw Xiao Qingrong on TV, only I feel familiar, but I can't remember who it is.
And Xiao Mengmeng finally remembered the second brother who never appeared in memory. She didn't dare to think, would this national researcher be the second brother?
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