Chapter 217: Two conjectures and border lines

Earth orbit.
"Oh ~" A channel was opened at the lower abdomen of the Seawolf. An invisible small shuttle gradually emerged and slowly entered the Seawolf, then the channel was closed, and the Seawolf re-invisible and escaped into the void.
Nie Yun came down from the shuttle and floated all the way back to the captain's room. He just sat on the captain's chair and engulfed the two alien probes. It was just near the end. He immediately began to digest the two probes with all his strength. .
Unsurprisingly, the central control core and data storage device of the two detectors did not encounter the one-millionth chance of being unlucky and was destroyed by the atomic cutting line!
After analysis, there is not much data stored in the detector, and the other party is obviously not stupid enough to put any confidential information in two ordinary detectors.
Under the analysis of massive computing power, Nie Yun soon got the first harvest-"Diary of Earth Civilization Observation"!
This Earth Observation Diary contains a lot of content, including the development and changes of large-scale urban agglomerations of the earth, energy explosion levels, large-scale geological changes, radio communication monitoring data, spacecraft trajectory records and other information captured by the detector during 13 years.
These intelligence contents did not surprise Nie Yun too much. They are mainly necessary materials for judging the progress and threat of the earth's civilization.
What Nie Yun did not expect was that in addition to these data, the most collected data by the detector was not Earth-related data, but unexpected social sciences, humanities, art, philosophy, and ... entertainment film and television? !
"I'm going! Is it because these gangs of aliens have been peeping into the earth for so long, just want to watch alien soap operas?" Nie Yun was stunned.
what is this? An artistic pursuit that spans civilization?
Then Nie Yun found a document that seemed to explain this phenomenon. The name of this document was-"Earth civilization sample collection data and self-destructive tendency information"!
After reading the contents of this report, Nie Yun had a rough guess about the practice of Gemini civilization.
Imagine that if the earth is unified, there is only one unified regime, and after a long period of development into the era of interstellar navigation, without the threat of large external threats, then in addition to the stability of internal power and technological development, the ruler considers The most important thing is the continuation of civilization!
Regarding the development and destruction of civilization, even in the unresolved human society, there has been extensive discussion.
In addition to the apocalyptic disaster that an asteroid hits the earth, there are actually many crises that come from within civilization!
For example, there has been more than one nuclear crisis in history. The finger pressed on the nuclear button only needs to be moved lightly. The historical wheels are a little joke, and human civilization will draw a rest.
Another example is a sudden virus leak as described in a biohazard crisis, or a possible artificial intelligence riot crisis in the future. There are too many ways of self-destruction in the development of earth civilization!
Some people even pessimistically believe that the civilization of the earth is moving forward on a tightrope, and will fall into the abyss with little attention.
Even earth civilization, a low-level civilization that has not yet stepped out of its native planet, is still so. What about the more developed Gemini civilization?
Theoretically, the way they die in death should be more than the earth!
Will there have been many crises of civilization destruction within them? Will there be a small incentive to destroy the entire civilization?
Think of it this way, science and technology are so lagging behind the civilization of the earth, what is it worth observing the Gemini civilization for so long to obtain?
The answer is-a sample of civilization development!
This includes the development route of civilization, the merits of racial characteristics, the cause of civilization destruction, etc. These things can provide a great reference for the development of a civilization.
Using copper as a reference, you can dress up. Taking people as a guide, you can see the gains and losses. Taking history as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall. So if there is a development process of civilization as a reference, can our own civilization take fewer detours? Avoid some minefields?
Even an excellent ideological trend or idea within a civilization will have an inestimable future impact on the development of civilization.
Just like ideological greats such as Confucius, Marx, Plato, and Aristotle, did their ideology influence the entire process of civilization development?
Perhaps in the eyes of Gemini civilization, the most precious thing about earth civilization is not the hard power in science and technology, but the soft power in this civilization?
And the channel to study the soft power of civilization is precisely the field of culture, art and entertainment that we do not value.
At least it cannot be denied that most of the human thoughts are already included in the massive film and television entertainment works in the world! Not to mention anything else, just to say that today's online novels are in an explosive state.
Through these works, either realistic or artistically processed, alien civilization can roughly restore a complete human society and even their civilization ideas!
Of course, the above are just full of Nie Yunjie's exercises, a more serious conjecture.
He also has a lower bound, more unconscionable conjecture ...
Perhaps ... the other party collected so much information on film and television entertainment, in fact, to promote the development of this civilized entertainment industry?
After all, things like cultural creativity have little to do with the level of technological development.
As a chestnut, we can imagine that if an entertainment company on Gemini can get a sample of an Earth movie that the planet has not seen, what will happen?
A movie that costs a lot of money and needs to hire a screenwriter, director, and post-production team. Now you can copy it with a beautiful face and an avatar, plus a program ape can be released directly! Where to find such good things?
Even if Gemini is a member of the Alliance of Civilizations, you can also engage in the export of the entertainment industry! This is a good thing to earn a lot of extra money without effort!
As for the copyright fee of the earth? Can you still go to Gemini to defend rights?
So is it difficult for an entertainment company that can continuously obtain such movie samples to make a fortune?
According to this speculation, this may be a kind of cultural asset plunder, and it is on a first-come-first-served basis!
Imagine that when human civilization joins the universe family, it suddenly finds ...
Huh? Why did the author of the Analects become a cat star? !
Huh? The anxious singer is a Wang Xingren? !
Then the tragic earth people found that the copyrights of these works have already been registered in the "General Administration of Galaxy Entertainment Culture Industry", even if you use it yourself, it will be infringed by the defendant!
Then, if you teach your children to recite the Analects, or just relax with a word of anxiety, but you still have to pay copyright taxes to the Meow Stars or Wang Xingren, what kind of mood would it be?
"Alas! It seems that the defense and intellectual property protection of the entertainment culture industry also needs to be strengthened! Nimei, the war against the Gemini civilization is too passive! This borderline is too long ..." Nie Yun sighed helplessly.
Mechanical Bug: "..."
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