Chapter 474: Elite

The time returned to fifteen minutes ago.
In the wormhole area of ​​the solar system, the 15 warships arranged by Gustav were in a semi-encirclement situation, and the wormhole was included in the attack range.
Gemini does n’t have Nie Yun ’s industrial manufacturing capabilities. If he wants to build a defensive fortress like Earth, he must at least send several industrial motherships, use a large number of engineering robots, and consume a lot of resources.
The Pioneer Corps of Proximity Galaxy is only a second-tier fleet. The main strategic goal is to occupy Proximity Galaxy and eliminate hostile forces in the territory, rather than engage in infrastructure.
Although it is not incapable of making a simple temporary fortress, but for the enemy ships inside the solar system, it takes so much effort to build the fortress, I am afraid that the application will be thrown back directly by the military department after it is hit, maybe it will be seriously doubted Commander's IQ.
On the other hand, no one thought at all that enemies in the solar system would be brave enough to take the initiative to invade the neighboring galaxy.
If this really happens, then the offense and defense translocation, this time is Gemini's geographical advantage, I am afraid that all things will need to invest at least three times the strength of their own, before it is possible to tear the defender's fleet line of defense.
But compared with the current disparity between the two forces, what is the difference between this and finding death?
Even the wormhole defense line composed of these 15 warships, Gustav believed that there was some fighting power surplus.
If it was not in the previous "Second Wormhole Campaign", the Hai family was stunned by a sword fairy mech, and a small aircraft carrier was killed off guard, otherwise Gustav arranged the defensive force Maybe only half of it now.
This incident also reminded the Hai clan fleet. Although the other party is unlikely to launch a large-scale raid, the possibility of small-scale harassment still exists.
Therefore, the defensive formation formed by these warships is quite satisfactory, and the guard has not been relaxed because of the weakness of the opponent.
At this moment, within the flagship bridge of this fleet, the fleet commander was looking at a secret military order and was puzzled.
"Withdraw the line of defense?"
This was a secret order issued by Gustav himself, in which he ordered his fleet to withdraw millions of kilometers to re-arrange the lines of defense.
To know that their current defense line is stuck at the critical point of the longest range. If they retreat by one million kilometers, how can they defend the wormhole?
"This command ... how strange?" The fleet lieutenant also felt that his IQ was not enough. "Sir, didn't His Excellency Gustav mention the strategic intention to do this?"
The commander was silent, but shook his head and said nothing.
In fact, Gustav's strategic intention was indeed mentioned after the order, that is ... "snake the snake out of the hole"!
Just a short explanation, the experienced commander knew that Gustav wanted to lure all things to come forward.
What puzzled him was that it was not a fool that all things would be united for a while. With such a huge disparity of strength, even if there were no wormholes, they would not have any chance of winning in frontal combat. How could they be fooled in this situation?
But ... Perhaps His Excellency Gustav still has a temptation to seduce each other?
"Anyway, let the fleet first withdraw the defense line and wait for the follow-up instructions!" The commander finally ordered.
After thinking for a while, he asked again: "Your Excellency Gustav has given a special account, and the news should not be leaked, only our fleet knows ..."
The adjutant immediately understood what the commander meant.
This order is obviously a secret order issued by Gustav in his own name. I am afraid that the strategic intent of this is still confidential. Such care must be taken to prevent the lurking inside the fleet.
It seems that His Excellency Gustav needs a big move ...
"Yes! Order the fleet to immediately retreat one million kilometers and rearrange the defensive formation!" Lieutenant Li said in a high voice.
As the order was issued, the wormhole defensive fleet slowly turned around and drove away from the wormhole.
However, when the fleet completed its turn and the wormhole had just left the range of the fleet, the mutation suddenly appeared!
Just behind the fleet, the familiar vortex suddenly appeared, and then a touch of silver slowly protruded from the void. The slightly sharp bow was like a sword, spanning a distance of several light years, and was inserted into the neighboring galaxy ...
"Wormhole crossing reaction! Yes ... it's an enemy ship!"
Inside the flagship, the radar soldier looked at the striking red alarm and shouted in panic.
"What? At this time ?!" The commander suddenly stood up from his chair with a shocked expression on his face.
Why is there such a coincidence? !
I just ordered a retreat from my own side, and a raid was launched directly opposite? The time is still so accurate!
The own fleet is now facing away from the enemy, and most of the firepower can't be exerted, not to mention that it is out of range.
But if you turn around and go back to block, the time spent back and forth will take at least 5 minutes!
5 minutes is not long, but it is enough for the opponent to gain a foothold through several battleships.
What makes this commander tremble is that the other party obviously knows that he will take the initiative to retreat, so he has been waiting for this moment!
In the end, is there a leak in the inside of your own, or is the current situation already within the plan of "gutting the snake out of the cave" by His Excellency Gustav?
"Sir! What shall we do now?" The adjutant said anxiously.
No hurry! Didn't you see that an entire battleship over there was about to appear in full tail?
The more time is delayed, the stronger the enemy you will face, and they must decide as soon as possible.
The Fleet Commander didn't know this truth, he already began to weigh the pros and cons in his mind.
There are only two paths before the defensive fleet.
Either continue to retreat, and there will be so many troops in the solar system that one thing will return to normal. Even if the horses and horses are playing each other, their fleet will still occupy the strength advantage.
What's more, there are hundreds of warships behind him to support him, even if he avoids the enemy's edge and waits for the army to press back, he can directly overwhelm the invading enemy!
This method wins in stability, and your own side is invincible no matter what!
But this experienced commander judged intuitively that the development of the situation may not be so smooth.
Judging from at least the previous battles, the people who are all in one thing are definitely not stupid. Every step of the way, Gemini is very passive, and even eats a lot of losses, so how can they suddenly get out of this time ?
Did n’t they see the enemy-ego situation in the Proximity Galaxy this time?
To put it bluntly, there is such a big gap in the strength of the two sides. How many troops they put in will definitely be difficult to escape in the end!
So why did they choose this kind of death? Will there be any backers? Would that strange secret order be the handwriting of all things together?
If you choose this path, will you be in the middle of the enemy?
Then the second way is undoubtedly to turn around and immediately block the opponent!
So far, no matter what the other party's intention is, since you want to enter the neighboring galaxy through the wormhole, it is always wrong to destroy this intention yourself!
When the thoughts turned, the commander gritted his teeth fiercely, and immediately ordered loudly, "The whole ship turned around! Eliminate the invaders!"
In the end, he chose the second path.
In any case, it is always wrong to first probe the opponent's details, even if the situation is wrong, it is not too late to choose to retreat, at least after the battle, then withdraw, it is good to give an explanation to the above officers.
"Also, immediately report the situation here to His Excellency Gustav and apply for tactical guidance!" He continued.
The trouble should end it!
This mess was caused by Gustav's secret order, how to end the pot ... it's still your back!
Wormhole exit.
The first warship has completely escaped the wormhole and appeared in the neighboring galaxy.
The battleship is silver and white, completely made of mechanical insect materials. It is about 600 meters long and has a flat triangle shape. The bow is sharp, like a long sword with a narrow front and a wide back.
No weapon system is visible outside the battleship, and the center of the hull is engraved with striking vortex marks.
The surface of the battleship is obviously mirror-finished, and it looks like it is beautiful and works of art.
This is the assault warship "Hou Yi" frigate specially designed by Nie Yun for this operation.
Knowing the name, this is a heavy-fire warship that focuses on attack power, and its attack weapons have one and only one, that is the main gun!
The "Houyi" frigate has just left the wormhole. The first thing it did was not to open the force field shield to establish a defense line, but to directly enter the attack stance!
"Buzz!" The huge energy quickly gathered, and a dazzling light spot suddenly appeared in the void in front of the bow.
"Zi!" Almost at the next moment, an invisible wave slightly twisted his eyes and blasted out!
At this time, the command of the opposite commander had just been issued.
Gemini apparently did not expect that the enemy's main battery charge time was so short, and the range was far beyond their own. They were still turning at this time, and many warships had only just opened the force field shield.
"Bang!" The invisible attack accurately attacked the back of a frigate next to the flagship.
This frigate obviously responded slowly, the force field shield was just ready to open, and the timing of this attack was also quite accurate. It happened to be the moment when this battleship turned and struck horizontally, the maximum attack surface!
"Boom!" A dazzling explosion of flame suddenly rose around him, and everyone in the flagship bridge was pale.
"Yes ... it's a gamma ray cannon!" Someone shouted loudly.
The flagship's detection equipment observed the characteristics of the attack, and quickly analyzed the opponent's main gun type.
The commander's face was stunned.
Gamma ray cannon? !
This is a heavy gun that can only be equipped in the cruiser class of the Gemini battleship sequence. How can the battleship in front of it do it? !
Just when Gemini's fleet was hit by this long-range attack, a large number of mechas began to flow in the wormhole! After these mechas passed through the wormhole, they still only attacked and did not defend. Without a word, two or three teams were killed towards the battleship of Gemini. The momentum was amazing!
In blue paint, with five long swords on his backs, a stunningly high-level "Jianxian" mecha!
For this battle, Nie Yun did his best!
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