Chapter 496: Super Induction Cooker

"Zhizizi ~" On the trunk of the longevity, a coil of silver spiral lines began to flash.
The invisible strong magnetic field fills the surrounding space with the emergence of a powerful ring current, and the high-frequency magnetic field changes at all times!
The countless high-speed metal projectiles fired by the Hai family fleet hit this invisible barrier before approaching the longevity.
As the distance approaches, the projectiles not only decrease in speed, but also start to become red and hot, and then like melted chocolate, which is melted into a pool of red-red metal liquid by high temperature, and then it is directly evaporated into a misty air , Completely lost the threat ...
"High frequency magnetic shield detected, electromagnetic kinetic energy weapon attack is invalid!"
The hints of the Hai clan wisdom brain made all the Hai clan officers face change again.
They didn't expect that their own electromagnetic kinetic energy weapon was actually used by the other party to solve each other's way, and was cracked with the same electromagnetic protection technology.
Obviously, the opponent is not only strong in physical defense, but even prepared for the threatening kinetic weapons!
The high-frequency magnetic shield was also widely used as a protective technology by the Gemini fleet before the Gemini civilization developed a shield for the force field.
It's just that the mainstream weapon in the interstellar battlefield is the speed of light weapon. In this respect, the magnetic shield is completely furnished. With the strong protective effect of the force field shield, the magnetic shield is gradually eliminated.
Projectiles launched by electromagnetic technology are not only metal, but also need to be magnetic materials, which is perfectly restrained by electromagnetic protection technology.
If the answer is true.
There is no most powerful weapon, only the most suitable weapon!
However, the greater the coverage of the magnetic shield and the stronger the power, the higher the requirements for the conductor material. It is easy to overload the circuit due to overload.
Like the longevity, the fortress-level magnetic shield with such a huge area and such a strong effect, Nie Yun is undoubtedly reinforced with mechanical insect materials.
"High frequency magnetic shield" is actually a high frequency alternating magnetic field.
We know that when a high-speed metal conductor cuts a magnetic field, the magnet generates electricity, and part of the kinetic energy is converted into electrical energy, which slows down the object.
The high-frequency magnetic field changes can cause electromagnetic induction in the metal inside it, thereby forming internal eddy currents, which cause the metal to heat up.
The common metal flaw detection in industry is to use the metal characteristic of eddy current.
The faster the cutting magnetic field speed and the faster the alternating magnetic field frequency, the more obvious this eddy current effect. The high-frequency magnetic shield of the longevity is based on this simple principle to slow down the magnetic projectiles fired by the Hai family fleet. melt!
In fact, this kind of thing is not uncommon on the earth, such as the induction cooker that is basically popularized in every household.
The principle of the induction cooker is to use the alternating magnetic field of a certain frequency and use the metal eddy current effect to heat the pan placed on it. Therefore, the heating principle of the induction cooker is not "cooking", but "pot".
What Nie Yun did was to wrap the longevity around the coil and use the well-designed excellent "rope art" to make it into a "Super Induction Cooker"!
Longevity: "..."
It always feels like this explanation, my own force fell into the Mariana Trench ...
Although it sounds weak, the application of basic disciplines is actually far from the limit. Even if it is an inconspicuous induction cooker, the evolution of it to the extreme can become a powerful killer.
Throughout Nie Yun's rise, he has never made any major breakthroughs in basic natural sciences. It is entirely because predecessors planted trees and descended from people to take advantage of the cold. Using super materials such as mechanical insects and precision processing capabilities, they will A series of existing scientific theories are applied to the limit results.
If the basic natural science determines the "upper limit" of the development of a civilization, the existence of mechanical insects can undoubtedly completely stimulate the "potential" of the application of these basic natural sciences and constantly approach this "upper limit"!
In one sentence, it is ... invincible of the same rank!
When the two sides engaged in a confrontation with electromagnetic weapons, the main guns on both sides were not affected by the bombardment, and they were still pouring firepower toward each other!
"Ziziz!" Beams of light crisscross the battlefield, and the battle becomes more intense!
After the special missiles launched by the Hai Fleet approached, the air defense firepower of the Elders also began to output firepower without reservation!
108 doors of 4 consecutive rapid-fire near-anti-aircraft fired a rain-like dense laser net, intercepting a large number of missiles, and only a few were lucky enough to escape the disaster and hit the longevity, but they were blocked by powerful branches and leaves. Down.
Various high-temperature flames, high-voltage lightning, corrosive poison fog, force field shocks, and even nuclear explosion radiation exploded one after another, but they could only cause negligible damage and were repaired by the eternal life in a moment.
The Hai nationality's weakness test is obviously not effective.
The long-lived people here are not to be outdone, and their firepower keeps coming. The 324 special missile launching nests on their bodies also launched counterattacks. More than 20,000 missiles rose into the sky and flew towards the Hai clan fleet!
This amount of missiles, even if they can't cause great damage to the Hai clan fleet, is enough to keep them busy.
The body of the longevity is inconvenient to maneuver, coupled with the huge target, although the main gun attack of the Hai clan fleet can only cause a little injury, but after all, this is a group fight, the number of hard attacks is up, and it will not be damaged under the accumulation. Light, beaten branches flew around.
Although the Hai family fleet is proficient in maneuvering and evading, the fortress of the longevity has a higher firepower level and greater power. As long as it is caught, it is basically the destruction of the ship!
In addition, the fire cooling time of the longevity is extremely short, and the rate of fire is not much more than that of the Hai family fleet. After several rounds of attack, the Hai family also suffered great losses, and was once again destroyed by five or six warships.
Meet the brave in a narrow road to win!
This cosmic encounter is undoubtedly the most direct head-on collision, both sides are gritting their teeth until one side retreats ... or perishes!
However, the battle of survival for the longevity is invincible and die! Naturally move forward!
But the fighting will of the Hai tribe is not as tough as it showed. This can be glimpsed from the previous two commanders who ordered the fleet to spread out to the wings.
On the surface, this arrangement is for the two bread bins, but is it not to make way for the longevity, to avoid both sides from breaking the blood in the stalemate?
After all, Nie Yun's stratagem still showed results.
The Hai people do not trust Ishar within their own ranks, and they even have doubts about their own people. They will never take the initiative to charge in such a time. When the fleet under the squadron is hit hard, they will also leave the longevity.
At this moment, seeing the high energy in front, the eternal life is like a huge wild beast with thorns all over it, it is conducting a pig rush towards its own side, a desperate posture to block my death ...
The two commanders of the Hai clan thought twice, and finally chose to avoid their edge!
When the Hai family fleet sped up towards both sides and sent only a small number of unmanned fighters to intercept symbolically, the outcome of this encounter was gradually clear ...
Faced with the apparent retreat of the enemy, the longevity did not dare to relax, while preparing for the two-winged enemy and accelerating into the dark thunder array under the enemy's arrangement!
"Swoosh!" "Boom!"
The firepower of the longevity is fully open, while sweeping the front channel, while resisting thunder and burst with a hard body!
In the eyes of all the officers of the Hai tribe, either in fear or fortunately, the longevity sparkled with lightning along the way, and went away ...
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