Chapter 193: I want to have a daughter

Earth orbit.
The main muzzle of the Sea Wolf slowly opened, and a high-speed projectile of only 1,000g was silently shot, and then it slowly adjusted its attitude again, and rotated the second one after about 120 degrees!
The two small mechanical insect projectiles accelerated through the main gun and flew toward the two Lagrange points of L4 and L5 at an initial speed of 2000 kilometers per second.
Due to the two-point orbital movement, they are expected to reach two target points in about 10 hours.
Regardless of whether there are really alien detectors there, Nie Yun was extremely careful this time.
In order to be as concealed as possible, he did not use the propeller to accelerate the two projectiles, and the abnormal speed or orbit would increase the chance of exposure.
In addition, he also disguised the appearance of the two projectiles, and from the outside it looked like a gray, bumpy miniature asteroid.
At the same time, Nie Yun used all his observation equipment including the Seawolf and the "Eagle Eye Scout" and "Space Spy" gradually spreading throughout the solar system to omnidirectionally target the two Lagranges L4 and L5. Long distance detection at day.
The results are not surprising, and all detection methods, such as optical, thermal imaging, and radio, have not found any abnormalities.
Nie Yun was not disappointed. If it was so simple, then he would be disappointed with "B Star Man". But originally he did not intend to find this little mouse in a conventional way.
"Just look at this net, can you really find something interesting!" Nie Yun murmured as he looked at the two small spots on the light screen that were moving away.
"Look, what is that ?!"
The exclamation in the newsletter made Smith, who was operating the mining equipment in full concentration, look up at the sky in the distance, and there was a red beam of light rising slowly away.
Soon afterwards ... "Boom!" Seven times of slight vibrations came from that direction.
"What happened there? Meteorite impact?" David walked up to Smith and wondered.
"It's not clear, but the red beam just now ... it's not like a meteorite impact! I have a feeling, it must have been made by the ghost captain again! A lot of strange things have happened to the moon recently ..." Smith said.
"Bizarre? We are all attached to a group of robots, and we ran to the back of the moon, can there be more bizarre than this?" David smiled bitterly.
"Yeah ... It's really like a dream! But soon, this dream should be awake!" Smith smiled and looked at the hot and hot subordinates of Zhenggan.
In the past two days, after their hard work in mining, they have earned more than 2,000 unlimited coins, and all have been exchanged for various mining equipment.
Although they are not professional mining personnel, the exchanged mining equipment is basically a fool-type operation, which requires little manual intervention to complete the operation, so the efficiency is increasing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. Now they can do it in a day Earn more than 500 unlimited coins.
Although, on average, everyone earns less than 5 points per day, they obviously have seen the amazing development potential of this mining model.
With highly automated mining methods, a single person can manage a large area of ​​the mine. Afterwards, this efficiency can be expanded by snowballing, so they are very confident of going home. Of course, what is the code name? ? ? Of unlimited coins really works.
But how do I think these guys are doing more hard than yesterday? Smith was puzzled.
"Lieutenant Colonel, I don't know if I should say ..." David suddenly stopped talking.
"What's the matter?" Smith asked.
"Recently, someone tried to exchange $ 1 with his unlimited currency at hand, and then he received his bank transfer reminder ..."
"What?" Smith froze, and then got excited. "This is a good thing, which shows that we are not really in a different world! We still have contact with the earth! Haha!"
"That's right, but because of this, as the role of Infinitecoin is more and more affirmed, one thing happened today ... you remember that there is a wish in the Infinitecoin exchange list given by Zhinao Class options? "
[Wishes: Say your wishes! (Charge by work)】
"Well? There is indeed this thing, but the last time I tried to make a wish to kill Captain Ghost, that wisdom brain actually offered me (∞-1) unlimited coins!
Nimei, when I haven't studied math! ? Isn't special (∞-1) not ∞? "
(∞: infinite symbol)
David: "..."
Hello, what makes you think that the brains created by Captain Ghost will be stupid enough to issue a currency and then let others use the currency they issued to buy themselves to kill their masters ...
"Cough! Colonel, do you remember Sergeant Mattia?" David said seriously.
"Of course, I remember the names of everyone on Florida! This guy has been serving in Florida for three years, is he a great guy! Why are you asking this?"
"The lieutenant colonel should have heard that he had a younger sister who was blind in a car accident ..."
"Well! I know, it's ... Alice!
Mattia had more than once boasted in front of everyone how cute and sensible his sister was. I once asked my wife to visit her in the hospital. My wife said that it was an angel-like girl, but ... Eh? Wait, what do you mean? "Smith said half of the reaction came, surprised.
"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel! Mattia made a wish, wishing her sister to regain the light!" David said seriously.
"and then?"
"The price given by Zhinao is ... 10000 unlimited coins!"
"What ?!" Smith stunned.
Not surprised that the price is too high, but ... too low!
Smith has roughly calculated that if a person mines resources in accordance with their efficiency in exchange for unlimited coins, after deducting various losses, they can earn 10,000 points in about 3 months!
That is to say, it only takes 3 months to mine the mine in exchange for baby sister to regain the light?
Lying! Then you can calculate for me a few months to change my sister directly?
With such good things, there is probably only one profession left in the world, that is miners!
Then immediately, Smith reacted, turning his head to look at the hardworking men ...
Nimei! No wonder they are so desperate today!
But if this thing really works ...
"Cough! Zhinao, how much unlimited coins do I need to have a daughter?"
This is the common wish of him and his wife, but unfortunately, it has not been realized for many years. With the idea of ​​trying not to lose a lot of meat, he vowed.
"Di! After the calculation, according to your wishes, you need to perform transsexual surgery on you first, then perform DNA screening and artificial insemination, and then take care of the baby from October to confinement. Just 998! "
Smith: "..."
998 Nimei! Was this wishing machine lost? Hurry up and listen to people and report a normal value like 10000!
Is it because of my previous wish that it was targeted? It must be? !
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