Chapter 446: Meet

Fallen Angel bridge.
"What? Stop the crossfire and stand by?" Catherine was dealing with the fleet's daily training. After hearing the news, she couldn't help but looked up at Captain Emilia.
Amelia gave up her hands helplessly, "I heard it was an order directly issued by the Parliament."
"Well ... it should be related to the threat from Kara civilization ..." Catherine thought thoughtfully with her arms around her chest.
Nie Yun pretends to be a black deacon and has a secret conversation with the two commanders. After all, the intelligence of the universe ’s strange objects needs to be kept secret, but the threat information sent by Nie Yun before the fake Kara civilization was clearly public information. The fallen angel naturally received it. Content.
"Maybe the parliament is worried that Kara civilization will blow up Kara Sing, so we have to compromise with the other party to a truce, but should we just give up Kara Sing?" Emilia nodded and frowned.
"No, if you want to give up, it will not be an order to stand by, but to evacuate directly." Catherine shook her head.
"Well, but in this case, our army training time can be a little more ample." Emilia sighed with relief.
Catherine, the nominal acting commander, is good at all, that is, she has strict training requirements for the troops, which is definitely the devil coach level.
What aircraft warfare battle fleet battle, sand table simulation of electronic countermeasures, that is to rotate training 24 hours a day, especially do not know why, especially like to engage in side-to-side combat training exercises.
In the side-to-side combat training, that is, the use of warships for fire cover, the mech units attract the enemy's firepower, and then release the small landing craft to attack the enemy ship for a white-blade battle.
Because of the frequent training, most of the combatants have entered the friendly ship to conduct military exercises. Even if the people of the third squadron are not on a warship, they can almost get familiar.
According to Catherine, at present, there is no space fleet in the Proximity Galaxy that can fight against itself. It is too late to defend all things. It is impossible to actively enter the Proximity Galaxy, and Kara civilization has no fleet at all.
Therefore, in this case, the possibility of large-scale fleet wars is unlikely, so the training time should be fully utilized to shift the focus of training to small-scale special operations and landing operations.
Although Emilia has some questions about Catherine's training method, but at least after a few rounds, the cohesion within the third squadron has increased a lot.
But of course, there are some places that are not in harmony ...
For example, in today's side-to-side combat training, the small and red combat forces of the blue and blue sides encountered in the battleship ...
Swish swish! The two sides are coming and going, and the simulated beams are flying around in mid-air, just in a narrow aisle near the Zhinao computer room, a fierce battle is being staged to meet the brave in a narrow road.
"Keng! Kheng!" Two swords collided together, sparks splashing.
The two red and blue soldiers in power armor pushed hard together and were unable to move.
The helmet of this training power armor can't see the face clearly, but there are red and blue numbers on the face armor to distinguish.
Suddenly, the blue soldier with the number 666 "Huh" whispered. Although he couldn't see his look clearly, the whole person seemed very surprised.
"Hey! What are you looking at?" The red soldiers stared back fiercely as they pressed hard against the blade, and the military confrontation would be angry.
"Uh ... the 250 brothers opposite, I remember that I just saw you the day before yesterday, why are you again ..."
"Huh?" Red 250 was stunned for a moment, and then he saw the other party's number clearly, and couldn't help but anger, "I rely on! It's actually your Lord Voldemort, the enemy's road is narrow!"
Our exercise the day before yesterday was when your kid was lying on the ground and pretending to kill me with a cold gun. It was shameless! "
After scolding hard, force the other person to take two steps back, swish! It was just a few simulated beams.
"Hey! Brother don't talk about the second brother, who hung on the ceiling that day and wanted to engage in a sneak attack? Batman is amazing!" Blue side pushed back politely, and his speed was not slow at all.
Swish swish! It was also a few simulated beams in return.
Red 250's old face was red, and a roar rushed up again.
"Cheng Keng!" The two men's swords met again, red 250 glared at blue 666!
"Cough! Brother, don't fight, don't know each other, or brother, let me pass this time, the green mountain will not change the green water and the long stream, brother I will have a poster!" Blue 666 soldier suddenly played an emotional card, soft tone .
The blue side is the offensive side, this time the goal is the brain room behind the red soldiers.
"No, the captain said. If the computer room is occupied today, everyone will not be able to surf the Internet for three days. Brother and I are severely addicted to the Internet. If you don't surf the Internet for three days, you will be killed. The brother raised his hand and asked to let go! Red 250 warrior is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and returned a bitter card.
"Is that ... good!" Unexpectedly, the Blue 666 soldier Wen Yan actually jumped backwards decisively, "Keng" slammed the knife into the sheath, and then stepped back with two hands.
"The brothers talked about this. After all, they are brothers of the army. They looked down and did not look up. This time it was when I apologized to the brother for letting the cold gun last time!"
The Red 250 warrior did not expect that the other party was so good at talking, and could not help but stay awkward. After the reaction, he also embarrassedly closed the knife and arched his hand. . "
"Hahaha! Okay, let's smile and grudge, we will have a chance to drink together someday!" The Blue 666 warrior turned and walked away, leaving a dashing back with a wave of his sleeves without taking away a cloud.
The red 250 warrior who had always remained vigilant saw that the other party actually exposed the most fragile back armor to himself. He suddenly felt ashamed and ashamed in his heart. He used the villain's heart to measure the belly of a gentleman. what……
"Hey! By the way, meeting is fate! This is the meeting of brothers, don't be polite, and then!" Blue 666 warrior suddenly remembered something, turned around and thrown over something as dark as a beautiful parabola.
"Huh?" The Red Warrior didn't react for a moment, unconsciously reached out to catch it, and then fixed his eyes ...
Red Warrior: "..."
"Bang!" A flash of blue light flashed through, and the Red 250 soldier fell stiffly to the ground, his face stunned with disbelief.
What a good grin?
"You ... you bastard! What a swindler!" The red 250 warrior's eyes were red, worse than being pitted once, but pitted twice by the same person!
He keeps struggling, but his whole body has been locked in all joints by training armor "Death Mode", completely unable to move.
"Ah! It's still too young ..." The Blue 666 warrior sighed, and crossed the still struggling Red 250 and walked into the brain room not far away.
In the computer room, the Blue 666 warrior attached a black metal box to the Zhinao host, and then stepped back a few steps. "Bella ~" A burst of blue light flashed, and the various indicators on the Zhinao host turned off in sequence ...
Inside the bridge.
"Exercise reminder: The host computer of Red Fang Brain was attacked by eMP weapon. Please retake the computer room as soon as possible and restart the Brain Brain ..."
Hearing the drill reminder, a punch of the drill captain "Bang!" Hit the table with a punch. "Asshole!"
If the computer room is lost and the wisdom brain is "short-circuited", many automatic defense weapons will be useless. This defense battle basically ended in failure.
Even if it is to regain the computer room and restart the wisdom brain, this period of time is enough for the Blues to enter the core area of ​​the battleship.
"Isn't there a heavy army in the engine room to defend? Why did you lose your guard?" The captain of the Red side said in anger.
"Uh ... an enemy soldier happened to bypass our main defensive position. The ace soldier 250 we arranged on the last line of defense was also killed by the other party ..." Some people checked the combat record and replied.
"What? All the 250 have been killed?" The captain froze.
250 But the ace warrior he specially borrowed from the friendly forces to support was actually killed?
In the computer room, the mechanical worms inside Wisdom were taking advantage of Wisdom ’s temporary
short circuit
, and the Blue 666 soldier stood beside him smiled strangely,
Hey, hey,
and then slowly sank into a silver metal liquid. ground.
Until the end of the exercise, the angry Red 250 rushed to the machine room with gasps, but there was no trace of the other party.
"The last one! Get it!" Nie Yun clapped his hands.
After a series of self-directed exercises and secret invasions, Nie Yun has basically controlled all the battleship Zhinao of the third squadron, which can be said to have obtained more than 70% control of this fleet.
It may be suspected that a mechanical worm is making a big noise, but if you use the water in the name of the exercise to touch the fish, there are more opportunities. Of course, the premise is that the exercise must be carried out in the direction you want.
Gemini would naturally not listen to his own command, so Nie Yun could only end secretly, and Lan 666 was his trumpet.
He can naturally use Superman's first-class combat power to kill the Quartet to achieve the purpose of maneuvering exercises, but this is too conspicuous. The sudden emergence of a little Superman will definitely attract everyone's attention, so Nie Yun's choice of means is unavoidable. "Outsmart", people who meet him are naturally quite retrograde ...
Of course, it's a tragedy to encounter Nie Yun twice in a row like Red 250 ...
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