Chapter 361: new task

"I personally agree with your inference that the solar system is indeed likely to have considerable industrial manufacturing capacity!" At this point, Isal finally spoke.
"In addition, there is actually a very important intelligence-labor!" Isal said, projecting a robot model in front of everyone's eyes.
Nie Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, that was a small robot of "Ante Empire Edition"! The eight sarcoma-like bumps on the chin are quite iconic.
"Gustav mentioned just now that this weird robot that once appeared on Europa, although its combat effectiveness is not very good, but they can quickly be transformed into an excellent production workforce.
No matter if the other party uses more advanced remote control technology, or really incredible soul technology, their robot intelligence is indeed very amazing, and this is the most terrible place of this organization!
It is a pity that we have not been able to obtain a control chip to analyze this technology so far. If there is a chance in the future, I suggest to capture this robot as a priority task! "
"Well! Yes, I have some guesses at this point. Even if we are the most advanced automated intelligent production equipment in our interior, if we want to build a battleship production line in a short time, a lot of human assistance is needed.
So where do these people come from? I want to be inseparable from this robot! Gustav agreed.
Although the intelligent program of Gemini is far beyond the earth, after all, it does not have the self-learning and precise command execution capabilities of advanced artificial intelligence to deal with complex conditions. The unmanned automatic production of high-end products such as battleships, Gemini is still far from Do it.
"From this point of view, we may have overlooked a very important key existence in the solar system ... earth civilization!"
Isar's words made Nie Yun frown slightly.
"I watched the" End of the Earth "video provided by the other party carefully. It was not a fraud. In addition, in the battle of Europa, this robot has also revealed the unique Christian ritual actions of the earth civilization.
From various intelligence analysis, it is very likely that the other party has already occupied the earth, and by massacre or enslave the people of the earth, a large number of such highly intelligent robots are obtained!
In the worst case, the billions of indigenous people on the entire planet may become the other party's labor force and cannon fodder. This is probably the other party's confidence in holding on to the solar system! Therefore, if we guess that it is established, then the war of attrition will not succeed! "
After listening to this analysis by Isal, everyone was inexplicably shocked. If this is the case, then this is not a simple terrorist attack, it is like cutting off the land!
All things will come together ... what do you want to do? !
Nie Yun sighed in his heart that he could achieve the rank of commander, and indeed none of them were simple guys.
Previously, Gemini didn't pay much attention to this small-scale "rebel" in the solar system.
However, the failure of the wormhole battle has caused them to have a trace of vigilance in their hearts, and began to look squarely at this opponent. Judging from the results of this analysis, in a sense, they are indeed close to the truth.
If you do n’t have the various smoke bombs you have released, direct the power of the solar system inside the Gemini civilization, I am afraid they will really put the suspicion on the civilization of the earth.
At that time, an internal contradiction will turn into an external threat, it is strange that the Gemini civilization does not explode!
Through Nie Yun's observation, in the face of threatening alien civilization, Gemini will never take it lightly. They will immediately change from "how to break the wormhole defense line" to "how to destroy the earth's civilization"!
This is the worst case. By then, Nie Yun will have to face it. I am afraid it is not one or two legions, but thousands of warships ...
Even if Nie Yun occupies the wormhole location, it is undoubtedly a stupid strategic decision to put all hope on the wormhole defense!
What if the opponent puts out a big Aoe move and clears the game directly? What if they find another entrance to the solar system wormhole? What if they bypass the wormhole and expedite the solar system directly from the neighboring galaxy? What if they have the ability to strike across galaxies?
Too many variables, Nie Yun dared not take this risk.
In the face of the behemoth Gemini civilization, even if Nie Yun's strength is fully open, it is also a tribute, and there is no winning chance in frontal combat.
So from borrowing a dead body to impersonate the Ante Empire, and then using the identity of Alsace to break into the Gemini civilization, to throw all kinds of black pots to the Hai tribe, and then to establish the "All in One" to confuse the audiovisual ...
What Nie Yun has been doing painstakingly is to reduce the threat of earth civilization!
But if you want to keep the solar system, you must face Gemini ’s increasingly powerful attacks, and it is inevitable that you will expose your own more and more strength, which will attract Gemini ’s increasingly vigilant eyes ...
This is an endless loop of no solution!
What Nie Yun can do is to use a minimum of force to protect the solar system in a low-key manner, while attracting the vigilant eyes of Gemini to their own civilization as much as possible, while weakening the role of earth civilization in it.
But after all, paper can't contain fire, and the civilization of the earth finally begins to enter the sight of the Gemini ...
"If all of this is true, then ... what should we do next?" Nie Yun's tone was faint, making people unable to hear the emotions.
"Fight! Continue to fight!" Gustav cut through the railway, but did not notice Nie Yun's abnormality.
"From the point of view of their shipbuilding speed, even if there are industrial bases in the solar system, the scale at this moment will never be too large, so although the war of attrition has a price, it can't be stopped. Use the drone to push it over!
Bi consumption, our industrial foundation at Proximity Star is also not weak at the moment!
Let the factories in the rear make all the drones, even if only one of the ten drones successfully escaped their fire blockade net, it will only cause minor damage to the other party, but it can also consume some of the other party's energy and materials.
Let's take a look, is our army has a lot of cannon fodder, or their supplies! "
Everyone nodded. Although this method works slowly, it is safer and has no side effects. It depends on who consumes it.
Isal smiled, "Gustav, you still like such a simple and rough tactic, but I admit that this method is really good, but just like Alsace just said, negotiation is a kind of finding out the details of the opponent. Means, so I suggest ... talk while talking! "
After the meeting, Nie Yun took a shuttle to return to his spaceship, the Ranger.
"Fortunately, their focus at this moment is still on how to break through the wormhole defense line, and they have no idea of ​​dealing with the civilization of the earth. In addition to feeling less threatening, perhaps, there are also the value factors of the life planet ..." Nie Yun thought Secretly.
The life planet in the universe is very rare, but it is a key "node" of the development of interstellar civilization. Through it, billions or even tens of billions of people can gather on it to radiate the influence of civilization to the periphery of the life planet Broad field.
So if not necessary, no civilization will choose to destroy the precious life planet discovered!
If the supply of the solar system fleet is cut off by destroying the earth, then even if they finally break the wormhole, the value of the solar system is also greatly reduced.
"It seems ... I have to find something for you to do ..." Nie Yun squeezed his chin, and his consciousness cast on Kara Sing ...
In the dense jungle of Kara Sing, three silver-white Mithril knights walked out slowly, all covered with green juice, and they looked a bit dusty.
"Latest mission released: follow the prompts to find the magic sword holder!"
"Uh ... Boss, what is this magic sword?"
"You ask me, how do I know! Isn't there a map, just follow along, as long as you don't let me experience this Karaxing customs, let alone the magic sword, let me find the devil!"
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