Chapter 440: Interest

"This ... this is the legendary cosmic wonder?" Gustav's eyes were slightly hot.
"Cosmic wonder-water of life! After being used by any creature, it can not only stimulate the body's potential and strengthen its strength in an all-round way, but also have the powerful effect of greatly extending lifespan. Promote an ethnic group to a higher level of evolution! "
"Hiss ~" Hearing Kuroshitsuji's words, both of them gasped.
It is okay to strengthen the strength in all directions. Gemini also has the technical means to strengthen the individual strength, but most of them have very strong side effects, either to sacrifice lifespan to stimulate the human potential, or to semi-mechanize the body.
If it is just this effect, Gemini will not pay too much attention. After all, it is only for the individual, and it has little effect on the entire civilization.
But the last two functions are great!
Needless to say, extending life expectancy, no one will think that their lives will be long. If it is used in important top scientists, it will have a great effect on the development of civilization.
For those who are old and in power, this is also a temptation that cannot be refused.
And optimizing genes and promoting biological evolution is a super effect that can enhance the potential of the entire civilization! The effect on Gemini is immeasurable!
"How can we be sure that what you said is true?" Isal said cautiously.
"Oh! Our Gemini uses many technologies to delay aging, but it can extend the life span to about 200 years old, and the Kara people ’s natural life span is almost 300 years old, and the body also has a strong self-healing ability, and even can be amputated. Rebirth!
They are both humanoid creatures, but the evolution of the Kara people's body is undeniably walking in front of our Gemini.
Have n’t you been studying the mysteries of the Kara people ’s strong body and longevity? Well, it's before you now! "Deacon shook the crystal bottle in his hand."
"You mean ... this thing is the cosmic wonder in the hands of Kara civilization?" Isal finally reacted.
"Yes! We also achieved a certain degree of trust in the other party in the process of supporting Kara civilization. Only by accident did we discover the secret of the water of life." Deacon nodded.
"The life hormones of the Kara people are just the by-products of the Kara people's research on the water of life. Their efficacy is not comparable to that of the water of life. In addition ... What do you think of the genetically modified combat strength of the hound?"
"What? Could it be that the biological weapon was modified with the water of life?" Gustav asked.
This kind of biological weapon that can almost compete with the power armor has made the Hai's ground troops suffer a lot. He is very impressed by this!
After receiving the confirmation from the other party, Isal felt a little regret in her heart. She was obviously looking for something she had been looking for.
Combined with the intelligence information at hand, Isar and Gustav began to believe in each other's words gradually.
Nine sentences in a lie are true and false, only to confuse people.
"So, it is Kara civilization who took out this chip, would you please protect them?" Isal asked.
"No! Now that our organization already knows the existence of the water of life, it is also very easy to with our strength.
But ... It is a pity that the production of water of life is extremely low, only one bottle a month, and the birth environment is too special to move at all, so when we got the information, we learned that you actually want to destroy Kara After the star, this had to appear to negotiate with you.
Otherwise, we will definitely abandon the Kara civilization in every district after we have finished using it. Why should we spend a lot of money and pay a great price to let you quit Karaxing? "
This is the case, so that the other party's actions can be fully explained.
"Your organization is willing to give us such a precious thing?" Isal doubted.
"Of course I don't want to. I originally wanted to digest it secretly. Even if it is inside our unity of all things, it is also a rare treasure. It is used for exchange and can quickly enhance the strength of our Caldari Star Division.
But once you started, things were ruined, we broke up twice, so after deliberation, we decided to give up some of the benefits, both sides opened three sevens, you three and seven, everyone's interests are shared. "Deacon Black said with a pair of powers to divide the colony."
"Thirty-seven is open ?! Are you kidding? Kara Sing is still under our control, why do you take the big head!" Gustav immediately jumped when he heard this allocation ratio.
"Correct, Cara Star is now under the control of both of us, you have the ability to destroy it, and we are the same!
But ... the price is sitting on the ground, and the money is paid on the ground. This is not impossible to talk about. Let me tell you, the bottom line for me is fifty-five. If this ratio is exceeded, we will detonate Karastar and return to the solar system.
Anyway, we have already got some samples. Even if we do in-depth research, we may not have any gains, but it is a pity that our civilization is about to lose an opportunity for evolution ... oh! "Deacon Black said with great regret."
When Gustav saw this, he couldn't help but scolded his heart. He was obviously biting the good, and he still had a face for the country and the people.
Isar pondered aside. The opponent's three chips were all profitable for Gemini, but at the cost of the solar system and the neighboring galaxy that were actually occupied by the opponent.
And no one can guarantee that what the other party said is true, which may also be a strategic deception of the other party!
Isar spoke carefully and spoke.
"If all you say is true, then the transaction you proposed is indeed tempting, and we will immediately report it to the United Parliament for instructions.
However, it is stated in advance that in order to verify the efficacy of the water of life, you must first provide us with a sample. At the same time, in order to show your sincerity, you must first release our captured personnel after the peace talks.
In addition, wanting us to give up the entire Proximity Galaxy is undoubtedly a fool's dream. Our bottom line will only be to suspend the use of force against Kara Sing and divide the ceasefire line with the actual occupied areas of both parties!
At the same time, our fleet must control the planetary orbit of Kara Sing and maintain a military blockade against the planet. Any flying objects that attempt to escape Kara Sing will be shot down!
If the two sides can really cease the war, then the subsequent transport ship that sends the water of life out of Karasin must also be provided by us. We will send someone to count the amount of water of life. After all, things are in your hands, and you only know how much the output is. .
If you really just want to get the water of life, such a truce is acceptable to both parties, isn't it? "
Kuroshitsuji remained silent for a while, then nodded, "Yes! This request is reasonable, and this is also our bottom line!"
Letting Gemini withdraw from the neighboring galaxy was the condition of his lion's large opening, and he did not expect the other party to agree.
"I will let people prepare the samples immediately, you can go to the Gemini coordinates XXX, XXX position to get the goods, give you three days to verify, then ... I will wait for the good news of the two!" Kuroshitsuji finished, The communication is hung up.
Isal didn't expect that the other party promised to be so happy, once he got the sample, he could prove whether the existence of the water of life is true or not.
If the water of life is really so powerful, then the distribution between the two groups may be the top priority. The extension of lifespan alone is a huge racial advantage!
The short-term effect may not be obvious, but in the long-term it may fundamentally change the power balance between the two communities.
After all, a 300-year-old Einstein and an 80-year-old Einstein can make a difference in their contributions to civilization.
The remaining two commanders glanced at each other, and both saw something inexplicable in the other's eyes ...
Fallen Angel, Commander's Lounge.
The dark and mysterious background projection slowly faded, and Nie Yun pulled off his black robe, revealing the gentle officer uniform of Gemini underneath.
"The script I stayed up all night, it seems that the effect is not bad. Even if I can't fool the other party, I can at least get some time. Next ..." Nie Yun turned to look at the outline of Cara Star out of the window.
To save the longevity of the big tree, if you can flicker outside, you must practice your internal skills and prepare to stand out at any time by the enemy's artillery fire!
"It took more than three thousand years to evolve into this way, the mushrooms grow faster than you, transform! Must transform! Hehehehe ..."
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