Chapter 49: True meaning

The Aquarius sailed in the direction of the Indonesian country along the established route. Its captain was very happy because of the unexpected harvest. He sat leisurely in the control room while humming a minor while tasting tea.
As the night got deeper, the Aquarius sailed into the high seas, and the nearby ships gradually became fewer and fewer. The first officer on the ship stared at the radar with due diligence.
In this situation where the visibility is almost zero, in addition to the flashing lights on the ship, he can only rely on sonar and radar to evade other ships. He must fight with a spirit of 120,000.
"Didi!" There was a hint from the radar.
The first officer glanced at the screen, and there was a boat approaching them in front of them, the directions were somewhat coincident!
As the two ships moved closer and closer, the light spot on the screen kept moving towards the center, and the first officer frowned, and the other party didn't mean to avoid it.
He immediately ordered the helmsman to turn the rudder to avoid coming.
The Aquarius changed its direction slightly, and after a while, the first officer jumped in his heart, because he saw the radar, and the ship also changed its direction, still approaching them persistently!
He turned the helmsman again, and the result was still the same. The ship seemed to be determined to come towards them!
"Captain! The situation is wrong!" The first officer decisively reminded the captain.
"Huh?" The captain of Zhengyouzaiyou didn't dare to neglect and got up and walked quickly to the console.
"Captain, we have made several changes of direction. The ship on the opposite side is still approaching us!" The first officer's forehead sweated a little.
"What about wide area communications?"
"Try it, there is no response from the other party!"
"Huh?" The captain frowned, looking bad!
Seeing the two ships getting closer and closer, the captain gritted his teeth and just wanted to order the alarm to sound. At this moment, there was a layer of mist on the calm sea and the visibility dropped sharply.
"What's going on, why is it suddenly foggy?" No one knows. So, this weather is too abnormal.
"Huh? Look, is there a boat in the fog?" Several sailors on the deck looked at the center of the fog. Under the illumination of the lights, a shadow grew larger and larger, and seemed to be approaching them.
Then, the sailors saw the pointed wooden pole of the bow piercing the mist, and then a medieval three-masted sailing boat slowly sailed out, with traces of decadent years on the body, and even the sails were ragged , With white mist everywhere.
"You ... ghost ship!" Cried the sailor in horror!
Everyone in the control room came to the deck at the moment, and everyone witnessed this incredible scene.
"Why, this mist has a pungent smell and a sweet taste!" Someone finally began to notice that it was wrong.
"I ... how do I feel dizzy?"
"Hey, me too, what happened ..."
"Boom! Boom!" The voice of someone fainting constantly came, and the captain was also dizzy. Before he was comatose, he seemed to see two bull-headed horses approaching him. .
"Boss! It turns out that the gas mask that the boss prepared for us came in handy at this time!" An urging voice came from the gas mask, and it could be distinguished as the voice of the third one.
"The boss has no way out, I said long ago that those two things are definitely useful! Look!" Boss proudly said.
"Hey, I ate Laozi, and sooner or later I had to spit it out!" Then the boss smiled and looked at the captain who fell to the ground, and then took out a stack of banknotes from him, the money he used to bribe the captain, In the end, he didn't even let go of the money clip.
Captain Aquarius this time counted as stealing the chicken and not killing the rice!
At this time, the "ghost ship" finally stopped continuing to spread strange white gas. The sea breeze was very strong. Soon, the mist was completely blown away, revealing the two ships.
The two brothers took off their gas masks and hid behind a bunker to watch the ghost ship on the opposite side nervously.
I saw a silver-white ladder automatically extending from the "Ghost Ship", and Nie Yun walked up so easily. After all, the Sea Wolf is only a thousand-ton ship, and it is still much shorter than a 10,000-ton freighter.
"Hello, boss!" The two brothers saw that their boss had come down from the ghost ship. They immediately rejoiced and ran forward to say hello.
"Well, you did a good job!" Nie Yun nodded with satisfaction, affirming the contributions of the two brothers, which made the two quite excited, and both of them were quite good.
At this point, Nie Yun's retaliation plan has also surfaced, that is, a trade blockade against the Riyao Group!
This is a bit big. I want to block such a vast sea with only one boat. Normally, it is a fool ’s dream, but the terrible interconnection of everything and the strange combat power of the Sea Wolf make Nie Yun ’s plan possible. !
Of course, in addition to revenge, the thousands of tons of steel on the ship and the ship itself are also coveted by Nie Yun.
Although the seabed resources are almost infinite, the deep-sea manganese iron ore can solve the problem of raw materials for steel, but in this way, it takes a lot of energy and time to collect ore, decompose the ore, and eventually devour the steel, which is comparable to directly swallowing the finished steel Come efficient?
So, there is this plan of the best of both worlds!
First of all, thanks to the advancement of the Internet of Everything, Nie Yun directly found the vessel information and route itinerary of Riyao's water bottle with his ability to search against the sky.
Subsequently, the humanoid self-propelled locator-"Desperately Erlang" was sent to this ship for human flesh positioning!
In the end, the Sea Wolf was disguised as a ghost ship, and a large amount of ether gas was scattered at the upwind position.
This kind of gas can be easily prepared in large quantities by virtue of the decomposition ability of mechanical insects. It is very volatile. The low concentration of ether gas will not cause harm to the human body, but it will cause a short-term coma.
According to the dose set by Nie Yun, these people should be in a coma for about an hour.
Although he wanted to retaliate against the Riyao Group, Nie Yun was not willing to implicate innocent people without hurting others.
Today, the Aquarius is completely under the control of Nie Yun. Countless little wolf robots boarded the Aquarius along the aisle. As soon as they got on the boat, they scattered around and began to efficiently perform cleaning tasks.
First let the robot engulf the central control computer to obtain the hull data of the water bottle, and then destroy the gPS positioning system on the ship.
The little wolf robot moved all the comatose crews to two lifeboats, and then let it go.
In just ten minutes, the cleaning of the Aquarius was completed, and all the robots returned to the Sea Wolf. There were only a few robots and Nie Yun who controlled the ship on the Aquarius.
"Boss, are we going back to base with you now?" Said the boss excitedly.
There is no way not to be excited! They used to be thieves at most, like now, they just robbed a huge ship of ten thousand tons!
This Nima one-sale transaction has been completed, and the amount involved has reached hundreds of millions! This is the crime of sitting in the prison, but why are we so excited?
The two people implied Nie Yun's eyes.
"Well, but before going back, you can get this mission reward first!"
"Boss, do you mean that 'heart of the brave'?" The two brothers were suddenly excited. Could it be that they really wanted to be Superman?
"Well, come with me!" Nie Yun turned around, a tick in the corner of his mouth, revealing a smile that was not well-known.
Ten minutes later, the Aquarius had been driven to the base by Nie Yun ’s robots and disappeared into darkness.
And the Sea Wolf recovered its original appearance at this moment, semi-suspended in the sea, the streamlined deck shell looks very beautiful, and it has quite a prototype of a deep-water battleship.
At this time, the two brothers were standing on the deck of the Sea Wolf carrying two boxy silver metal boxes. The boxes were firmly fixed on the two people by the cross straps. The fighter is a bit like it.
"Boss, what's in this box is the 'heart of the brave'?" The youngest asked Nie Yun in front of him in doubt.
"Huh?" Nie Yun was surprised for a while. Since the invention was invented, it hasn't had time to get a name.
"Well, yes, from now on, it will be called" Heart of the Brave "!"
"This ... this is? What's the use of it?" Asked the old and small.
The two began to realize that there might be something wrong with their understanding of "heart of the brave."
Nie Yun stepped back a few steps, then smiled and looked at the two of them, "Only the warriors are qualified to have the heart of the brave! Now, I will make you warriors!"
As soon as the voice fell, the two hadn't responded to the meaning of Nie Yun's words, and they heard "K!" And Nie Yun snapped her fingers!
After a dazzling transformation of the metal box behind the two, they have been transformed into a set of black individual soldiers' armor set on the two. Except for the full-face mask of the head is black and transparent material, the whole body is black metal gloss , Glowing in the moonlight.
The shape of the individual soldier's armor is very cool. This is an experimental model designed by Nie Yun with reference to the slightly modified set of armor in the mechanical police.
"Wow! Cool! I like this armor!" The youngest raised his hand and looked at his shape, excited.
It turned out that the "Brave Heart" turned out to be a set of alien technology armor! This is the rhythm of going against the sky! Can I beat a mechanic now?
"Correct, this is a war armor, not an armor! It has no auxiliary power, it can only be regarded as a single armor."
"Uh ... Boss, this armor seems to be very light. Will the protection be insufficient?" The boss raised his hand a little and found that the armor was not thick, and the armor was not thick, or even a bit similar to metal leather armor, otherwise they would be impossible. When worn, it was already crushed.
Nie Yun didn't answer, but there was a pistol suddenly in his hand, and he shot several shots at the close range of the boss.
The boss was taken aback, but where did he react and hit him directly.
But the bullet hit the armor. Except for a few strange ripples at the shot, he only felt the same as being pushed by someone, and he stabilised after two steps.
"This ... really bulletproof!" The two stunned.
"Boss, did this armor really give us?" The youngest man flushed with excitement, and with it, he was a humanoid tank!
"Well, of course, but before that, you need to cooperate to test the performance of the armor!" Nie Yun smirked.
"How ... how to test?" The two seemed to notice that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.
"Ah ..." The screams shrieked through the sea.
If anyone has played water drifting, they should be able to understand the tragedy that happened to the two of them now.
I saw that behind the tail of the Sea Wolf at full speed, two mechanical policemen were hanging with chains, and they were constantly jumping and jumping against the sea.
"Bang!" The two smashed into the sea, the shells generally splashed a splash of water, and then they were pulled by the sea wolf again and bounced from the sea, and then continued from the highest point "Ah ...".
If it is not the "Warrior's Heart" battle armor constructed by the mechanical worms, the buffering ability is strange, I am afraid they have broken their bones at this moment!
Despite this, they were also dizzy, and the one who vomited was called Xi Lila.
It wasn't until now that they finally understood the role of the second item in the backpack. It was not equipment but motion sickness medicine ...
It is a pity that the boss guessed the beginning, but not the end!
Nie Yun sat in the captain's room, listening to the screams from time to time outside, could not help shaking his head and sighed.
"You know, the experimental model ... it must be constantly tested, such as its anti-shock performance, cushioning performance ..."
What is a warrior? The sage once told us that true warriors dare to face a bleak life, and dare to face the blood dripping ...
This ... is the true meaning of the brave heart!
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