Chapter 448: Prison

During the negotiation of the armistice, both sides were very tacit and did not intend to sign a written agreement.
Everyone knows that this thing is not binding at all. Secondly, the two parties are ready to turn their faces at any moment when they reach an agreement ...
Shortly after the armistice, more than 100 captives were released back to the neighboring galaxy. Gustav also took the opportunity to publicize and make the ceremony of returning the captives as grand as a warrior who greeted the triumphant return.
At the same time, Gustav also declared that this was a huge diplomatic victory. The forces of the invincible fleet of Gemini pointed to it, and any force should be trembling.
Originally because of the sudden truce, some floating military hearts did indeed restore some morale a little under such propaganda, and also saved some of the face of Gustav's previous defeat and the soldiers being captured.
So the unanimous act of releasing prisoners was regarded by some unsuspecting people as an act of showing weakness to Gemini.
The rest of the captives for the rest of their lives were naturally ecstatic when they returned to their troops, but when asked about the situation of the solar system, they did not know what to do.
"It's unclear that since we were captured, the other party has never let us have contact with the outside world, and there are only some automated robots watching us around."
"The place where we were detained should not be far from the wormhole. The other party did not mean to torture us, not even a normal interrogation."
"Abuse? No, instead, our treatment is still very good. Even if we have failed several times to escape, the other party's punishment is also very light, much more friendly than the domestic prison!"
"Information on the place of detention? Hmm ... How much is the monitor? Sometimes I feel that there are countless eyes staring at me all the time and I can't sleep at all ..."
So Gemini was disappointed to find that they could not get any information about the solar system from these prisoners, and the only most valuable information was regarded as an illusion caused by a soldier's mental stress ...
"In this way, there may be really unspeakable secrets in the solar system ..." This is the conclusion drawn by Isabel through these captives.
"Well! Obviously, these captives were targeted for intelligence blockade, and the contact of the other party was avoided as much as possible. Only some automated robots were used to watch them, in order to avoid information leakage as much as possible.
Could it be that there are really garrisons in the Ante Empire in the solar system? "
"This possibility is not ruled out. In addition, from the perspective of the other party's treatment of these captives, I am afraid that as long as these people are captured, they will have the intention to use them as a bargaining chip." Isall guessed.
Preferential treatment of captives and intelligence blockade are by no means the normal means of detaining captives, unless the detainees have long known to release these captives ...
Did the other party have already counted today when they were engaged in wormhole attack and defense?
Gustav's face was a bit ugly, and there was a sense of humiliation when the other party led his nose. The other party took one step to see three steps, and he could only passively follow the other party's rhythm.
But then his mood improved again,
The actions of the other party just proved that they did not have the strength to engage in frontal combat with their own fleet, so they needed to make a fuss about the captive.
As strong as we are, what other captives are needed?
Isar ignored Gustav's inner activities. She thought about it and asked, "Are there any recent developments on Kara Sing?"
"Well! Nothing else is unusual, but the number of hunter units on our Karasing ground detected by our surveillance equipment is declining. Not only that, but the signs of activity of the remaining Karas seem to be gradually disappearing," Gustav replied.
The transformation plan of the longevity is definitely a huge project of the world miracle level. The resources that need to be called and the manpower consumed are uncountable. The huge hunter force is almost completely requisitioned as an engineer, which naturally attracted the attention of the Gemini surveillance system.
"Huh? The number has dropped sharply? In this case, they actually chose to dormant?" Isal frowned slightly.
"Huh! Shouldn't they choose to stay dormant? The armistice agreement that the captives and the water of life exchanged for them was not easy. I think they were worried about stimulating us, so they didn't dare to stab anymore." Road.
"No! No, the two armies confronted each other. Even if their own side was in a weak position, they should never take the initiative to show their weakness. It is like two beasts confronting each other. As long as one side shows cowardice, the other side will certainly not hesitate to rush to bite.
So if they want to maintain the truce, they should show more sharp fangs to deter us and warn us that it is never a wise choice.
Such a dormant choice ... not normal! "
Isar's words made Gustav stunned, and then thought about it.
There are clouds in the art of war, soldiers, and sly ways, so they ca n’t show it.
Why is the strategy flicker board used?
The powerful country hides its killer skills, "it can't show what it can't," while the weaker side brags about how its own weapons can break through the sky, and uses "unable to show what it can", trying to deter the enemy and telling him that he is not a persimmon?
In this way, the behavior on Kara Sing is a little weird.
"You mean ... there is a conspiracy?" Gustav asked.
"Unclear, maybe the other party can no longer support such a huge armament.
After all, there are not many people left in Kara, and all kinds of industrial foundations have been basically destroyed by us. Before then, they should have already overdrawn the few remaining resources.
The number of opposing hunter troops has dropped sharply, perhaps because they hibernate these creatures to reduce consumption.
But ... I always think things are not so simple ... "Isal mused.
"Huh! Even if they have any conspiracy, but our fleet occupies an absolute strategic position. As long as they keep the planetary orbit of Kara Sing and don't let an aircraft pass, even if the other party jumps, it can only be on the surface of the planet. Can't reach us. "Gustav was full of self-talk.
But then he thought about it and added, "But just in case, I will allocate a part of the fleet to strengthen the blockade around Kara Sing! Make sure it is foolproof!"
As a qualified commander, he can despise his opponent strategically, and he will never underestimate his tactics.
Isal nodded when she heard the words. After all, her own place occupied the ground, and she did not believe what kind of waves the other party could roll under such circumstances.
Kara Sing provides shelter for each other, but at the same time is also a natural cage, and gravity is the heaviest shackles!
Blocked by dozens of warships, any flying object that wants to escape Kara Sing will be bombed into pieces during the climb at the same speed.
But they absolutely can't imagine what kind of killer is hidden deep in the bottom of Kara Sing ......
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