Chapter 378: come down

Kara Sing, a colony of Gemini outskirts.
"Didi!" A patrolling Gemini guard robot turned its head to look at the jungle not far away, with red eyes flashing in its eyes.
Infrasonic expulsion equipment is installed in the Gemini base. Under normal circumstances, no beast dare to approach the base.
"Don't bet!" The strange movement came again.
"Yeah ..." The robot raised the electromagnetic rifle in his hand and walked towards the sound source.
The four patrol robots behind it also raised their arms in a unified pace and all aimed at them.
After Rose attacked Nie Yun's Gemini base before, all bases had increased their alert level and kept her airtight.
"Yeah ..." This robot walked mechanically to the dense trees and searched around. In the electronic eye, various spectral detection equipment scanned with full force.
At this moment, on a tree trunk not far from it, the bark twisted strangely, followed by an off-white figure almost the same color as the tree trunk.
"Brush!" The claws waved, and the knife flashed sharply. The robot cut his head directly before he could react, and the bare wires around his neck crackled.
"Whoosh!" Another four patrol robots found that their companions were attacked and pulled the trigger without hesitation. For a time, the attacker's location was flying with wood chips and soil.
"Dang Dang Dang!" After a series of metal impact sounds, the unlucky patrol robot was also affected by the pond fish, and was directly screened by dense high-speed bullets!
"His ~" After a deep cry of pain, the inside was quiet.
Just when a few robots wanted to enter the jungle to see the results, "Swoosh!" Seven or eight black shadows rushed out of the jungle, as fast as lightning!
Then came a burst of gunfire, a low growl and the sound of sharp metal cutting ...
Five minutes later, a team of Gemini fighters hurried to the area where the lost robot was located, but only a few torn pieces of robot wreckage remained on the scene.
"The Kara people did it?"
"I don't know, but there are signs of biting, more like a beast!"
"Captain, look! There are bloodstains here, and the enemy should also be injured, but this blood color ... should not be Kara!"
"Speaking of that, I recently received reports that there are a lot fewer beasts in the jungle, and there seems to be something hunting."
"Whether it is a beast or not, we have to figure out the situation and enter the jungle to search around. They must have not gone far! Let the base provide heavy fire support at any time!"
Ten minutes later, violent fire and explosion sounded again in the depths of the jungle. After a scream, the jungle quickly returned to calm.
At the scene of the crime, it was already a mess. Several power armors were cut open, and the soldiers inside were terrible!
A greasy head was lifted from a corpse, the blood on his mouth ticked down, and the eyes of the four scarlet beasts were full of bloodthirsty desires.
Its body was covered with gunshot wounds, there were burn wounds with beams of light, and the penetration damage of electromagnetic weapons, and some exploded shrapnel were inserted. However, strangely, these wounds are constantly healing, even the shrapnel inserted into the flesh Being squeezed out.
More than a dozen hunters are scattered around, and they are bowing their heads to enjoy the loot after the war. Even the few dead siblings have not let go, and the eating scene is really spicy.
Although a layer of black colony on the body surface can bring some combat strength and self-healing ability of the colonial fighters, the consumption is also amazing. Energy consumption.
The emergence of the hunter brought Gemini not only a kind of biochemical weapon that can resist mechanical weapons to some extent, but more changes, it is the kind of fierce survival that is unscrupulous!
Before doing this, let the hunter wantonly hunt the creatures in the jungle to multiply quickly, and the kala who loves life can't do it anyway.
But the tragic fate of civilization has allowed them to see the reality. For a near-death civilization struggling at the juncture of life and death, kindness ... is a luxury that must not exist!
If the former colonial fighters were a group of pride and grace guards of honor in battle, then the hunter is the gladiator who stands out in the killing!
"Hiss ~" It seemed to find something. All the hunters who were eating suddenly looked up at the sky, and then left the delicious food in their hands. The figure flickered, and in the blink of an eye, it ran into the depths of the jungle.
Just less than 10s after they left ...
"Boom!" The sudden intensive bombing broke the silence of the jungle again, and the radius of one kilometer was directly transformed into a sea of ​​fire under the heavy firepower of the base!
The bombing lasted for almost 2 minutes, and then a rather agitated Gemini spacecraft flew with a roar to the accident site.
"Boom!" As if venting out of anger, the various firepower of the spacecraft once again pierced the area below, and then began to land, releasing the ground troops to view nearby.
This time there were not only a large number of armored troops, but also hundreds of drones in the air. Obviously, the commander at this base was irritated by this haunting sneak attack.
"Sir, I found the body of the suspected enemy ... Hey? This is ..." The investigative troops soon heard the news, but the voice revealed this strange and incredible.
Although it is totally unrecognizable, the appearance of the attacker and some biological characteristics can be recognized vaguely. Because of this, the witnesses are so surprised, because this is absolutely impossible ...
"Huh? What's the situation?" The chief's question came from the newsletter.
But at this moment ...
"Swoosh!" Numerous broken voices came, and the voice was as harsh as a ghost!
In the jungle, a black shadow was shot from all directions, almost breaking through the sound barrier, and with a heart-wrenching roar instantly plunged into the unguarded Gemini exploration team.
The pupil of a Gemini warrior suddenly enlarged. At the last moment of life, like a slow motion, he actually miraculously saw the flying object. It was a handle with a dark metallic luster ... Slightly familiar Bone spurs!
At the next moment, "Bang!" The high-speed bone spurs enough to penetrate the gold stone directly hit the warrior's chest. The high-strength alloy 30mm thick breastplate deformed and twisted in front of this great force, and then burst into the sky with the bone spurs.
And the moment the soldier was hit, he had been shattered, and he could not die anymore!
"Boom!" It seemed like small missiles blasted into the crowd, instantly making the Gemini troops turn over, even if the shield's power armor was turned on, it could not withstand this continuous bone spur bombing!
Not only the ground, even the unmanned aerial vehicles in the air have also been attacked, but also focus on care. Hundreds of bone spurs are like the same surface-to-air missiles, and the UAVs in the air are tied into hedgehogs with a very high hit rate.
Help around the spot!
Such a word flashed instantly in the hearts of all Gemini warriors, which is undoubtedly a carefully planned conspiracy!
But ... Where did Kara Carry come with so many counterattacks?
However, they had no time to think about these issues at this moment. After the brief panic caused by the sudden attack, the survivors launched a chaotic counterattack, with little effect, and the bone spurs still fell like rain.
Seeing the situation was critical, the spacecraft roared and wanted to make an emergency lift. However, after several rounds of spurs like wind and rain, thousands of black figures rushed into the crowd of Gemini lightning.
"Swoosh!" The firepower of the spacecraft fired violently towards the attacker, with countless broken limbs and broken arms, and the minced meat flying across!
However, the hunters who rushed over completely ignored the fierce artillery fire. The remaining soldiers who fell on the Gemini in the front row immediately stepped on the body of their companions and continued to rush forward.
"Ah! Get me up!" The Gemini pilot saw this scene and couldn't help but let out a heartbreaking roar and pushed the operating handle to increase the thruster's power directly to the maximum!
"Boom!" The propeller of the spacecraft roared, spraying a hot high-temperature flame downward, and finally slowly rose!
Ten meters! Twenty meters! Thirty meters!
"Huh ~" All the people in the spacecraft were relieved and finally safe!
"Oh, uh, uh!" A row of gill-shaped rips suddenly appeared on both sides of the waist of the front hunter's ribs.
Then in the horrifying eyes of the Gemini warriors, these fierce monsters sprayed a stream of green particles under the two ribs, and they actually carried them into the sky quickly and threw them towards the spaceship!
Colonial warriors are able to fly in the first place, and hunters who have acquired the colonial ability also have the ability to fly short distances!
Even under the air dominance of Gemini, the sky has become a restricted area for Kara people, but at a height of tens of meters, the hunters said that I want to fly higher ...
"Slap!" A hound stuck to the spaceship's shell, the claws on its limbs firmly fixed the body, then the tail was raised high, and the sharp blade of the tail glowed with the cold metal light in the sunlight.
With a violent flick, "Bah!" The tail blade directly penetrated deeply into the spacecraft's shell, and then with a strong tail, a piece of spacecraft's skin was directly pryed open, revealing the complex mechanisms and lines inside.
The hunter used his hands and feet for a while, and the groundhog quickly got into the spaceship!
Inside the spaceship.
"Pappappap!" The sound of something hitting the spaceship shell came continuously ...
"Goo!" Everyone in the spaceship swallowed hard.
"Quick ... quickly ask the base for support!" The captain of the spaceship shivered.
"Bah!" "Keng!" "Squeak!" The piercing sharp blade punctures and steel cutting sounds from all over the spaceship, like the murmur of death, ringing in everyone's hearts, and let the captain's heart gradually sink to the bottom. ...
There were screams from all over the spaceship, sporadic gunshots and explosions from time to time, but soon, the movement gradually disappeared, and the spacecraft began to shake like a drunk.
The spaceship crashed down!
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