Chapter 397: Do not doubt the use of others

"I need a more convincing reason!" Rose said with a black face.
"Your Majesty, not everyone is as savage as Gemini. We will cross all 4 star zones and 3 civilizations in one unity. Equivalent exchange is the foundation of our standing. We do things with principles and bottom line. !
Even those who are weaker than us never discriminate and absolutely follow this basic order!
Moreover, we value the long-term cooperative relationship with you more than you or some treasure. "Devil Sword Da Yi Ling Ran said.
Rose rolled her eyes, your group of terrorists, tell me principles and bottom line? The previous reason seems to be more credible!
In fact, the reason why Nie Yun is not robbing is of course not because of the above reasons. Even if the father told Nie Yun not to bully a woman, can Rose be a woman?
She is at best a female Kara! There is a genetically essential difference from the woman in Dad's mouth!
For Nie Yun, Kara civilization still has surplus value. At this time, for the so-called treasure of unknown value, it is not worth the trouble to directly turn over the face, and the problem that can be solved with money is not a problem for him!
The most important thing is ... such a precious thing, who knows which horn is hidden by Rose, and if people would rather die, then he can really dig Cara Star three feet?
"It seems that the inside of the Gemini also knows that there are secret treasures on me. Are you getting the news from them?" Rose asked.
"Yes, in fact, the reason why Gemini has been hunting you is very important because of this secret treasure." Nie Yun did not conceal, and bluntly said that Rose is now guilty of sin, and the treasure is only on her She is in danger.
Rose lowered her head in contemplation, her face struggling, and seemed to weigh the pros and cons. Finally, she looked up at the magic sword, "In fact, things are not impossible to sell to you!"
"Oh?" Nie Yun was a little unexpected. Today, he was expecting only a few words to be able to hear this thing, but he didn't expect Rose to actually sell it.
"This thing may have been very important to our Kara civilization before, but nowadays, it is nothing more than a chicken taste with more symbolic significance than practical significance."
Rose said that she suddenly kept silent and glanced at the two Mithril Knights next to her.
"But it's okay! I always use people without doubt, people who don't need them!" Mojian said from the face.
Mithril Knight Internal Channel:
Er Mao: Doubt? Why is the screen blank? Why can't I hear anything? Operation failure?
3rd: Is it offline, I am seeing the climax!
The third youngster who entered the line had the same cat claws.
Boss: Stupid! What line have you dropped, have you seen the quality of the things made by the boss? This is obviously kicked by the network administrator!
Third child: Um? You mean the boss he ... no, the boss just said that he is not suspicious!
Boss: Ha ha! Is it? But I heard that the suspect doesn't need to ...
Everyone: ...
Mechanical bug: "..." ╮ (╯ ▽ ╰) ╭
Rose listened to the Sword, not much to say, hesitated a little, and took a necklace directly from the slender neck.
This necklace was usually hidden in the collar of Rose, and Nie Yun only noticed that this necklace seemed to be something extraordinary.
At the end of the necklace, there is a long, short, prismatic aquamarine crystal. When you look closely, there seems to be a liquid substance flowing in the crystal. In the slightly dim room, a little bit of streamer-like green light flashes. It looks like It's amazing.
"This is the secret treasure?" Nie Yun asked curiously, but he didn't expect Rose to carry such an important thing with him.
If you knew it, you robbed it directly? I feel a little lost!
"Yes, this is the secret treasure of our Kara royal family, we call it ... water of life!" Rose swayed the liquid in the necklace, her eyes a little sad.
"Thousands of years ago, our ancestors of the Kara people were caught in a place where the flame was burning because of an accident. They were in the line of life and death and stumbled upon a place of paradise, a place of life that existed safely in the flame!
The life there is luxuriant, and the high-temperature flames can't hurt them, and in the center of this paradise, there is a small lake formed by the fall of a meteorite, exuding a rich breath of life.
Our ancestors bathed in it, the genes have been incredibly optimized, intelligence has been developed, vitality has been greatly enhanced, and even limbs can be reborn ... "Luo Luo with a trace of piety slowly told the history of the Kara civilization.
Nie Yunting's heart was shocked, but also meteorite?
Could it be that the ancestor of the Kara people, like himself, was also the lucky one selected by the wonders of the universe?
"After that, the ancestor returned to the ethnic group, with the prosperity of the clan, and the descendants also inherited his excellent genes. The ethnic group gradually developed and grew, and soon became the overlord of Kara Sing, and developed a splendid civilization. The reason for the long life of Kara people today! "
"So, the magical spring water is the secret treasure?" Nie Yun looked at the liquid in the necklace.
"Yes! Our life hormone technology and cloak technology are actually born out of research on the water of life.
Life hormones are imitations of the water of life, and the colonies are cultivated by super cells catalyzed by the water of life!
The water of life was originally a lot. In the long history, the outstanding royal family will be rewarded by the baptism of spring water. After the baptism, although the genes cannot get the earth-shaking evolution like the ancestors, but whether it is physique or intelligence, it will get extreme Great enhancement!
It is because of the continuous optimization of genes in the water of life for a long time that our royal family will be talented, and each is a powerful colonial warrior with exceptional vitality!
But the water of life cannot be regenerated. Over time, this water of life will become less and less. By the generation of my great-grandfather, the royal family has stopped the baptism ritual. Now the bottle in my hand is the last water of life. Rose said with a sigh.
The last bottle?
Nie Yun looked at Rose's eyes. "Then why don't you use it? According to what you said, after baptism, you should increase your strength?"
"Hehe! How can the power increase? In the face of the Gemini fleet, if one person's power can save Kara civilization, then my father has already used it." Rose smiled bitterly.
"So, although it is extremely precious to me, it is not incapable of trading. We have to destroy civilization, and it is useless to keep this kind of thing."
Rose finished, looking at the magic sword, "If I agree to trade the water of life, how many unlimited coins are you going to exchange for?"
Nie Yun looked at the necklace, and what Rose said was very consistent with some Kara civilization information he knew, and the credibility should be more than half.
"Although the quantity is a bit small, it is indeed a magical item. This time I am the buyer and you are the seller, so you will make the price!" Nie Yundao said.
"Although the number is small, the effect of using the water of life for the first time is the best for any living thing, and the effect will decline when it is used more, so for you, or the people behind you, it is still Priceless treasure! 3 million, this is my bottom line! "
"Okay! Deal!"
"There is only this one bottle in the world, its value ... uh, wait! What did you just say?" Rose still wanted to bargain, and after a reaction, she recovered and looked at the magic sword in amazement.
Is this sword ...
"I said, according to what you said, 3 million, the deal!" Mojian a pair of 5-star praised merchants' service attitude.
"What you said is true? There are no additional terms? Or extra items for secret-free payment?" Rose was still wary.
"Not at all, rest assured! In my eyes, this information is valuable, we organize business, and it has always been childless!"
"Okay! Deal!" Rose smiled with a smile on her face, her eyes flashing inadvertently.
Nie Yun promised to be so refreshing, but it wasn't that he suddenly turned his temper. In fact, if this thing is really a cosmic wonder and has the magical effect of optimizing biological genes, then it is definitely worth the price.
In addition ... Gustav ’s beheading operation failed, and the Gemini will definitely begin to deal with Kara civilization, so relatively, Nie Yun must also increase his support for Rose ...
The transaction was overwhelming for both parties, and Rose noticed that the two Mithril Knights seemed to have not moved since the beginning.
"What's wrong with them?"
"Oh, it's okay, maybe it was too shocking, so my brain was a little short-circuited."
Rose: "..."
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