Chapter 298: Yunzhong Loft

Virtual elves, virtual laboratories, massive amounts of knowledge and convenient global communication environment, Nie Yun used these unparalleled scientific research conditions to put the wings of the earth's technological development.
Then countries tragically found that if they didn't use the technology tree to create a virtual world, then when others were on the fast track of scientific research, they were still catching up with the speed of the turtle, paying much more effort than others, but still only catching up ... …
Even they need to put together an old bone and work hard for more than ten hours to take an airplane to participate in an academic exchange meeting, while others only need to wear a helmet to communicate face-to-face with countless scientists around the world ... …
Not to mention the waste of time and money, more importantly, it is derailed from the mainstream science and technology in the world. This is almost thousands of times more serious than shutting down the country!
Even the rice country cannot guarantee that under this gap, it can catch up with the research speed of the third-rate countries.
Life is like that, since you can't resist, you can only enjoy ...
So the result is ... Everyone becomes quite bachelor!
"Anyway, the background data can only be called by Captain Ghost. I ’m afraid he ca n’t look down on our scientific research results. Then it will be used for decades. After catching up with the level of Captain Ghost, consider the issue of confidentiality ..."
All countries basically comfort themselves with this Ah Q spirit, and then begin to enjoy the scientific research benefits provided by Captain Ghost.
However, there will naturally be no free lunches in the world, and Captain Nie's family is naturally not open for charity.
While enjoying the convenience brought by Nie Yun's technology, they have actually become Nie Yun's wage earners.
In just a few months, he has provided him with a large number of scientific and technological inventions and inspirations, autonomous driving, artificial intelligence, microchips, communication technology, high-energy batteries, laser technology, space technology ...
Numerous scientific research achievements have emerged, slowly advancing his scientific and technological strength. Although Nie Yun's strength cannot be leaped forward in a short period of time, he wins in a long stream of water.
Technological plunder is like a wealthy one night, but a perfect self-development system is a more reasonable long-term investment. Nie Yun's large number of powerful black technologies are based on this comprehensive scientific and technological development.
Relative to these gains, Nie Yun ’s investment in the virtual world of the technology tree is almost negligible, um ... anyway, the mechanical bug does not need to pay ...
Mechanical Bug: "..."
These scientific research results, while slowly increasing Nie Yun's strength, are also feeding back the world of technology trees, such as the virtual laboratory that Nie Yun values.
In the virtual laboratory, a large number of experiments are carried out every moment. Similarly, these scientists will compare the results of the virtual experiments according to the real experiments in the real world, and report to the system for parameter adjustment and algorithm error correction.
In other words, Nie Yun allows all scientists who use virtual laboratories to help improve and optimize virtual laboratories and enhance its fidelity.
This reliance on a large number of real experiments to improve the virtual laboratory is quite remarkable. In just two months, with the help of a large number of scientists, the virtual laboratory's fidelity has increased by 0.2 percentage points.
It seems very little, but every bit of the increase in the degree of fidelity means that the human being ’s cognition of the natural laws of the universe is improved. If the degree of fidelity is close to 100% ...
Then human beings may be directly referred to as Protoss, because then, we will be omnipotent ...
The further the development of science and technology, the more hidden the natural law of the universe, and the more hidden the natural law, the more powerful it usually means!
For example, the powerful graviton technology of the Gemini civilization began with the discovery of the graviton, and then rewrote the technological process of the entire civilization!
However, such a powerful Gemini civilization may only have two or three percentage points more than the earth's civilization in understanding the nature of the universe ...
In the science and technology tree, countless scientists are busy for the scientific and technological development and vital interests of earth civilization ...
And at the top of the technology tree soaring into the cloud, a higher position that all low-level authorities cannot see, a large branch of technology tree stretched out in the cloud, making it look like another world isolated from the world.
Yu Lao and a group of scientists like to call this ... Yunzhong Loft!
This is the core reserve of Nie Yun's forces. Those who have permission to enter here are all super new humans implanted with brain chips.
Including Yu Lao, a total of 16 scientists, 3 ghost knights, including the code name and Nie Yun, who have the right to enter, there are currently only 21 people.
At this moment, the two illusory Gemini Ranger scale models are floating on two huge blades from left to right, this is where Nie Yun's scientific analysis of the two warships.
At a speed that is visible to the naked eye, many areas on the battleship are slowly changing from unreal to solidified. The speed of construction here corresponds to the progress of the mechanical insect's devouring.
At this time, about 20% of the area of ​​the sea clan warship has been constructed, and the progress of the feather clan warship is slightly slower, only 5%.
Unlike the scientific and technological creations of the earth, the Gemini items engulfed by mechanical insects, although Nie Yun is able to parse and copy, but most of them are only knowing it but not knowing why ...
This is like giving you an electric motor, even if you can analyze all its constructions exactly, but if you do n’t have the basic theoretical knowledge related to "electromagnetic conversion", you also can't understand ... after you power on the gross engine Spin up?
Similarly, if you want to understand the basic characteristics and principles of graviton, unless Nie Yun can get several "Gemini University Physics" "Gemini Advanced Mathematics" ...
Many basic theoretical interpretations, Nie Yun also needs to rely on these old experts.
Virtual warship hangar.
"Gee, mecha! For the first time I saw this kind of thing!" Yu Lao looked at the huge humanoid mecha in front of him, and he was surprised.
According to Nie Yun ’s order, they first need to fully analyze the mass production armor of the
Gemini to evaluate the combat capability and development potential of this new weapon that has never appeared on Earth.
For these scientists, it is much easier to get back to the principle and design concept after the finished product, than to know the blind person who knows nothing.
"I originally thought that the humanoid mech was just a human fantasy. This weapon is far less practical than a weapon platform, and even a multi-legged system is stronger than it. I didn't expect Gemini to actually use this kind of thing as an auxiliary attack weapon!"
Zhou Dong was surprised while using the brain chip to browse the profiling chart of the wanderer. This drawing was naturally provided by Nie Yun, and even detailed to each screw.
"I think it should be due to the popularity of primary brainwave control technology, the body must conform to the operating habits of humanoids.
The other is the choice of the offensive and defensive system. After all, after possessing the force field shield, the original tactical model has completely changed subversively.
When the body's defense is greatly increased, and ordinary attacks are basically ineffective, all combat carriers should develop towards a combat idea with fewer weapons and greater power. The high-power plasma gun in its chest is the main attack weapon.
Judging from the fact that the combat modules they carry actually have melee combat weapons, the combat distance of this mech may be quite close. Liang Guang analyzed.
"Well! Yes, the hit rate is a big problem for this flexible high-speed and high-defense target at long distances. In the case of occasionally hitting one time and basically not posing a threat, in order to improve the efficiency of effective killing, the combat distance must be Will be shortened accordingly! "Yu Lao nodded.
"This kind of mecha is originally a space warfare equipment. Without considering gravity, the low-load defect of the biped system is not obvious. With the powerful material technology, as long as the design is reasonable, this weapon is suitable for single-person control!"
After a while of discussion, Yu Lao began to assign tasks to everyone according to the usual practice.
"Now everyone chooses the relevant functional components in their field to analyze and solve the problem. This time the boss has pre-paid 500,000 research funds. Later, based on your research project, I will send the list of funding applications to me!
But these are the R & D bonuses that we have paid in advance. Don't spend too much money on it! "
"Understood! This thickened protective suit for mechs can effectively disperse the impact, and it is a little related to one of my current projects. Let me hand it over and just go back to the joint research.
"The driver's ecological maintenance system is given to me!"
As everyone quickly put the functional parts of the mechs into their own scientific research areas, the mechs in front of them seemed to be dismembered, and the various components continued to disappear.
Until the end, there were only seven or eight pieces floating in the air.
"Okay! No one wants the rest, then outsource it to the scientific research group downstairs!" Yu Lao Yi waved and packed away the remaining parts.
This is the cloud loft. Downstairs naturally refers to the technology tree where people with ordinary authority below are located.
There is a core scientific research team of Captain Ghost at the top of the technology tree. This is no secret among the top forces of the earth.
Many research groups call this mysterious place ... "cloud"! It is a place that all scientific researchers dream of joining!
Legend has it that there are technologies leading the earth for hundreds of years.
Legend has it that the scientists living there are all entangled and prosperous.
Legend has it that as long as you bend down, you can easily find the beautiful formula of the Grand Unified Theory ...
There is also a legend that the captain of the ghost is standing in the clouds, looking down at the earth, and controlling all the technology in the world ...
In short, more and more mysterious! It's a pity ... Captain Ghost never publicly recruited researchers.
Only a few of the flower-growers know that there are so many old bosses ... cough! There are a group of scientists specially recruited by Captain Ghost.
This matter has become an absolute secret at the top of the flower planters, and even they have created a special top-secret file for Yu Lao and others, code-named ... "Sixteen Bachelors"!
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