Chapter 511: May our friendship last forever

Speaker Kruse raised his head and looked around for a week, glancing at the power core of the Gemini present, and finally fixed his eyes on the senior military officers on the left side of the conference hall.
"Now the neighboring galaxy is abruptly changing, the pioneering legion is suffering heavy losses, and the water of life has been completely controlled by the oneness of all things. The wormhole of the solar system has also opened its door. I now want to hear the military's views on this matter."
He said he wanted to listen to the military, but no one could hear the meaning of dissatisfaction and accountability.
"Good! The strength of hundreds of warships in the neighboring galaxy was actually taken away by the enemy from the eyelid, and the wormhole was lost!
What ’s even more incredible is that clearly our military is dominant, why should we agree to the other ’s truce request? I think the military must have someone responsible for this! "An old senator was knocking on the table in anger.
Originally thinking about the water of life, I can try to see if I can get a few more years of life. I did not expect that the bamboo basket is empty, and the anger of this member of Parliament is not difficult to understand.
"Secondary! The relevant front-line commander must be responsible for this!" Another councillor agreed.
Feeling the dissatisfaction and anger of the crowd, several senior military officials looked a little ugly, but there was one person whose face was even more ugly. This person was Isad ’s father, Assad.
"Relevant frontline commander" does not need to ask, refers to the commander of the legion, but Gustav rebellion dies, then the first person in charge naturally becomes Isar.
However, as immediate relatives, proper avoidance of suspicion is still needed. Assad did not immediately refute, but waited for the military to answer.
Several senior military officers looked at each other with serious expressions. After a moment, one of them said helplessly, "His Excellency Speaker, everyone, the hidden strength of the unity of all things is far beyond our expectations. There may be an unknown security behind it. Special Empire ...
Although the opponent's strength in the neighboring galaxy seems to be small, but the technological level and weaponry performance are much more than our army. I am afraid that only the elite army directly under the central galaxy can be compared with them.
In view of the comparison of the fighting power between the enemy and the enemy, Commander Isar made a temporary ceasefire under the balance, waiting for the support of the rear.
If you choose to continue fighting, not only is there the danger of the entire army annihilating, but also the other party may be forced to destroy the water of life. Therefore, after the post-war simulation, the military agreed that this decision is not wrong! "
When Assad heard this, he was relieved in his heart and immediately took the word.
"Good! And according to the battle report, the main reason for the failure of this battle was the sudden rebellion of Gustav, the sea commander.
He not only took his flagship counterattack and personally responded to Karasing ’s enemies, but also used fake orders to disrupt our defense deployment, which gave the enemy a chance!
There is evidence that a series of military operations and intelligence leaks of the previous legion are not related to his spying!
So even if you have to hold accountable, I think that knowing people is unclear and improperly employed, this is the biggest responsibility! "
When Isar reported the war situation to the senior military, he also passed the news back to his family. Assad had already thought about the countermeasures for this matter, that is-the misfortune!
As long as the responsibility is fully blamed on a dead person, then Isar will not only have no trouble, but may have merit, such as being in danger, being forced to turn the tide ...
As long as the operation is good, it is not impossible to make another military achievement.
"Buzz ~" There was a noisy discussion in the meeting room.
The high-ranking officers of the regiment commander level were rebelled. This is not a trivial matter, and it is enough to cause a small-scale shock within the military.
The senior members of the Hai nationality who belong to the military are all unsightly. After all, the senior officers on their side have betrayed, which is a big scandal.
"With regard to the process of Gustav ’s mutiny, there are too few witnesses, and there is no definitive conclusion, but even in the battle report sent back from the front, there is no direct affirmation of this news, so this matter cannot be too arbitrary. "A sea officer stood up and retorted.
"Oh! In the face of the evolutionary temptation of the water of life, he personally admitted his betrayal in the newsletter. Is this thing still fake? The voice can be fake, but the authority can't be fake." Assad sneered. .
"I'm even worried that there will be two if there is one. Since all things are united, they will be able to rebel against the sea officers of this level, so will they still be able to repel the second?
The loyalty review process of the Hai military is worrying ... "
Smelling the opportunity to suppress their opponents, the other few feather politicians could not sit still.
"Yes, the highest-level commander betrayed, and the person in charge must be severely punished!
In today's circumstances, the sea clan fleet under Gustav may not be trusted anymore. I propose that even if the battle is started, this unit must be rotated and transferred to the Proximity Galaxy! Said another member of the Yu clan.
"Well, the unity of all things infiltrated the Pioneer Corps to an incredible extent, and the entire fleet must be replaced!
Not only to be replaced, we also need to increase troops to guard against the invasion of the Ante Empire. Such an unfavorable situation is, in the final analysis, due to the military's ineffective combat! "
Several military chiefs looked even more ugly, and this time they were ashamed.
But who can think of a senior military officer, how can he say that he has defected?
Are the old bachelors so careless ...
(Gustav: "...")
At this time, Speaker Kruzer, who had been watching, saw that the fire was almost burned, and finally stood out to see how few people said to the military, "The matter is here, how are you going to deal with the follow-up questions?"
"Cough! This defeat is indeed the responsibility of the military. We will take the relevant personnel seriously and give the parliament a satisfactory explanation!
But the neighboring galaxy is far away. If you really increase troops, in terms of military expenses ... "
"Don't even think about it!" Assad immediately jumped out to interrupt the other party.
"In order to cope with the change of the Woolf civilization wormhole, the parliament has just allocated a lot of resources and funds to you. The treasury expenditure this year has exceeded the budget by 13%. This time the parliament will not pay a penny, it is steal It's robbing, you can find a way yourself! "
"Yes, the last round of expansion of the fleet has already made the treasury unable to make ends meet. The belligerent will die!"
In the face of a congressman's rhetoric, the officer who asked for money smiled awkwardly, but the parliament's response was also what he expected.
"In fact, our military is also reluctant to respond to the situation of the neighboring galaxy with a troop increase.
Now that the Woolf civilization wormhole has expanded to a dangerous level, the other party's tentative actions are becoming more and more blatant. At this time, the second battlefield is distracted. I am afraid that once the battle is tight ...
Therefore, after discussion, our military believes that we can temporarily agree to the other party's ceasefire agreement! "
"As long as the two sides maintain the current military balance in the neighboring galaxy, not only can we still get the water of life for research, the agency trade mentioned by the other side will also help us to study the Ante Empire.
After all, we don't know anything about them, and once we start a full-scale war, it will also be very detrimental to us!
Moreover, if they can buy the superb communication technology and warship weapon technology exposed by the other party through them, the military strength of our Gemini will definitely be able to rise to a higher level!
Those really good things ... "
This is the real idea of ​​the military. The politicians of the parliament are interested in the magical power of the water of life, but these military personnel are staring at the powerful weapon technology shown by the other party!
New communication mode, naval gun manufacturing technology with terrible rate of fire, and powerful silver mecha ...
If these techniques can be mastered by the Gemini, the force value of the Gemini will not go up and down?
Even if you ca n’t get the technology, it ’s good to be able to buy the finished product, and when the time comes to deal with the powerful Woolf civilization, the military can be more confident!
In exchange for a small failure and fictitiousness, it is definitely a bargain in the military's eyes.
It has to be said that the military vision of the Gemini is very poisonous. These are the incidental technologies of the mechanical worm itself. This is the advanced technology of the Aris civilization. Once it gets enough to trigger the technological revolution of Gemini.
Hearing the military ’s suggestion, everyone was a little bit emotional.
Earlier, it was politically correct to accuse the military of being ineffective, but in the face of the pie painted by Nie Yun, it is also false for others to say that they are unimpressed.
"Can't reverse engineering analyze the other party's technology?" Kruzer asked.
"No, the other party's security measures are very strict, and we can't get their core technology through the wreckage of the battlefield." The military personnel replied.
"Is it possible to take back the water of life by military means?" Kruzer asked again.
"This ... is hard!"
Kruzer thought about it and finally looked up, "Since that is the case, then ... answer the party!"
Shortly after……
Wormholes in the solar system, the fleets of the two sides are clearly distinguished, and they are still facing off.
Isar was somewhat relieved that the other party kept its promise and no follow-up reinforcements appeared in the wormhole.
At this time, a small space shuttle flew from the fleet of the Earth Army. The space shuttle came to the center of both sides, ejected a square metal box, and then turned around and quickly left.
The metal box flew a distance with a blinking signal light, and was eventually received by a small spaceship Gemini waiting for here.
In this spaceship, the metal box was carefully opened by the robotic arm, revealing a bottle of green liquid with a flash of dreamy light.
A large amount of scanning light scanned back and forth around the metal box. After careful inspection of dozens of procedures to confirm that the things were safe, this spaceship took the metal box back to the Yuzu flagship.
According to the agreement between the two parties, Nie Yunxian provided the water of life this season as a sign of sincerity. It was a stick to a sweet jujube. When he got such a big discount, he had to give some comfort to the loser. Is more attractive ...
Yuzu flagship, inside the bridge.
"The things have been received. You are very trustworthy this time." After listening to the report of the adjutant, Isal turned to look at the communication screen in front of her.
"Our partners who have kept their promises have always been very trustworthy!" Nie Yun's black deacon pretended to smile back.
"This is the share of the water of life this quarter. Rest assured, after a long time, you will find that cooperation with us is a win-win situation!"
"I hope so!" Isal's expression was faint, noncommittal.
"So ... long live peace! May our friendship last forever!" Nie Yun smiled, and gradually faded out of the communication screen ...
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