Chapter 453: Special Function Training Course

Gustav was angry, feeling that the world was full of deep malice.
No, we must find everything together, and we must strongly condemn them for their face-to-face set and the set of false and parallel paths behind them!
Just as he was about to order to contact Kuroshitsuji, the adjutant suddenly looked at the personal terminal, and then his face became even more weird than before.
"Uh ... Your Excellency, I just received a wide-area newsletter. An organization called the" hacker codename "claimed responsibility for the virus intrusion. They also specifically stated that this matter has nothing to do with the return of all things ...
Gustav was stunned.
Lying! I don't know you when I change the vest? Even if you want to cover up your criminal behavior, at least cover up the virus' boot screen a little bit? !
He also specifically stated that it has nothing to do with himself. Is there such a shameless organization under the sun?
What's even more shameless is that even the use of the waistcoat is enough, and it still has people's appetite. What is the name of the "hacker code"?
What is the code name of the hacker? Very concerned ...
Over the next few days, the "mysterious" hacker organization launched wave after wave of network data attacks, almost infiltrating all intrusive networks, and the offensive was fierce.
Although it did not cause any casualties, all the officers of the Hai tribe were tired of coping with it, and they could hardly sleep a good night, because the air conditioner that slept halfway out of control may wake you up ...
Later, various headline parties began to appear on the fleet ’s public network, "Shock! Billionaires in the army!" "Teach you how to be promoted to a senior officer!" "Amazing in three days! Secrets XX and XX have to say story!".
As soon as this exaggerated title appeared, a large number of melon-eating viewers were immediately curious, and when they opened the post, their eyes suddenly shined ... it was really dry goods!
Corruption, bribery, and transactions abound in these breaking news posts, adding up to a total of more than a dozen, saying that there are noses and eyes, all of them are named names, and many are acquaintances around them.
At first a lot of people thought that it was a prank, but as a result, some people checked it a little bit ... Actually it did matter!
This time the public opinion exploded, and the news broke into fear, and the group's sentiment was furious, and the military was required to deal with it seriously. The scene was out of control.
Gustav was sitting on the wax, did you deal with it or not?
Do not deal with it, seeing the facts of the crime in front of you, you ca n’t even delete it. If you do n’t deal with it, the officers below might change.
If it can be dealt with, it will offend people!
The various corruption phenomena in the army are not only found in the pioneering legion. Each army is actually the same. After all, when the water is clear, there is no fish. The chiefs at all levels are also blindfolded, sometimes even Will be used as a bargaining chip.
But this time, the person was suddenly bucketed out, to be dealt with really, the person's heart is scattered, the team is not easy to take ...
More seriously, the leakage of these private information shows that the other party's hackers can obtain all kinds of intelligence information in their own fleet at any time. Gustav suspected that the previous leaks also had the shadow of this hacker in them. .
In order to prevent the situation from continuing to expand, Gustav immediately ordered to shut down all communication networks, and each warship only used a single communication to keep in touch.
The codename can use hacking to invade the Gemini fleet, mainly because there are mechanical worms internally responding directly to the other party's "fleet LAN".
This is equivalent to using the other party's wifi to steal the network, but this time the other party is even turned off the router, if the codename can continue to attack, wouldn't it be clear to tell Gemini that we have a way to launch an attack from inside each of your battleships?
One or two warships can still be explained by spies, but not a large number of warships are all spied inside, right? This is absolutely unscientific!
Doing so will definitely cause Gemini to be alert and may even expose the fact that you have alternative intrusion methods, so the codename can only temporarily stop the hacker attack and concentrate on spreading the bomb virus.
Although Gustav's brutal means effectively prevented the other party's hackers from continuing to wreak havoc on his own network, it also cut off the communication channels within the fleet in disguise.
Countless officers complained about this kind of "off the net" behavior. Even people on the planet have various Internet addictions and mobile phone addictions, not to mention the more developed Gemini society. If they don't go online for a day, they will simply cut off their spiritual food. .
The morale of the officers did not mention much. Without the communication platform, the intelligence brains of the various ships could not be linked. Even the cooperative combat efficiency of the fleet would be greatly reduced. Fortunately, it is not a wartime, otherwise the combat effectiveness of the fleet will be reduced by at least 30%.
The Hai nationality is eager to deal with viruses and network attacks, but the Yu nationality is peaceful.
As soon as Isaal discovered the misery of the Hai nationality, he shut down the network link with them. Although the bomb virus was also found in a few warships, it was not frequently hacked, and the situation was better than that of the Hai nationality. a lot of.
Gustav was very dissatisfied with this type of single-handed beating. Why should he beat us? Could everything come together with your feathers?
With such a strange mind, Gustav had concerns in his heart, and he didn't even say anything to Isar for help ...
The fighting in the neighboring galaxy has turned to electronic confrontation. The hacker with the mysterious "codename" is fighting with the Gemini star. In the distant solar system, the three bosses have once again received a temporary mission.
"Special function training class ?!" The three people looked at the banner in front of their eyes and felt their eyelids jump.
"Yes! You have been walking on the road of ordinary people for too long. It's time to open the door to a new world for you!" Nie Yun (avatar) slammed the teaching pointer with great momentum.
The three looked at each other, although they didn't know how to do it, but in various senses, they were not ordinary people anymore?
Flying a plane, turning on armor, eating and sleeping to fight aliens, everything can still be a big stone in the chest, can this be considered an ordinary person?
"Uh ... boss, what is this training class training for?" The boss asked.
"I don't know the word! Follow me, special ~ different ~ gong ~ neng ~" Nie Yun pointed at the banner with a pointer.
The three were stunned. Can this thing be trained? No, does this world really have special functions?
"Boss, what kind of black technology have you developed again?" As Nie Yun's "Quality Tester", the third son was still very conscious.
"That's right! If you can learn the special functions I taught you, even if you complete the task, you will be rewarded!" Nie Yun tempted.
"So what do we have to learn? How can we count as a learner?" The boss asked.
"Hell! Did you see this spoon?" Nie Yun took out an ordinary stainless steel spoon. "What you have to do ... that's it!"
Nie Yun's eyes were fixed on the spoon, the speed visible to the naked eye, the spoon of the spoon slowly bent backwards, and was finally twisted to almost ninety degrees.
Immediately after Nie Yun loosened his hand, the bent spoon swayed and floated like a feather.
"Lying ... Lying! Special function!" The three looked at this scene in dumbfounded.
The stainless steel spoon in Nie Yun's hand is a non-magnetic metal product, that is to say, electromagnetic technology can never do this kind of thing happening in front of him.
The door to the new world ... really open to us?
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