Chapter 135: Old driver

"Oh! Just kidding, Chief Hu, don't mind. When Nie Yun told me that you wanted to see me, I asked him what he had to do with you. Then he answered me that way. In fact, I am still very serious. ! "Nie Yun was sitting in danger.
Oh, it was broken by that kid from Nie Yun! It turns out so ... It's weird! When you say this, can you change the funny expression on your face back to the smiling man first?
Say what kind of hi-tech your mask with emoji is! It is inexplicable to use this kind of place to spoil the good things!
Mechanical worm: "..." (spoiled ... spoiled ... spoiled ... oRz)
"Oh ... Oh! Speaking, Mr. Captain speaks Chinese fluently!" Captain Hu tried hard to ignore the powerful interference gas field brought by the funny man opposite, and he smiled and tried.
He looked at the other party's black hair, and he had some doubts about Captain Ghost's origin.
"This! Actually, language is my personal hobby. In addition to Chinese, I can also speak Hebrew, 叽里呱啦 & amp; ¥ # ...... and Indian, 叽里呱啦 & amp; ¥ # ...... Oh, I am also very Oracle proficient!"
Hu Jun looked at Nie Yun in a daze, what ... what?
Hebrew? Indian? And Oracle! ? It sounds like a flood of breath is coming!
Your hobby is so clear that I am also drunk!
"Of course! The main reason is that my mother is pure Chinese blood!" Nie Yun laughed.
Commander Hu almost didn't catch his breath! Co-authored, you were just showing off!
"Uh ... that's what it is!" Captain Hu, who responded to it, was pleased. It turned out that Captain Ghost could still be regarded as half a fellow! No wonder it is so friendly to our country, it seems that this time the task is hopeful!
Nie Yun smiled slightly as he looked at Hu Junchang, who had a bright expression on his face, and then added silently in his heart: Hmm! My father is also ...
"So Chief Hu, do you have any advice to see me?" Nie Yunzheng said with a smile, and the smile turned back instantly.
Seeing that Nie Yun finally put away his "funny" gas field, Hu Junchang was slightly relieved.
"Don't dare to teach, but we admire the strength of Mr. Captain, and want to establish some cooperative relations with you!" Captain Hu said sincerely.
"Oh! How do you want to cooperate?"
"Well, including the establishment of a certain alliance relationship, as well as internal technical exchanges!" Hu Jun said with discretion.
"Alliance? Technical exchange?" Nie Yun touched his chin for a moment.
"What kind of alliance relationship?" He asked, raising his head.
"Including non-aggression and conditional mutual support!" Hu Jun said in a long way. This alliance is a resolution made by the central government.
First of all, although Captain Ghost does not have an open force, but in several battles in the ghost waters, the powerful scientific and technological strength and extraordinary combat effectiveness have been enough for the country to treat it as a special regional force. !
Secondly, the surrounding environment of the country along the coast is not safe, and a sufficiently strong maritime alliance is urgently needed. The appearance of Captain Ghost is the right time!
Finally, it is natural to engage in diplomacy first, and then engage in technology ... Well, this is very important!
"Well, what about technical communication?"
"This ... we know that you have a very advanced technological level, and hope to exchange it with what you are interested in!" Hu Junchang looked at the other side expectantly.
"Do you want stealth technology? Electromagnetic weapon technology?" Nie Yun asked with a smile.
"Cough! If possible." Hu Junchang said very emboldened, how can this technology of pressing the bottom of the tank be so easy to get?
"Oh! I believe you also know that this possibility is not very big. Even if I gave it, how do you explain the source? And to be honest, these technologies involve one of our core technologies, and it is impossible to sell them out!"
Nie Yun did not lie. The two technologies, mechanical insect materials are essential. Without mechanical insect materials, leapfrogging technological progress is impossible to talk about!
But could Nie Yun sell mechanical bugs? Well, he has a conviction, really has this thief ...
Mechanical Bug: "..."
Chief Hu was not disappointed when he heard Nie Yun refused. After all, this was the normal reaction of the other party!
"So, I can promise an alliance relationship with you and maintain a certain tacit understanding with you!"
Hu Jun's face was overjoyed, but he did not expect that the other party would agree so readily!
"Also, although I cannot sell several core technologies, I can provide you with something else!"
"Oh! Please!" Hu Junchang's eyes lit up, and what the Captain Ghost shot was something extraordinary!
"First of all, detailed technical drawings of the F-35A and Izumo helicopter carrier!"
"Hiss!" Hu Junchang gasped.
These two things can be said to be the greatest weapon for the neon to contain rabbits. If they get their technical drawings, they will not only have a great reference for the construction of their own fighters and aircraft carriers, but also be able to target the performance characteristics of each other when the battle occurs Tactics, the threat of these two weapons to them will be reduced to a minimum!
If it is wartime, this may be a bargaining chip for a complete turnaround!
This thing weighs so much!
But why does the other party have such a thing? Hu Junchang was shocked that the center thought about turning around, and immediately thought of the disappearing shipwrecks and Nie Yun ’s previous ability to analyze the magical reverse engineering of Xiaolong! Could reverse R & D be the core technology of their forces?
"Second, I can provide you with a batch of the world's most sophisticated top-notch industrial mother machines!" Before Nie Jun had digested it, Nie Yun continued.
"Uh ..." Commander Hu completely froze.
Industrial machine? ! The most sophisticated in the world? !
What is an industrial machine? We can take a look at the complete process of industrial production.
First, low-precision industrial masters are produced from high-precision industrial masters, and low-precision industrial masters regenerate ordinary equipment and production lines, and ordinary equipment and production lines regenerate the products we need, such as automobiles and motorcycles.
Why do we always think the quality of imported products is good? Because their production line is more than ten years ahead of us, and their production line is better than us because their industrial mother machine is more than ten years ahead of us!
Because of the importance of industrial mother machines, foreign countries have been careful to maintain the technological gap with rabbits.
In this way, the rabbit had to buy foreign equipment, production lines, parts and components, but found that even the quality of the things produced by itself could not be better than imported goods.
Therefore, when you hear that Captain Ghost will provide the world's top batch of industrial mother machines, you will be completely disoriented!
In fact, there are two industrial master machine technologies, one is machining accuracy, and the other is NC program. Nie Yun expressed the difficulty of both!
"So, what do you want?" Hu Jun's eyes were red and he gasped.
"I want your nursing home!"
Chief Jun Hu tilted his head: "???
Raising ... a nursing home? ! What do you mean?
Nie Yun saw Commander Hu's doubts and explained.
"Oh, this sentence in Chinese I may not express very clearly, I mean, I want your old driver!"
Chief Hu: "..."
This is not a clearer Chinese. Give me the proficiency of traditional Chinese like Oracle.
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