Chapter 223: Alien weaknesses (two in one)

In District 13 of the United States, the countdown to the bomb was less than half an hour.
"Just think about it, is there any way to stop this bomb!" The district chief snapped the table and shouted at a researcher in front of him.
"This ... we tried our best. If we can give us more time, maybe ..."
"Give you time? Who will give it? The aliens?" The district chief interrupted his airway directly.
After the bomb was discovered, all the top scholars in the whole country were called up urgently to analyze the gravitational bomb, but the time was too short, so far they still have no idea about cracking the shield.
"K, calm down, there must be a way, what's the situation with Captain Ghost?" Jay next to him said.
"We are making uninterrupted contacts, but we haven't been able to reach you! That guy, wouldn't he be deliberately playing us?" The district chief said bitterly.
"It shouldn't be. Although we are not friendly, at least the aliens are on the same front line. Watching the demise of mankind does not do him any good!"
I do n’t know why, Jay always feels what happened during their coma, and he does n’t believe Captain Ghost will just let it go.
No matter from which point of view, giving up humanity is a strategic mistake, so he is very determined that unless Captain Ghost is really powerless, he will definitely shoot!
But others did not have such strong confidence in Captain Ghost.
"Ah! It's less than half an hour before the countdown. It's this time. What's the use even if I'm in touch? Captain Ghost is so great, what can such a short time be used for?"
I have evacuated people urgently. The further away from the bomb, the higher the chance of survival.
In addition, the White House has already started preparing for a press conference. They plan to make the news public. At this stage, there is no longer any need to hide.
Humanity, after all, will usher in a catastrophe ... "the district chief said with some despair.
As the countdown approached, the country that had expected it had no hope for a successful bomb dismantling at this moment, and planned to hold a press conference as a human representative to ring the bell of the end of the world to the world.
"Have a press conference? But ..." Jay froze at the news, and he just wanted to say something.
At this moment, "District Leader! There is news from Captain Ghost!" At this moment, someone beside him shouted.
"What? Finally contacted? Get over here soon!" The district chief and Jay heard the spirits.
"Sir Captain Ghost! I am the head of the 13th district, thank you! Thank you so much!" After the communication was connected, the district chief was a little thankful when he came up with some excitement.
As for what he thanked, the district chief said that there are many things. For example, I thank you for not giving up humanity. For example, I also thank you for rushing back to the service area in your busy schedule ...
"Uh, huh! Hello Mr. District Governor!" Still the familiar metal tone.
"There isn't much time left, I won't have more politeness. Excuse me, that bomb ..." The mayor hurriedly counted down.
"Well, rest assured, we have parsed out how the bomb works!" Captain Ghost's first words shocked everyone.
"So ... is there a way to crack it?" After asking the sentence, the district chief awaited the opposite answer with nervousness and expectation!
"Oh! Of course ... there is!"
"Is this ... really?" Suddenly the surprise came, and the district chief's voice shuddered.
"Of course! And it's very simple, you only need 3 minutes and 47 seconds to solve the bomb!"
What? 3 minutes 47 seconds?
Everyone's face is weird, can you still be accurate to the second? Is it a timer?
The head of the district was even more excited, "So ... how?"
"Remember the sonic power that I sent out before?"
"Of course I remember!" How can I forget that I am still dizzy and sick! The head of the district slandered.
"Well, that's actually a test method for me, and it really made me find the key!" Nie Yundao.
"Test? You mean ... The method of cracking is related to the sound wave?" Jay reacted quickly and surprised.
"Good! Shortly after starting to attack the shield, I found out that there is actually something that can penetrate the shield ... that is Sonic! So, we don't need to attack the shield to destroy the bomb!"
"Um ... indeed! We also found out that unlike electromagnetic waves, sound waves are mechanical waves, and the force field shield does not interfere with the penetration of sound waves.
But we have tried sound waves of various frequencies, their lethality is too weak, it is good for creatures, it has no effect on this mechanical target! "The district head wondered.
"Oh! The method you tried is wrong. You need a more tortuous scale and a more penetrating and infectious rhythm!" Nie Yun smiled mysteriously.
More tortuous scale?
More penetrating and contagious rhythm?
Everyone's face is blank, are you sure we are talking about how to dismantle the bomb?
Ten minutes later, the area where the bomb was placed has been cleared, and the surrounding area is filled with all the audio equipment that can be found in the 13th district.
At the moment, there are fifteen minutes left in the countdown!
"All attention, the sound reinforcement equipment is turned on, the volume is turned to the maximum! Play ... start!" With the command of the district chief.
"A ... a .... a ... a .. oh! A ... a .... a ... a .. oh eh! Ah is the younger brother, Ah is the knife, Ah is the big one Raise the sword.
Ah yi yo, ah yi yo, Adi can bring one belt one belt one he can bring one belt one knife, one belt one belt one belt one he can bring one belt one knife, ah Yiah Yo ... "
Mayor: "..."
Jay: "..."
Everyone: "..."
The whole underground area echoed with strange music! The huge sound waves make eardrums hurt.
The total length of the song is 3 minutes and 47 seconds, and everyone understands where the time for the bomb dismantling of the ghost captain has come to the second ...
The tension and anxiety that the bomb is about to explode seem to be dispelled by this out of place song. The entire 13 districts are shrouded in a very inexplicable atmosphere, and everyone has a weird face ...
Indeed, as Captain Ghost said, it has a tortuous scale and a very penetrating and infectious rhythm ...
But ... always feel that we are like a fool like this ...
"Hey! Is this really effective?" The mayor endured the blue muscles on his forehead.
And regardless of the song that makes it difficult to evaluate, use music to deal with aliens, is this script sure to get it right?
"That's what it is! Is the truth always hidden in obscure corners? It's so unexpected to me!" Jay looked excited, and seemed to have a lost faith in Captain Ghost.
"What do you have in mind?" The district chief's eyelids jumped.
"You know, I have heard this song before! The ghost in the air once played this music in the battle against the F-35 in the ghost sea.
I have specially studied the air ghost body, as the only fighter unit of the ghost captain who has ever been born, there is no doubt that this is an advanced unimaginable super drone!
Let's consider it as the main force-type fighter of Captain Ghost.
Its ultra-high maneuverability, ultra-high flight speed, combat performance, and strong terrible automated combat intelligence! Even the F-22 is far from comparable!
Then you think about it, such an advanced drone, every inch inside must be so compact and precise that ordinary people cannot imagine it! But you still have to waste precious internal space with seemingly useless audio speakers? Why is that? "
"Huh? You say that, it's really suspicious! After all, something like a fighter plane is not something you want to add. It must be designed and finalized before it can be produced. That is to say, in the original design, they joined. External audio equipment?
However, why should the ghost captain's fighter plane be equipped with audio? Does it have any effect? "The district head wondered.
"Oh! You forgot, Captain Ghost's main enemy, but not human ..." Jay listened to the music that seemed to make people fall into it, his voice quietly.
"It's not human ... Do you want to say that this stereo is used to deal with aliens ?!" The head of the district had difficulty channeling.
"Why is it impossible? Targeting different enemies for their weapons is not a basic military common sense?
Moreover, we do n’t know anything about aliens and their weapons and equipment, and even a bomb ca n’t be completely cracked. How can we know that the other party ’s weaknesses ... are not the kind we did n’t expect at all About something? "
"You mean ... Aliens, or their weapons and equipment, will be restrained by music?" The district chief widened his eyes, his face unbelievable.
"No, didn't you just hear Captain Ghost say? It's not ordinary music, but this tortuous scale, very penetrating and inspiring rhythm! I think this song may contain unique sound changes. , That's the key!
Why do n’t you mention this song when you are fighting in the air ghosts, but if this time, this song can really crack the bomb, then it means ... it is really different!
Perhaps ... it ’s not an exaggeration to call it a human ‘Divine Comedy’! Jay listened to the sound of music intoxicated, as if listening to the loud horn of human counterattack against aliens.
After listening to Jay ’s analysis, the district governor was stunned for a while, and then he recovered. Then suddenly, the unbearable magic sound in his ears seemed to be more pleasant, as if writing it, it is a gospel from heaven. , Began to wash his mind ...
Some of the staff next to them looked at the head of the district and Jay with some surprise. Their expressions of enjoyment and the people around them were simply out of tune!
strange? Why did the two just still have an unbearable look, and enjoyed it while chatting?
Is there another mystery in this tune? In fact, it belongs to a kind of extremely sound music of the late period? Everyone could not help thinking about the mood.
Not to mention, although it is a little difficult to accept at first glance, it really feels enchanting when listening.
Everyone in the room was immersed in a strange state of comprehension ...
And for almost a second, just after the music ended, the bomb over there began to change dramatically in the eyes of everyone's infinite surprise!
"Zi Zi ~" The blue arc penetrated from the inside, crackled on the shell of the bomb, the shield flashed twice and went out directly, then the electric awn became brighter and brighter ...
"Not good! Get down!" Jay saw the situation was wrong, and after shouting, he directly pressed the district governor next to him and fell on the spot!
His voice just fell, a loud noise of "Boom!", The bomb exploded violently, the glass of the observation window shattered directly, the glass splashed, and the huge air wave made everyone feel like suffocation.
After a long time, when everyone got up from the mess, they found that the bomb was already in a fire!
"I ... am I still alive?" "The bomb was destroyed! It did not explode!" "Oh yeah! Saved!" "Haha! Long live Divine Comedy! I love Divine Comedy!" ...
Everyone found that the crisis was lifted, and suddenly cheers came!
The mayor looked at the bomb that had disappeared with the rest of his life and inconceivable. It seemed that he could not accept that just one song killed the great crisis that could destroy humanity?
Then he turned to look at Jay in a daze. "Is this ... finished?"
"The facts are in front of us, it's an incredible alien, an unfathomable ghost captain!" Jay sighed and patted the dust on his body.
"Unexpectedly, the alien's nemesis turned out to be a tune !? This is really ... right! I'm going! My bomb!" The head of the district was half moved with emotion, suddenly remembering something, and couldn't help looking at the sea of ​​fire.
"Stop, stop! Don't howl! Come and rescue the bomb for me! How much can be saved! Hurry!" The district chief shouted in pain.
This was the reaction of everyone. This gravitational bomb was a precious research object and ran to the fire fighting equipment in a panic.
"Looking like this, it is estimated that there is nothing left!" Jay shook his head at the explosion scene, but it was a pity.
"Alas ... the biggest secrets of the 13th district are all ruined, and it will be even more difficult to get funds in the future ..." The district chief was entangled, and the joy of just surviving suddenly disappeared.
"Cough! It's estimated that there is another thing that is more anxious than the funds!" Jay said suddenly.
"Huh? What?" The district chief puzzled.
"Press conference ..." Jay Youyou reminded.
The district chief slowly widened his eyes.
Lying! Yup! The press conference is being held! The spokesperson of the United States is giving generously, ringing the bell of the end of mankind!
Although the current situation is critical and the impact is bad, at least it can still end. The big deal is a rogue saying that it is a rumor, but if you wait for the press conference ...
The bell of the end sounded, but it didn't come, then ...
The end-to-end turmoil of the self-directed and self-directed performance of the United States of America will become an outright global joke!
Perhaps the history book of Ten Thousand Years will evaluate this incident as follows: This is an organized and premeditated, well-planned, serious and serious anti-social and anti-human political event. Its main persons involved include the Minister of National Defense of the United States and the head of the 13th District ...
Thinking about it, the mayor of the forehead, who is only one step away from the smelly years, suddenly burst into cold sweat ...
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