Chapter 272: Space monster

Bridge of the Ranger.
"What? You said the core of control has disappeared?" The two captains stunned after listening to the following report.
"Yes! After careful identification, the control core of these small robots ... are all gone!" The reporter was also incredible.
Then he waved his hand to show a three-dimensional three-dimensional projection, above which was a small robot.
"After our thorough scan, the technological content of these robots, how to say ... very ordinary! The materials used are not any special, and even our products hundreds of years ago are not as good, we can say that they have completely resolved them Structure and manufacturing principle.
But the weird thing is that we have not found any communication equipment in them, even if it is suspected! In addition, please see this location ... "The reporter pointed to a groove at the center of the robot's brain repair.
"Here, we guess that there should have been a control core, but now ... it's gone! All the control cores in robots are like this.
There are no traces of self-destruction and no self-destruction residues, the core of control disappears as if evaporated ... "
The two captains frowned deeply when they heard the words.
This situation is too weird!
No communication equipment? The control core also disappeared inexplicably?
Could it be that a tiny chip is both the control core and the communication device? !
Just kidding! A high-level civilization with this technology should be able to completely bombard itself at once. Who still wants to accompany you to play horse riding and fight here?
"In addition, our sociologists have made an amazing discovery after analyzing some of the behavioral characteristics of these robots!" The man continued.
The Ranger is a special ship type in the Gemini civilization. In order to cope with the needs of long interstellar navigation and independent expedition, it pays more attention to the speed and comprehensive performance of the spacecraft. Multifunctional frigate.
And in order to cope with various emergencies, in addition to the Star Wars landing craft, there are a small number of fleet experts in various fields.
"Oh? What did they find out?" The captain of the sea clan asked.
"Please see this picture!" As the man said, a picture popped up in front of everyone.
It was a small battlefield, full of broken limbs and broken arms and machine wreckage, and the battle was clearly coming to an end, and seven or eight hounds slowly pushed towards the last remaining small robot.
The robot seemed to understand its inability to resist, dropped its weapon and drew a weird cross on his chest, then chose to explode when a hound approached.
Then the screen switches to different battlefields, and the small robots on the screen always make all kinds of strange and polite actions.
"This looks like a religious gesture?"
"Yes, and surprisingly, there are records in our civilization database! This is a sect gesture called Christianity!"
"Oh? Which civilization does this denomination belong to?" The captain of the Yu clan opened his eyes. Has the other party finally leaked?
"Yes ... earth civilization!"
what? Earth civilization? !
The two captains were stunned! What is this God unfolding?
"Are you trying to say ... The earth civilization is the most difficult thing we have to deal with?" The sea captain had a sullen face. He decided that if his men dared to say that, he would immediately pull off with a big ear.
Are you insulting my IQ?
"No, no! We certainly don't think so, but the other party is likely to be coercing or controlling the earthlings for remote control!" The men quickly explained that the master's temper was notoriously bad.
"Oh? In that case ... there is indeed such a possibility! In this way, so many operators from the other side have explained it." The captain Yu nodded.
Waving the subordinate back, the captain of the sea clan looked at his companion. "Even so, how did they communicate? How did the control core disappear? Things are weird!"
"Strange? Speaking ... Do you remember what the other party said before?" The captain of the Yu clan said in contemplation.
"What's the matter?"
"He said, there is no communication at all, and ... soul technology!"
"Wh ... what ?!" The sea captain stunned. "You don't think this is true?"
"Originally I didn't believe it, but ... from the present situation, his statement is somewhat credible." The captain of the Yu clan looked sensible.
"How to say?"
"If the characteristic technology of the Ante Empire is really the so-called soul technology, then ... the robot that is filled in the empty slot may be something similar to the soul crystal or the spiritual body. Once the robot dies, the soul dissipates at the same time ... …
In this case, there is an explanation of how the control core disappeared.
And the connection between them ... maybe through similar telepathy or spiritual communication ...
We have not encountered this kind of civilization, such as the Spree civilization that has been eliminated by us. Their individual civilizations are born with strong spiritual strength and can achieve short-distance telepathy. If this technology develops to the extreme, maybe This strange way of communication will appear!
Then the other party's robot can make sense without communication equipment. "
"This ..." The captain of the sea tribe looked startled.
"In addition, why should the other party kill hundreds of thousands of people in advance? I am afraid that in addition to testing us, it is possible ... also to collect the souls of people on earth to make weapons!
So these robots will show all the characteristics of the earth people.
In other words, the earth has now become the soul harvesting field of the Ante Empire! As long as they continue to kill, they can obtain a steady stream of highly intelligent soldiers!
Think about it. If you destroy a planet, you can get billions of free highly intelligent combatants and labor. How low should their war costs be? How terrible is the war potential?
If so speculated, the Ante Empire ... may be a kind of predatory civilization that feeds on the soul! "The feathers of the captain of the Yu clan gleamed through all the glory.
"His!" The sea captain breathed a sigh of relief. This strange civilization that raises wars makes people feel chilly!
"There will really be such an incredible civilization in this world?" The sea captain still has some doubts.
"It may not work under normal circumstances, but what if the source of their soul technology is a cosmic wonder?
Cosmic wonders are all kinds of bizarre environments of the boundless universe, bizarre objects bred in hundreds of millions of years. It is said that their formation also involves the mysteries of four dimensions and even higher latitudes!
These wonders have all kinds of strange and weird abilities. Although most of the scope of action is very small, or even one-time consumables, but some powerful wonders can even affect the development process of an entire civilization, giving civilization great help.
I doubt that their source of soul technology will be this kind of powerful civilization-enhanced wonder. "
"Uh ... that's not without this possibility." The sea captain finally wavered.
"So what shall we do now? According to this speculation, the other party's soul technology is tricky! We have never encountered this type of enemy at all."
"Um ... a wave of group attacks on the enemy al-Qaeda immediately! Anyway, we have to try out more methods of our opponents in order to evaluate the power of this soul technology!"
"Okay! Understand, I will arrange it immediately!"
Gemini civilization outside the Europa base.
A collection vehicle is operating, and a huge shovel shovels the soil and rocks rich in various minerals into the front of the vehicle. As the collection vehicle slowly advances, the soil and rocks are "eaten" into the vehicle.
At this moment, a black pumice stone the size of a thumb rolled and lay on the road ahead of the collection vehicle.
Soon, this collection vehicle shoveled this obscure stone and other soil into the fully sealed collection box.
The wreckage collected may be subject to an 18-point martial arts comprehensive inspection, but it is not necessary to use atomic-level inspection methods for each piece of ore?
Soon after, the collection vehicle drove into the base with a full load of materials. When passing through the entrance of the base, a red laser wall scanned the collection vehicle from top to bottom to confirm whether there were any foreign objects stuck on the vehicle. .
"Check completed!" The system prompt sounded, and then the car quickly entered the smelting base in the base ...
Half an hour later, a small silver spider crawled out of the smelting base, and his body was still hot and smokey. However, the smelting temperature of thousands of degrees in the area is just a sauna for the mechanical worm.
It quickly cooled down, then slowly became transparent, and began to crawl towards a building in the center ...
"Sir Captain, the other party has assembled thousands of hounds and is marching towards our camouflage base group! It is expected to arrive at our cordon in 3 hours!"
"Oh, did you finally shoot? Then ... Let the Earth Defense Force come on, I'm afraid the guys can't wait anymore!" Nie Yun controlled the infiltrating little spider to play "Assassin's Creed" while returning casually without looking up A sentence.
After the initial mutual exploration, the battle of Europa also began to be officially upgraded!
Earth Defense Forces headquarters.
Here has entered the highest state of war!
However, unlike the scenes of the hustle and bustle of ordinary military bases before the war, the headquarters of the Earth Defense Army ’s magic capital is silent, and all people are empty!
Except for the basic guards, everyone has entered the virtual world, and even the combat plan is carried out in a specially developed virtual combat conference room.
The first group of Earth Defense Forces to obtain helmets are now completely captured by virtual technology, which can be said to be irresistible! Almost all strategy meetings are now held in the virtual world, because it is so convenient!
No way, did you choose to use the sand table to simulate the battle, or did you choose to wave your hand, and the torrent of information came turbulently, and you instantly got a wonderful experience of controlling the whole situation?
Even if you know you should n’t rely too much on other people ’s military equipment, who can resist this temptation?
Since the scientific and military circles, the top-down transformation of the earth has begun quietly ...
Nie Yun is using this opportunity to deepen the technological dependence of the people on Captain Ghost through the carefully created virtual world and unlimited currency financial system ...
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