Chapter 401: Who goes to hell?

Twenty minutes later ...
"Unexpectedly, there are actually extra surprises!" Said Nie Yun, and several silver mechanical arms withdrew from Catherine, who was still unconscious, and slowly sank into the metal ground of the bridge.
Nie Yun just fainted Catherine and did a full-body examination on her, and confirmed that it was only a tiny chip in her brain that controlled her. For mechanical worms, removing such a thing was like ... oh no, just eating Meal is so simple!
In the micro world, "small" is a measure of strength!
The control chip in Catherine's brain looks like a spider with super long legs and feet. Several special nanowires are extended and implanted in several cerebral cortical nerve regions of Catherine to perform specific brain nerve signals and brain waves. Comprehensive directional detection, in this way to determine whether the implanted betrayed.
The reason why Nie Yun stuns Catherine first is because she is unsure whether Catherine knows that she wants to "remove the control chip for her" and will directly stimulate the control chip to kill Catherine.
Dizziness is the simplest and most direct "five sense closure"!
Of course, the crude "food-eating" removal method during the operation naturally inevitably triggered the "self-destruction mode" of the control chip, but it can electrically convert the entire brain into a vegetative current, which is also a snack for the mechanical worm That's it.
In general, the procedure is unpredictable ...
After Nie Yun ate the entire control chip and analyzed its principle, he found that it could not only trigger the release of current, but also detonate artificially. It can be said that Catherine's life and death were completely controlled by the Cruze family.
In order not to attract the attention of the Cruze family, Nie Yun used a mechanical worm to reproduce a control chip to ensure that Catherine's "insurance measures" signal was normal, but the original restrictions no longer existed for Catherine!
Nie Yun sorted out this control technology a little bit, and the experience value of "feather neurology" increased a little ...
The brain is the most complex organ in the human body, even if humans and the feathers are also humanoids, but the slight differences in genes will lead to huge differences in brain structure!
Biology is a practice-type discipline, and its development is completely based on countless clinical experiments.
Therefore, even if Nie Yun has a human brain model, but if he wants to use this technology to reversely launch the brain model of the feather family, then it cannot be achieved by relying solely on the theoretical school. It also requires countless clinical trials. Naturally, there are countless 'S experimental sample ...
Presumably, in order to get this kind of technology, the Cruze family will not have too clean hands.
The mechanical structure of this control chip is not precise and high-end for Nie Yun, but part of the neural structure of the feathers contained in it is very useful for Nie Yun. This technology allows him to sort out the keyword "betrayal" The neural signal area fills a certain gap in the neurology of the feathers.
Following the "puppet control technique" of nerve stimulation, Nie Yun once again mastered the "curse of death if he betrayed" against the feathers.
It can be said that as long as he wants, he can quietly put such a "curse" on every feather clan he contacts.
But for Nie Yun, this technology is really a little tasteless, because the premise of effective implantation is that the person to be implanted must have allegiance to himself!
For example, Nie Yun implanted this chip into the guy Gustav, then when he remembered Nie Yun and hated the tickling teeth ... sorry, he didn't have fart!
Because Gustav ’s loyalty is not Nie Yun at all, the chip will only be triggered when the idea of ​​"betrayal" arises. And Gustav hated Nie Yun for him, it was just a matter of course, and there was no such thing as a "betrayal" in the brain. In this case, the chip is naturally invalid.
In other words, Nie Yun cannot use this technique to control the Yu people to allegiance to him, but can only be used to prevent those who have been loyal to "betray" him.
Although the technology seems useless to Nie Yun, it also reminds Nie Yun that he can play with the biological brain, but not only himself!
"Drip!" At this moment, the projection of the code name suddenly appeared, still in a white dress, beautiful and unparalleled. "Sir Captain!"
After paying homage to Nie Yun, the codename saw Catherine lying on the ground, her clothes seemed to be a little messy, and immediately turned to look at Nie Yun, showing a curious expression, "Sir Captain, this is the so-called red flag at home, the colored flags are floating With the wind?"
Nie Yun: "..."
I was three feet away from her. Which one of your eyes did you see the chess piece floating ...
It ’s okay to work overtime, do n’t keep researching some exotic books ...
Nie Yun rolled his eyes weakly, "Say, what's the matter?"
"Yes! Yu Lao applied for you to personally cut the ribbon for the launching ceremony of the" Prometheus "system!"
"Oh! Cut the ribbon? I'm afraid they are selling their results to me. I want to allocate more research funding to me, this guy ..."
Yu Lao's group of scientists Nie Yun still do not understand? They belong to a group of pragmatist scientists who are nothing but a waste of time on formalism. When looking for Nie Yun, in addition to funding and technology, he can guess Yu Lao's ideas with his toes.
The "Prometheus" system was a galaxy-level engineering idea proposed by Lawrence, a top scholar in the field of high-energy particle research, at a large academic exchange meeting a few months ago in the science and technology tree, which attracted widespread attention in the academic community.
After theoretical verification, Yu Lao and others unanimously agreed on the possibility of the idea, and immediately set up a special research room and hired Lawrence to preside over the research.
In the later stage of the research, Nie Yun joined and provided equipment manufacturing and solutions for the project. Not long ago, the project has entered the practical stage and began to accept the results.
Through this project, Lawrence became the first scientist in the entire world of science and technology to upgrade his authority from D to C!
"Tell Lao Yu that the funding will increase by 10% next month, and a medium-sized experimental base will be added. The location will be chosen by them! As for the ribbon cutting, it is not necessary. This is the fruit of their success." Nie Yundao.
He has recently weakened his sense of existence, such a high-profile occasion is not suitable for him, and he has more things to do than this boring ceremony ...
Nie Yun took out a necklace and placed it in front of her eyes. With a slight shaking, the emerald green dots in the necklace pendant fluttered dreamily, which was very magical.
The water of life from Rose has been escorted by the Mithril Knight. Through the mechanical insect spy that was installed in the colonial base before Nie Yun, a small shuttle was arranged and sent to the Forester.
In the name of the investigative team, Nie Yun is now able to mobilize a small amount of resources from the Gemini and cooperate with the cover-up robot spy, everything is done quietly.
At this moment, he is considering how to verify the efficacy of the water of life.
Although his body is poisonous, he is suspected to be a cosmic wonder with mechanical bugs. It can't be measured by common sense. Nie Yun is absolutely afraid to take himself as a mouse, but I don't go to hell. What about hell?
"Poo poo!" At this moment, there was a movement from the silver wing guard behind Nie Yun. Eight of them came out of the faceplate and looked at Catherine lying on the ground curiously. They jumped forward and poked her face.
It was also the first time that such a close contact with a feather family was intriguing.
Eight of them have been very moisturizing recently. When they were okay, they controlled Kara Xing ’s avatars to travel around. They opened maps for Nie Yun in the burning area.
For octopuses, so many legs are not a decoration, the speed of sliding up in the burning zone is simply to fly, plus strong defense and unearthed digging skills, even if Gemini ’s retaliatory fire cover More and more fierce, it's just tickling for it.
The burning area of ​​Kara Sing is full of energy for mechanical insects, and metal materials are not difficult to find. Eight avatars have grown and gained weight again after this time.
Nie Yun is quite satisfied with the recent performance of Hachijo, saying that it has made outstanding contributions to the historical events of saving alien friends and resisting alien aggression. Both the earth and Kara civilization will remember your cloud and fully mobilize this little The enthusiasm of the guy's actions.
Nie Yun's eyes lit up as he watched Eight Sky's rolling head leaning on Catherine's wings to sniff.
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