Chapter 233: Exposed

In countries all over the world, whether it is for-profit or non-profit, demonstrations are basically required to be reported.
Such a large-scale march has naturally attracted some attention from intelligence agencies of various countries. However, even the election of the President of the United States has millions of people marching to protest. This time humanity has almost perished. Is it normal for the public to vent their dissatisfaction?
As far as the United States is concerned, it is not a big deal to have hundreds of parades each year! In this regard, even the governments of various countries have already anticipated and made relevant plans.
Among these march applications, some protested that the government had concealed the truth, and some protested that the politicians and tycoons were first rescued by the government during the crisis. Even those who protested the aliens ’brutal temperament, but the most appealed to humanity to unite against the alien .
At the beginning, the countries only increased their police force as much as possible to ensure that there would be no disturbances. Apart from the large scale of the march, they did not notice any abnormalities.
On the second day, large-scale demonstrations broke out on schedule in all states and counties of the United States, and the scale was unprecedented!
The central squares of all major cities are basically occupied. Demonstrators held up various colors of signs and slogans, shouted various slogans and walked through the main streets of the city. Many people joined along the way, and the momentum was huge!
The National Police Station of the United States was stunned to maintain law and order, and reporters from all over the country also hit the chicken blood and went to various regions to shoot interviews.
"This is a live report from CBS. At 9 o'clock this morning, hundreds of cities in counties and counties held a series of large-scale parade activities. The number of parades has reached more than two million and is still increasing!
It is reported that the parade will be held in San Francisco, Atlanta, Dallas, Detroit and Washington and other cities today and tomorrow. After that, the parade will continue to be held in New York, Oakland, Minneapolis, and dozens of other cities in the country. In terms of scale, this will be an unprecedented scale of demonstrations!
Since the outbreak of the Doomsday Crisis, the government's response has clearly been criticized by many people. Let us now interview the people on the scene! The reporter finished and found a young man holding a slogan excitedly shouting "Down with the aliens".
"Hello, sir, where did you come from? What is the purpose of participating in this parade today?"
"Huh ... Hello, Miss Reporter, I am a representative of the Berkeley University Student Union. Our group is the California College Alliance. Please forgive me. I am a little excited because this parade is really about everyone's survival, dignity and freedom!
We are suffering from a barbaric invasion of alien civilization, so we must stand up to resist. This cannot be done by millions or tens of millions of people. We stand here today to appeal to the government to launch to the United Nations Proposal to form an 'Earth Defense Army'!
In such a critical situation, it is time to unite 6 billion human beings on the earth and establish a united front for aliens! Only in this way can we fight those evil and cruel aliens!
Finally, I would like to say, please all the earth people who do not want to be slaves come to support us! Humanity will win! "The student representative raised his fists and shouted, winning a round of applause from the people around ...
At the same time ... CNN, NBC and other well-known TV stations in the country are all reporting similar scenes!
Not only the United States, but media workers all over the world were surprised to find that among the major social networks and parade crowds, the "Earth Defence Force", "Earth Foreign Combat Force", "Uniting humanity against aliens" The speech is almost one-sided and explosive, and is supported by more and more people!
Ten thousand people even sang the national anthem in the flower-planting capital square.
"... Wake up ... People who don't want to be slaves, build our flesh and blood into our new Great Wall ... Everyone is forced to make a final roar ... Get up, we are all in one ..."
As the song spread far away, even more and more pedestrians joined in. In the end of the human crisis, people's anger and unwillingness to aliens are erupting in this intensified parade ...
Meeting room in the Hexagon Building in the United States.
"... The above is the global dynamic broadcast of this" End of the Crisis "parade. Please watch our follow-up report on the follow-up situation!"
Snapped! The "new" defense minister of the United States turned off the TV and looked at the crowd present with a ugly face.
The new Minister of National Defense is a temporary replacement that was urgently appointed by the President, the former commander of the Air Force of the United States.
"Everyone, although I understand the hatred of our citizens for aliens due to the" end of the crisis "incident, this strong call for the formation of the" United Earth Defence Force "represents that the people have a serious crisis of trust in our government army ! "
He looked around the generals and dignitaries present here, "Not only that, but the world is now experiencing such a massive wave of petitions at almost the same time. Is this a coincidence? I doubt it even more because someone is secretly pushing!
What is even more terrible is that such a global organization with such transnational operational capabilities, they are acting on such a large scale, and our intelligence department has not even received a little wind in advance? Even how they did it, there is no definite conclusion!
This has caused me a serious crisis of trust in our country's intelligence system!
In a country, even the military and intelligence departments defending the department cannot be trusted, colleagues! As the new Secretary of Defense of the United States, I now feel ... very insecure! The Defense Minister said word by word.
Everyone on the scene was silent. At this moment, one stood up and said, "My Excellency Minister, as a member of the military, I must point out that the development of this incident has no room for our military to intervene. If you want to be accountable, I think the 13 districts must bear the main responsibility! "
As the main party, the head of the 13th district was also present at the moment. When he saw everyone turned to look at him, he could not help but stood up and solemnly bowed to everyone present.
"Sorry everyone, I really need to bear a lot of responsibility for this matter, I will not deny this, but gentlemen, our opponents are not those poor and backward countries in the past, we do not have asymmetric technology and combat strength advantages!
On the contrary, the bomb is not something that can be solved with military or conventional weapons.
Just like in the Gulf War, in the face of our advanced fighters, the enemy's tanks can only become targets, and the bomb is unsolvable to us ...
If there are any mistakes in the 13th district in this process, it is an underestimation of the hostility of the aliens to us, tempted by advanced technology, and no choice to destroy it immediately, which ... I am very sorry! "
The Minister of National Defense seemed to be very satisfied with the remarks of the district governor, "I have read the incident report, and it is not your fault that you did. There is nothing wrong with your approach. On the contrary, you persisted to the last moment and resolved the bomb. , Should also be commended! "
Everyone looked at each other, although it seemed reasonable to listen, but the bias might be too obvious? Don't forget, you are the person in charge of the military, okay! Could it be that they have one leg?
The district governor seemed a little surprised himself, and looked at the Secretary of Defense gratefully.
"Cough! I think what the district governor just said is very reasonable. This crisis was caused by the overall backwardness of military equipment and military technology, which proves the necessity of strengthening our military strength!
Ladies and gentlemen, it is imminent to increase military spending! "The Minister of Defense glanced at the several members present, and the meaning couldn't be more clear.
Everyone: "..."
Nimei! No wonder you just want to deliberately disparage the military! Just one day ago, did you enter the character so fast?
At this moment, I saw that I was left on the fire to roast, and I was afraid that the new person in charge of the three officials who had been burned by the fire would also stand up.
"My Excellency Minister, although our intelligence department could not catch the behind-the-scenes pusher in a short time, it is not nothing!
Although the speed and scale of this march were somewhat beyond our expectations, according to our intelligence experts and psychologists, it is not surprising that after the "Doom Crisis" event, there will be calls for joint confrontation with aliens at home and abroad .
However, the public opinion effect of this scale in the world is not simply the effect that a certain force can help!
Another important factor is the cause of all this! "
"Oh? What is it?" The Defense Minister asked Qi Dao.
"It's Mr. Albert's speech!"
"Huh? Oh ... that's what it is!" There were no idiots present, and everyone suddenly.
Indeed, without Albert ’s provocative declaration of war, I am afraid that people ’s emotions cannot find such a precise vent target, and the enthusiasm for fighting will not be so high!
"what do you mean?"
"I think that the people behind this incident should be the same forces as those who tampered with the speech of our press conference! This is an organized, premeditated and carefully planned public opinion battle!"
"So ... does your intelligence department have any doubts?"
"Yes! The other party can tamper with the transmission files of our confidential channel silently, which shows that their electronic intrusion ability is very powerful!
And from some clues in this incident, it is speculated that the promoter behind it is likely not to use conventional methods, such as financial support, to promote the parade and public opinion, but to borrow Internet guidance to form a series!
Inferring from these two points in common ... The world can have such capabilities, at present I can only think of the five major countries, and the world famous for their electronic intrusion capabilities ... Captain Ghost! "
"Captain Ghost ?!" The defense secretary's eyelids jumped.
"Yes, and in that case, only the Captain Ghost is able to make sure that the bomb will not explode and make precise arrangements for the next step due to snobbery!"
"Sir Captain, you seem to be exposed!" The code name suddenly said.
"Um ... unexpectedly, since I solved the bomb, it can be said that it has become the focus of attention of all forces! Even if the aunt next door lost a chicken, they would think I did it!
But do you know now, does it affect the result ...? "Nie Yun smiled carelessly and continued to be busy ...
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