Chapter 284: staggered

Even politicians can't ignore the military's voice, not to mention the voice of all the generals of the Earth Defense Force, whose status is becoming more and more important?
Especially in this incident, there were many people involved, not to mention a group of private witnesses such as the Guards, and it was too difficult to hide the news.
After the final negotiation, an hour after the end of the Battle of Europa, the media and Internet around the world played an epic blockbuster documentary of the Battle of Europa at almost the same time ...
Weibo official website.
A video link was highlighted by the website's official highlights, with the title "Civilization-Full Record of the Guardian Battle of Europa!".
I originally thought that the title party was cheating, but many people were stunned after clicking the video.
The first thing they saw, the abrupt appearance on the screen, was the terrible shape of the hound and eyes.
Many people were startled by this realistic monster at first, and thought it was a trailer for a thriller made by a big one? For this special effect, I will definitely go for it!
But as the video continued, everyone was dumbfounded.
The video begins with Klein ’s Round Table Knights encountering the Hounds, showing a small encounter.
In virtual training, the image of this small robot has been basically known by all humans through the restoration of the Earth Defense Forces and the Guards. Although the facial features of the robots on the screen are somewhat anti-human, most people still recognize the enemy at first glance. .
Powerful strange creatures, advanced automated war weapons, interpret a fierce confrontation between biotechnology and mechanical weapons without fancy.
Green blood and steel fragments fly together, whistling bone spurs intertwined with dense bullet rain, the true and cruel picture makes countless people feel a bloodless and ruthless battlefield breath!
This small-scale battle was finally fixed at the moment when Lancelot and the last hound died together ...
However, in the violent fighting atmosphere that everyone has not yet recovered, the progress of the battle suddenly accelerated, and in countless combat fragments, the small units of the two sides strangled each other, and various roars and shouts were intertwined. Together, people experience an uncompromising attack.
Then the war began to escalate. Thousands of troops launched a battle. There was no longer anyone in the picture who had the upper hand. Only the rain, the laser barrage, and the countless fierce collision of the enemy's collective charge were seen. The two sides Fighting together thoroughly, the grand war scene made many people ...
The war continues to escalate, followed by the sky and the sun, tens of thousands of robot troops, arrogantly launching attacks on the powerful enemies, the entire field of vision has become the battlefield of both sides!
Some relatively simple signs of enemies and foes and strategic situation diagrams began to appear on the screen, annotating this growing war.
It can be seen that the number of robots that have a numerical advantage has not prevailed. Various high-tech weapons of powerful enemies have emerged in an endless stream. Shock wave weapons, feather UAVs, power armor, laser discs, and sea self-propelled artillery have all come into play. What makes everyone see it is dazzling.
In the end, the Battle of Europa completely destroyed the battlefield with wave cannons, and the two alien civilization landing ships went away, marking a regrettable terminator ...
Many people took a long breath after watching the half-hour documentary, slowly calming down their violent heartbeat from the immense war scene.
Speaking of this documentary, the Earth Defense Force originally had a headache on how to extract the battle propaganda screen. After all, the data and image data in the virtual helmet could not be extracted to the outside world without the permission of Wise Brain, and could only be used internally.
However, under the instruction of Nie Yun, the "Senior Producer" codename very enthusiastically helped to provide material and post-editing. Even after the Earth Defense Force took the initial sample and watched it, he was stunned and found that he basically did n’t need it. Modifications can be used as promotional videos.
Once this documentary was published on the website, the number of hits exceeded 100 million in just one hour, and countless people reprinted it.
Subsequently, the comment area began to refresh the screen.
"Zhuang Zai, my personal guard, Zhuang Zai, my Earth Defender, Zhuang Zai, my ghost captain!"
"Is this a real battle that has happened? The Guardian IV battle ... Is this defeated?"
"What is the brick house beast? What about the seats? Who is the winner? Who can come to explain, wait online, it's urgent!"
"Did you leave without seeing someone patting the buttocks? I feel ... at least not winning."
"The Round Table Knights team up is really wonderful! There is also the captain of the vanguard, idol! One person kills a dozen monsters alone!"
"The Earth Defence Army is not bad. The results of the battle are still stronger than the regular army! I decided to join the army after graduation and join the Earth Defence Army!"
"However, if Europa is lost, how will the war evolve? Will the earth become a battlefield?"
"What are you afraid of? Missing Europa, we still have the asteroid belt! And Mars! And the moon! Humans will surely stick to the end!"
"That's right! With virtual technology in hand, this time we created the myth of zero casualties on the battlefield! Even if the enemy is strong, we will consume them!"
"Upstairs is too naive ... opponents seem to have zero casualties, interstellar warfare, and technological level are king. Their kind of shield can withstand such a intensive laser attack, I am afraid that even a nuclear bomb cannot be broken.
Not to mention that they also have laser disks like map cannons, a large range of superimposed force field impacts, and power armor with horrible individual soldiers, but ... What do we have in addition to small robots? "
"Oh! We have Captain Ghost!"
"Uh ... he's not a panacea, did I see that even the three ghost knights were defeated this time?"
"Oh! We have Captain Ghost!"
Some manor in Europe.
Klein couldn't help but smile when he watched the battle scene of his team in the documentary video.
Unexpectedly, he was almost halfway through the earth, and he could still use this magical way to fight against aliens on alien planets. This made him feel very satisfied. It seemed to return to the era when he was young and energetic.
He was watching the reports and analysis of the war in the media of various countries with relish.
Although this battle did not seem to have won on the side of the earth, the myth of the battlefield with zero casualties still kept many people quite optimistic, without causing any panic. Most reports are also positive.
At this moment, the housekeeper came in suddenly, with a worried look on his face.
"Sir! Just now news came that another company in the family had been drawn by the bank and the business was under attack. The capital chain was about to break. This is the third company ..."
Klein heard the words, just a little more cheerful look frowned.
During this time, Duke John's suppression of their family has not stopped, and now it has reached the point where it hurts.
"Sir, if you go on like this, I'm afraid ..." The butler stopped talking.
"Well, I know, I will find a way to do this." Klein waved his hand.
After letting the housekeeper out, Klein bowed his head for a long time and finally seemed to have made up his mind.
He walked aside and put on a virtual helmet and chose ... wish class!
In this battle, the Klein squad performed well, and eventually became the few people who arrived at the enemy base. Although they peeped at the bottom and were killed, the rich rewards still made his personal assets exceed 2000 points.
If all are converted into US dollars, even the current financial crisis can solve a large part.
However, this method is a permanent cure, as long as John still targets the Klein family, they can't do anything in Europa.
The Duke's family backed by Freemasonry is not something a second-class family like Klein can contend with.
So he wanted to try another method that might once and for all ...
"Wise brain, how much unlimited coins do you need to spend to completely solve the current plight of the Europa Klein family?" Klein said a vague wish.
"The Europa Klein family is currently under attack by a capital consortium led by the Duke of John, with a funding gap of approximately US $ 254.36 million. In response to this crisis, a once and for all solution requires payment of 2018 points."
Klein was shocked. Although he had heard of it for a long time, Captain Ghost's intelligence system was permeable, but he actually grasped the information of his own humble family, and even the funding gap was clear.
Should this terrible intelligence gathering ability be worthy of being a ghost captain ...
But ... cost 2018 points? Yeah, there ’s a whole number, especially this number ... how come you are so familiar?
He glanced at his account balance with some doubt, and then ...
Klein: "..."
Ten minutes later, seeing the unique charging principle of Captain Ghost, the already impoverished Klein took off his helmet, but his face was still shocked ...
At the end of the Battle of Europa, when the earth triggered waves, on the other side, the two Gemini landing ships, after issuing their final blows, turned away from the gravity of Europa and began to return to the mother ship at full speed.
Three hours later, they collided head-on with the troops who came to support, and the two sides greeted each other.
"Hey brethren, good job! Let's watch our next!" The captain of the support force gave a thumbs-up and showed his white teeth.
"Ah! It's yours! We are on the Forest Ranger, seeing the heroic heroes of the four kings!" The Marines also grinned and gave a thumbs back.
What they did n’t know was that in various hidden positions of the landing ship, there were also a group of silver lurkers, who also grinned at them and gleamed a flash of light that was unique to foodies ...
The two troops passed quickly.
Just like the encounter of fate, the trajectories of the two civilizations staggered, converged, and collided at this moment, and began to deviate from their original tracks ...
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