Chapter 213: Charging principle

The core area of ​​the 13th district.
Nie Yun's avatar stood in front of the gravitational bomb in a dull expression.
Although the appearance of this gravitational bomb looks exactly the same as before, there are three more silver spiders inside, and it starts to "click" and search around the complex line.
Once he encountered a device that Nie Yun could not parse the principle, he went up to eat it directly, and then quickly reconstructed the device again, and then the little spider continued to search for the next valuable goal ...
Based on the research data of the United States, Nie Yun's analysis speed on peripheral devices is very fast. About ten minutes later, three small spiders will converge in front of the most critical spherical control core.
"Now is the time for the main course!" Under Nie Yun's order, they all turned into liquids, parthenocissus attached to the core, and began to erode vigorously. The three silver dots slowly spread out on the spherical core ...
The general principle of the force field shield is a high-energy gravitational sublayer, which can effectively prevent the intrusion of energy and matter, and force the attack to bypass the target.
From the perspective of wave-particle duality, radio waves actually belong to an energy particle, which is within the shielding range of the shield, so the bomb installed in the United States cannot receive the detonation signal at all.
But Nie Yun's means of communication with the mechanical worm was significantly higher than that of radio communication. After confirming that the mechanical worm entered the shield and was still under his own control, Nie Yun was greatly relieved.
Obviously, this layer of high-energy graviton has not been able to isolate the connection between itself and the mechanical worm, so the result is already doomed.
An hour later, Nie Yun was shocked and regained consciousness.
"Fix it!" Nie Yun snapped his fingers, and the shield suddenly appeared, then flickered and disappeared slowly!
At this time, I saw a large silver spider suddenly drilled from the bomb, crawled to Nie Yun's feet, and then fell into his shoe upper.
After recovering the mechanical worm, the shield is regenerated. This gravitational bomb seems to be the same as before, and the countdown at this time is left ... 12 hours!
Nie Yun turned away with a satisfied smile, and ignored the super bomb.
He passed the observation room where the Minister of Defense was unconscious, but instead of staying, he went directly to the core host room in the 13th district!
A few minutes later, Nie Yun was already standing in front of the control host in the 13th district. He pulled a cable from his body and connected it to the external port of the host. Then a large number of mechanical worms poured in and began to devour the secrets in the copy host information.
As the secret base for the study of aliens and alien technology in the United States, the 13th District not only includes a large amount of analysis data and intelligence for aliens, but the scientific research talents here are also top-notch in the world!
In addition to the research information about gravitational ray weapons, there are many derivative technologies and weapon technologies, including laser weapons, electromagnetic weapons, traditional thermal weapons, as well as material technology, iT technology, space observation technology, gravity conjecture application, etc. ... almost can be said to be the top technology of the whole country.
In addition, there is another very attractive dish ...
Just as the mechanical worm invaded the host, a computer next to it suddenly lit up under the control of the mechanical worm, and then the dazzling operation interface flashed quickly, and finally stayed at a login interface.
And the interface is awesomely written: The National Security Archives Database of the United States!
Yes, the host here has a connection port with the National Security Agency of the United States! And this is the delicacy stared by Nie Yun!
After Nie Yun's series of electronic intrusions and password cracking, a prompt finally appeared on the interface.
"Login ... please perform fingerprint verification for the authorized person!"
Nie Yun's silver light circulated in his hand, and then he pressed his palm on the fingerprint verifier next to it.
"Drip! Verification passed, please authorize the iris verification!"
The pupil in Nie Yun's eyes contracted a bit, and then he pointed his eyes at the scanner.
"Drip! Verification passed, welcome you, Your Excellency Minister of Defense!" The system sent a prompt to log in successfully.
"Hey!" Nie Yun smirked.
Why does he have the fingerprint and iris of the Minister of Defense?
At the location of the crater, Nie Yun and the Minister of Defense once shook hands, so the fingerprints were there ...
Before stunning everyone, Nie Yun had a love scene with the Minister of National Defense ... Uh, no! There was an eye contact, so the iris also had ...
From the beginning, Nie Yun has been playing with his little abacus. After all, this kind of opportunity for others to lead the wolf into the room is rare.
Although Nie Yun can invade a national-level database through hacking, it is not a physical intrusion after all. If a large amount of data is copied, only a large amount of abnormal data flow will definitely be discovered in the first place.
With the account of the highest authority of the Minister of Defense, the situation is different.
The movement caused by a wolf running into the flock is very different from that of a wolf in sheep's clothing ...
Nie Yun has been staring at this for a long time. This opportunity is rare. How could he let it go?
To know that the country's scientific and technological information is to Nie Yun, it is a key piece in the earth science and technology puzzle!
With a slight smirk, Nie Yun began his own feast of feasts as the highest-level authority of the Minister of National Defense ...
"Citizens' personal information file of the US credit reporting agency? Well, I did a background check in the future ... download!"
"Huh?" Prism "monitoring plan II? Gee! Great shady ah, great shady! Do you want to go all the way to black? You must download! Dare to be naughty and expose you!"
"Sky and sky mothership construction plan? Generous! Worthy of being Laomi, ambitious! Download and download!"
"List of major technological breakthroughs in 2018 ... Drawings of shipboard electromagnetic weapons ... Quantum Communication Research Report ... yo? Wreck on ghost warships? Evil evidence! Must keep files!"
Nie Yun copied a large amount of information while searching quickly.
Although many of them are information and planning materials, and there are few scientific and technological contents, but the scientific and technological information that can be stored in the national security database with the highest level of confidentiality, each of which is a fine product, Nie Yun is quite satisfied with this harvest.
Nie Yun said that she feels guilty when she enters other people's home and eats and drinks before leaving.
I have helped you to dismantle the bomb, in other words, it saved your family! Don't you say Yongquan tells me, I should always charge a service fee, right?
As for how much? Nie Yun said that even if he opened a black shop, the charges would be clearly priced, Tongsuo no bullying!
It ’s not a lobster at 8888 or a bottle of red wine at 88888. His charging principle is only one-I want as much as you have ...
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