Chapter 185: Do my best

Not only are the four major mining giants, the turmoil in the iron ore market has also attracted the attention of national forces.
After more and more official enquiry letters were sent, the flower-growers could not withstand such pressure, so they held a tripartite meeting with Nie Yun and Chu Group, and finally decided on the countermeasures ...
The negotiation process is probably like this.
Chief Jun: I ca n’t stand it anymore, what now?
Chu: It is best to find a reason to explain the source of iron ore.
Nie Yun waved his hand: Ann, I will send someone to solve it!
So, when everyone focused their attention on the mysterious island with a daily output of millions of tons, the Chu group as the party finally stood up.
Then, Chu's press conference was held ...
"Cough! Today, the journalist friends are called to announce an exciting news!" Chu Feng stood on the podium of the press conference and smiled to reporters from all over the world.
Because this matter has received widespread attention from around the world, this time not only the domestic major media coefficients are present, but foreign media from various countries have also sent reporters.
All the reporters were quietly waiting for Chu Feng to announce the so-called "exciting news." Chu Feng looked at the reporters of various countries and skin tones from the field, and he felt some emotion.
It didn't take long for Chu to become a star military industrial enterprise, the scale of which expanded several times, but it was already a company with world-class influence ...
When did it all start? Um ... that magic mug ...
"I believe you all know that our Chu Group recently cooperated with Atlantis, signed a long-term iron ore supply agreement, and established a deep strategic partnership ..." Chu Feng said.
Everyone's ears are erected, yes, we are here to listen to this today!
"Huh! What are the deep-level strategic partners, are there any strategic partners with hidden heads and tails?" At this moment, the audience suddenly heard a cold sneer with disdain.
Everyone in this room turned their heads in surprise. This ... The meaning of smashing the scene is very obvious!
When everyone saw the person speaking clearly, everyone understood that the white man had a kangaroo country ’s reporter ’s card on his chest.
To say that the Chu Group has sprung up and almost seized half of the Huajia iron ore market. Who is the most uncomfortable in the world is the kangaroo, but there are three major mining giants in its territory, and their interests are damaged. damage!
In addition, the various consortium forces that control the four major mining companies also hate Chu's teeth, and this reporter has secretly received the benefits and is going to discredit Chu's at the press conference today. And this "Atlantis company"!
The Australian Daily reporter is full of confidence in today ’s mission. It is really about the mysterious "Atlantis company". That is really too much.
First of all, it has not been registered in any country in the world ... absolutely black!
Even if it ’s a small company, it ’s called a house, but you are on the front page of the major media, and you have appeared in front of the people of the world. I also recognized it! Can you take a dim sum!
Secondly, it is a Sanwu company with no company website, no customer service phone, no office location, and only a bare name ... the important thing is that even the name is infringed on it!
I thought people could use their names casually when they were sinking? Can I call Afanggong when I build a building tomorrow?
The last thing is even more strange is that things are in full swing, and this company has not even stood up to show its face!
I heard that there is a shell company, can Nimei also have a nest company? !
The reporter sneered in his heart that today's remuneration for this task is simply given away, not that our side is too strong, but that the enemy is too good! With my unshakable tongue, today I will let you go to this press conference!
"Hey! You guys, talk to me and be careful. What does it mean to hide your head? Be careful of my peelyou!" Everyone just waited to watch a good show. A tall man in a suit and leather suit sitting on the VIP seat next door suddenly opened Road.
Both of them just spoke Eagle language, but the provocative sentence in the previous sentence was okay, and the accent in the latter sentence was not pure. Many foreign journalist friends didn't understand it.
Peelyou? What do you mean? Everyone turned their heads in confusion and looked at the person who was speaking.
I saw that this man looked like a tiger with his back on his back, his head was tight, and the suit he was wearing was stretched tightly. That figure was as good as Governor Arnold's.
At the moment he was sitting on the guest seat on the rostrum, quite uncomfortable. He stretched his hand and pulled the tie on the neck collar. The reporter of the Australian Daily watched this action jumped in his heart.
This Chu would not have known that someone was going to smash the field. Did this even find the thug?
"Master, what does peelyou mean?" A rookie reporter from People's Daily asked the master next to him.
"I don't even know, I ask you, what does peel mean?" The old reporter, the old god, said.
"Peel the apple," replied the rookie.
"What's that peelyou connected to?"
"Cut ... cut you?" The rookie said with a stunned expression, how could Eagle's words be used that way?
"Hum! This is called home advantage ..." The older reporter looked at the foreign friends who were still confused all around, with a sense of superiority.
On the rostrum, the man on the back of the tiger had just finished speaking, "Crack!" The ground came to the back of a head from the side.
"How did I just tell you that I told you to talk less? How can we represent the boss now? How can we be so rude!" The person next to me was so fierce, but he looked fierce and looked at the reporter more than before Not good!
The temperament of these two people and the suit on their bodies are simply out of tune. Someone just noticed that these two guys are very uncoordinated with the atmosphere of the live conference.
"Cough! These two are the spokespersons of" Atlantis "." Chu Feng reluctantly introduced to everyone, causing a lot of uproar and flashing off lights.
Looking at the two brothers who were involuntarily flexing their muscles in the face of the flashing lights, Chu Feng lamented. Can't Nie Yun send me some reliable guys?
But she didn't know that Nie Yun had indeed sent the most reliable man under him!
In addition to the two brothers, he also has a smart brain who is looking for an evolutionary path. If it is sent, this press conference ... Well ... it should become a product conference ...
Hmm ... there is also a Hobbit who just joined the brain ... then it will become a race conference ...
As for Ermao ... this kind of adult theater is not suitable for children ...
Oh yeah, there is a little octopus here, but only if everyone can use the word "Poo Poo" to communicate, it would be nice to use it as a company mascot ...
Well, Nie Yun said he really did his best ...
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