Chapter 342: Ambush

Giant shields, frigates, small aircraft carriers, and Gemini ’s triple-strikes all at once made the wormhole defense line on the side of the earth look precarious!
In order not to be broken by each, the Earth side chose to form a defensive front, with two battleships arching the floating fortress.
This is just like in naval battles, in order to defend against enemy air strikes, a fleet often chooses to form a more dense formation and cooperate with each other to form a tight air defense fire network.
Except for minefields, most of the current attacks on the Earth side come from one direction, which makes it possible for the other party's shield defense tactics to be realized.
On the other hand, according to the original estimate, the damage output of suppressing firepower is not related to the location of the attack. Whether it is a joint group attack or a three-node attack. The damage to the enemy in a unit time is fixed, so there is no need to risk In the face of a risk of being caught by the enemy, he was attacked in many ways.
However, I didn't expect Gemini to use this kind of shielding method to make himself passive.
In fact, this is also the targeted arrangement of Gustav's weakness in the solar system where he is not strong enough to dare to divide his troops.
But despite the surprise, the firepower advantage on the Earth side still exists!
The shield can only defend, the small mothership basically has no combat power, and now it can only fight soy sauce. The mech and the fighter have not entered their respective attack range, and the only frigate has been very reluctant to do defense, and is unable to issue much. attack.
So the current situation is basically a group fight!
Although the dispersion of the shields made the attack rate of the attack on the side of the earth plummet, it also exposed the frigates and small aircraft carriers in the rear to attack.
Nie Yun did not disperse the firepower to attack the mechs and fighter groups that seemed to be the most threatening, but concentrated the firepower on the frigate as soon as possible.
This frigate obviously enhanced the performance of the shield. The turtle shell was unusually thick. After only 2 minutes, its shield was broken, and then it suddenly turned into a pile of cosmic garbage under a few beams.
Less than half a minute later, the small aircraft carrier that lost all its cover also followed in its footsteps!
The Gemini lost two battleships in exchange for the fully dispersed fleet.
This kind of game is not about who loses and who wins, just like in the chess game, you use your cannon to change the opponent's horse. In the end, whoever takes the advantage is that the benevolent sees the benevolent.
In addition to the 200 rogue mechas, the enlarged images of these fighters were also captured by detection equipment on the side of the earth.
From the appearance, this fighter plane at first glance looks like a square nail with a streamlined shell, yes! It's the kind used to tie tires ...
The bulge at the tip of the fighter is a high-energy laser cannon, and the three bulges at the tail form a weird triangular thruster.
This type of thruster has higher flexibility than the traditional single-engine and double-engine thrusters. From the images observed by Nie Yun, the rollover and steering maneuver performance is excellent, and almost continuous lightning-shaped maneuvers can be made.
In the case of high-precision radar lock and light speed attack, this flexible maneuverability can achieve disorderly evasion of higher difficulty and escape radar lock of enemy warships!
Of course, the multi-vector steering system needs more intelligent heading and balance control, at least the earth is still a long way off.
These fighter planes are almost coordinated movements, no matter how the shield in front moves, they can roll synchronously and follow closely, straight and tidy like an art performance.
"Well ... triangle propellers? Could it be that the future development direction of space fighter propellers is quantitative change causing qualitative change?" Our Captain Nie, who made three reversals and five reflexes, was already thinking about the next generation of five-pointed super propellers ...
The fleet is steadily advancing, and with the firepower density on the side of the earth, wanting to attack a group of "chicks" flexibly behind the "hens" from a distance, basically cannons hit mosquitoes with little effect.
Nie Yun thought with his toes, and knew the reason why the other party did not continue to send warships over. He just wanted to wait for the fleet to approach and start harassing the positions on the earth, then he could take advantage of his own spare time!
Thousands of aircraft groups, including 200 mech units with considerable threats. If there is only one fortress and two frigates on the side of the earth, it is almost inevitable that these small things will break into the line of disruption.
They don't even need to attack, they just need to continue to make attack gestures to harass, which is enough to fight for their own breathing opportunities for "landing and landing".
The 54 teams are like 54 poisonous snakes, wandering the defense line gradually approaching the side of the earth.
Although from time to time there are unlucky "chicks" stepping on the thunder or being hit by attacks, but for the relatively large number of aircraft groups, this loss is completely painless.
They are like greedy snakes, hitting dark thunders, falling in the front row, and the top in the back row, sparks with lightning all the way, violently rushing towards the earth's defense.
No matter how big the man ’s mind is, he is no bigger than the vast universe. The hundreds of thousands of kilometers of minefields arranged by Nie Yun are already quite cruel, which can be said to be far beyond the pre-war predictions of Gemini.
At a higher price than originally planned, Gemini's fleet finally rushed out of the minefield, and then quickly drew closer to the two sides while doing evasive maneuvers!
"No. 1 ~ 4 interception team, immediately attack!" Seeing that the opponent was about to enter the range, threatening his own defense line, Nie Yun finally issued an order and opened the first hole card first!
At the next moment, I saw that the Gemini clusters were not far from the side of the route. From a stray asteroid bunker, they spun out of the 4 fleets quietly and quickly merged into a cluster, then they were moving towards Gemini at full speed. Star machine rushed.
There are 100 mechas in each fleet, which adds up to 400, all rogues!
"No, the other party has ambushes!" The team leader's frontline commander saw the dense red spots suddenly appear on the radar, and his face suddenly changed.
The gravitational radar used by them can only detect the gravitational fluctuations emitted by an object. If the flying object is close to another flying object, the radar will default to an object, just like an aircraft using ultra-low altitude flight to avoid radar waves.
Therefore, an aircraft docked on a celestial body cannot be captured by graviton radar.
In fact, before the war, Gemini had guessed that this group of "rebels" may have some backhands, some fixed weapons or even ambushes on those stray asteroids, but they subconsciously believe that the other party has only two warships and ambushes. How can it threaten their huge fleet?
But now, the situation on the battlefield has turned sharply!
For example, if the mech is a heavy cavalry in space warfare, then the fighter is a light cavalry, one focuses on offense and defense, and the other is flexible!
The current situation is that 400 heavy cavalry rushed into a mixed array of 200 heavy cavalry and 1,000 light cavalry in a dense frontal array.
The Gemini ’s tactics of shield assault in order to evade the intensive firepower of the fleet on the side of the earth immediately fell passive in the face of new threats.
What's more terrible is that they dare not assemble the confrontation at this moment, because the opponent's fortress and battleship firepower are eyeing.
This is equivalent to a life-threatening artillery unit with the dog in the rear. If you dare to gather, the other side will definitely say dozens of Italian cannons!
Now ... things are more awkward ...
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