Chapter 492: Crossover

Dozens of high-power thrusters installed at the root of the longevity are fully powered, pushing its huge body to continue to accelerate, leaving a long dark blue comet tail behind.
Several high-power traction beams are directed at Proximity Star, which exerts a huge traction force on the eternal life, and as the distance approaches, the star's gravitation begins to show its power, like an invisible rope pulling the eternal life's huge body toward itself ... …
Although the channel chosen by Nie Yun for the longevity is thrilling, the acceleration effect is also proportional to the risk. With the propeller comparable to the star-rated engine, the acceleration of the longevity will not be much slower than that of the Haizu flagship.
In fact, the longevity and the flagship of the Hai family have gradually parted ways along the way. The two channels have slightly different angles except for the angle into the star, and they have generally kept going side by side.
After all, the flagship of the Hai family may not be necessary to accept the ultimate test, and Nie Yun has no interest in testing the fire resistance of the sea family ...
The image of the longevity has changed greatly. The crown of the tree in front is like a dead tree in spring. A large number of green leaves took only five or six hours from bud shoot to final growth.
At this time, the huge green umbrella cover has been completely formed, like a huge hat above the head, covering the blazing star light in front.
Each of these newly grown green leaves has the size of a washbasin. If they are observed with microscopic inspection instruments, they will find that they are carrying out amazing photosynthesis inside.
And the tiny relaxation holes on the surface of these leaves are also actively adsorbing the cosmic dust that is free in space.
The vast outer space is not a complete vacuum, and it is filled with various cosmic dust with huge differences in composition and density. Professionally speaking, it is interstellar matter.
The composition of interstellar matter is very complex. A large part is neutral hydrogen atoms, or hydrogen molecules.
In terms of density, there is an average of 1 atom in a cubic centimeter. If an ordinary coke can is placed in the universe, it contains about 330 atoms.
Hydrogen is not only the main fuel for nuclear fusion, but also an important raw material for photosynthesis to produce "water". It is an indispensable element of the self-made biological fortress of the eternal life.
The huge umbrella cover hundreds of kilometers square is like a big broom, sweeping all the interstellar dust and particles along the way, and turning it into your own nutrients!
Although the material density is poor, under the sand tower, it is still a small supplement to the material circulation in the longevity, which can greatly extend the "life time" of the longevity.
Although the water of the longevity is hot outside the body, it is another world in the body, full of vitality everywhere!
The old cells are eliminated and decomposed, and gradually replaced by more powerful new cells. As the water of life is consumed in large quantities, the organizational functions of the longevity become more and more perfect, and they gradually adapt to the harsh cosmic environment.
The metabolic waste generated by the nearly two million Kara people, together with various industrial waste residues manufactured by the internal mechanized arsenal, are recycled again through the powerful digestive system in the body of the longevity, and become the raw materials of the nutrients and photosynthesis of the longevity.
The oxygen produced by photosynthesis can be used to maintain the internal ecosystem in addition to the consumption of the elders themselves.
Attached to the living space of the Kara civilization in the body of the longevity, the oxygen concentration is rising rapidly, just like the spring back to the earth, and the greenery is growing rapidly. In the eyes of all Kara people, even the crops in the grain base have been raised a little. cut.
Then Nie Yun stunned that if this continues to develop, maybe even the ecological maintenance system can be shut down, and relying directly on the biological cycle of the longevity can make this ecological space self-sufficient!
Stars are the source of life. As the eternals approach, the huge light energy is rapidly transformed into various energy storage substances, circulating in the body in the form of chemical energy to provide energy for the daily activities of the eternals.
The abundant energy supply gradually freed the long-lived from relying on internal mechanical energy and began to move towards a truly complete cosmic life ...
Sure enough, as the longevity said, the harsher the environment, the more powerful the evolution effect of the water of life!
Become stronger! Still getting stronger!
If you have to use words to describe the feelings of the longevity at the moment, it is ... Addicted to the thrill of evolution can not extricate themselves!
But the happy evolutionary time is short ...
Proxima Centauri, a red dwarf star in the main-sequence stage, has only 1/8 of the mass of the sun and 1/7 of the volume of the sun. The internal hydrogen burns slowly and steadily, and its life span can reach tens of billions of years.
If you compare it to a pile of charcoal burning slowly, then the sun is a violent burning torch.
Because the combustion is stable and the radiation intensity is low, the habitable zone of the neighboring galaxy is only 7 million kilometers away from the star.
Karasa is located in the habitable zone, and the distance to the neighboring star is only about 6.5 million kilometers, while the distance between the earth and the sun is 150 million kilometers, which is about 20 times different.
In fact, it is precisely because the Carla star is too close to the star, causing the Carla star to be completely "locked" by Proxima Star, just like the moon is locked by the Earth, forcing the Carla star to "face" toward the star all the time.
According to the research data inside Gemini, perhaps a long time ago, a massive celestial body collided with Cara Star, giving it a little rotation energy, which formed the unique life spectacle on Cara Star today.
However, the rotation of Kara Sing is slowly disappearing in this kind of lock. If there is no external interference, about another hundreds of thousands of years, Kara Sing will completely stop rotation and eventually become a dead star!
At the cosmic scale, the distance of 6.5 million kilometers is really far away, so after a full two-day voyage, the red star's light has begun to gradually fill all the horizons of the eternal life ...
The warm and warm sunlight began to become very hot, and the top leaves were gradually roasted slightly yellow, and even the torso exposed to the sun began to blacken and carbonize.
Nie Yun's limit test has entered the most dangerous stage!
"Boss, are you sure this is a trial for me, and not trying to make a piece of super coke?" The long-lived man asked in a slightly vague manner.
Although it is very eager for evolution to become stronger, but it is so exciting to play a stellar ball, it makes the tree sweat!
This is no longer side by side with the sun, but directly dance directly, the scale of the play is not generally large!
"Is there any way, you are so big, so hard to accelerate, not too extreme and haven't waited to merge with my troops, you have to be caught up and killed by the feather fleet behind.
If you are confident to cope with the siege of more than fifty warships and countless mech fighters, then we will lose our heroic counterattack now! what do you think? Nie Yun said lightly.
"Uh ..." The longevity was speechless.
It ’s a nine-death life to complete the trial, but if you turn around ... it ’s a hundred deaths!
What Nie Yun said is true. Naturally, the mobility of the longevity can't be compared with the battleship. The two sides are now like tortoise and hare races. Even if the turtle has the first mover advantage, and the distance between the two is not short, but if the route is the same , There is still a risk of being overtaken.
Isn't this limit test a limit escape?
However, despite Nie Yun's indifferent look on his mouth, his movements are not slow. He not only extinguished all the energy stoves, but also mobilized all the mechanical worms in the body of the longevity, and connected the center of the longevity with the Kara. Several vital core areas such as living space are protected.
Investing so many resources, if only one piece of coke can be obtained in the end, it is really nowhere to go.
The longevity knew at the moment that this adventure was inevitable, and it was also a chance to squeeze his own potential, and the water of life was consumed at a rate visible to the naked eye.
As the distance approaches, the eternals face the star's canopy side, and the temperature begins to rise.
500 ℃ …… 1000 ℃ …… 1500 ℃ ……
The temperature of the magma is only 700 ~ 1200 ℃, and now it is just the energy of the stellar energy absorbed, which gives the eternal life a feeling of support for the first time ...
It had to slowly hang down the canopy of the head and closed it, like a giant green umbrella with its umbrella bones gathered.
In this way, while reducing the area of ​​sunlight, it can also protect its trunk body with a green shade part with better heat resistance.
The distance to the star is still shortening. The leaves of the longevity finally wither and huddle under high temperature, and a few of them start to burn.
But the layers of shade were burned away, and the longevity quickly grew a layer again, but the newly grown leaves became darker and darker, and finally appeared dark green, and the surface even loomed metallic luster!
The bark of the longevity becomes denser and tougher, and the internal functional organs become stronger, full of surging vitality, and it is still in the process of transformation and evolution ...
Then in the surprised eyes of the chasing soldiers and Isal behind them, the immortal entered the outermost layer of the star along the tangent line with unceasing momentum!
Really ... really got into it? !
Under the intense radiation interference, the figure of the longevity completely disappeared in their optical detection field ...
Bringing life to life in destruction, extraordinary achievements!
And the longevity undoubtedly ushered in it at this moment ...
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