Chapter 515: Sorry! I've eaten

"Finally, there is a decent spaceship! Decided, the name of 'Sea Wolf' will be inherited by you from today!" Nie Yun decided to pat on the thigh.
After experiencing small fishing boats, large fishing boats, medieval sail warships, air-space battleships, and space battleships, to this huge super mother ship, the Sea Wolf has been engulfed, decomposed, and reorganized, but the name has been retained by Nie Yun.
The Sea Wolf witnessed Nie Yun ’s life for more than ten years, and also witnessed the rise of Nie Yun ’s planet from scratch. Nie Yun hopes that one day in the future, this name will be able to accompany the greatest fishermen through the stars and the sea!
At the moment when Nie Yun made the decision, the display names of the longevity and several warships in all systems disappeared, and the next moment has become the "Sea Wolf", followed by a small line-the flagship of earth civilization!
After the code operation was completed, he looked at Nie Yun with a serious face.
"Lord Captain, during your previous break, there was an abnormal situation, I think I need to report to you."
"Abnormal situation?" Nie Yun wondered.
"Yes! Just when you are asleep, there are unstable fluctuations in the mechanical insect decomposition pool in the base of the sun coefficient almost at the same time. This is the recorded image data!"
The light screen opens. The picture shows a mechanical insect decomposition tank in a space base. Many engineering robots dumped a large number of steel ingots. Under the swallowing of silver liquid mechanical insects, the steel ingots quickly dissolved in the decomposition tank.
This decomposition tank is used by Nie Yun to multiply mechanical insects. If necessary, Nie Yun can call the mechanical insects in the decomposition tank to manufacture or modify equipment, which can be said to be the core of each base.
The picture was quite normal at the beginning, but the next moment, Nie Yun stunned to see that the originally calm silver liquid surface suddenly rippled, and then the ripple gradually expanded, like a wave of waves.
The silver wave was almost pouring out of the container of the decomposition tank, but soon, this strange wave quickly calmed down, as if it had never happened before.
It's just that there are many holes in the wall of the container, which seem to be swallowed directly by the mechanical worm.
The silver wave changed from static to static, and then from static to static. It was only a few seconds, but it surprised Nie Yun.
A sudden outbreak that was immediately suppressed by the turmoil ...
This is Nie Yun's first feeling after seeing the picture!
Looking at the video recording time, this is the time when I was in deep sleep ...
Before controlling 5 "Houyi-class" warships to "transform" at the same time, Nie Yun was almost exhausted and half dead. Afterwards, he fell into a deep sleep for a short period of time. Unknown changes.
Nie Yun's sleep time is getting less and less. With the slow increase of mental power, it only takes a moment of closed eyes to sleep, and the brain can be fully rested. Therefore, this deep sleep has not appeared for a long time.
According to previous experience, although Nie Yun did enter the "unconscious" state during deep sleep, the "subconscious" still has instinctive control of the mechanical worm, and the mechanical worm will continue to work normally according to the instructions set by Nie Yun.
However, the abnormal situation that has appeared now breaks Nie Yun's original cognition.
It looks like I was just sleeping ... sleepwalking?
No consciousness, but the body moved itself ... Nie Yun is feeling this weird now.
"How many places does this happen?" Nie Yun frowned.
"A total of 8 places, all appear in the decomposition pool."
"All in the decomposition pool?" Nie Yun bowed his head and pondered.
Nie Yun's mechanical insects usually have three purposes, used to form equipment, used to make equipment, used to devour proliferation ...
Obviously, all mechanical bugs that enter the "sleepwalking" state belong to the third category.
After thinking about it, Nie Yun set the simplest command for this kind of mechanical worm, that is, eat and sleep ...
"Did this just be full?" Nie Yun was inexplicable.
Mechanical Bug: "..."
The more there is no instruction constraint, the easier it is to get out of control?
In fact, with the geometric expansion of the mechanical worm, the number is approaching 10 million tons, Nie Yun has vaguely noticed some kind of upper limit.
Nie Yun's control of mechanical worms requires mental energy. The more the number of controls, the finer the operation, which means the more instructions Nie Yun needs to give at the same time.
For example, this time controlling five warships to "transform" at the same time, this is not as simple as issuing a firing order from the dynasty code. The number of mechanical worms controlled by Nie Yun at the same time is entirely in the unit of 100 trillion trillion, which is quite terrifying to the consumption of mental power.
During this time, most of Nie Yun's energy was focused on the study of spiritual power. One of the spiritual skills attracted Nie Yun's attention ... that is, seemingly ordinary spiritual communication!
From a scientific point of view, this skill shows that mental power can be used to transmit information.
Telephony transfers information, it consumes electrical energy, while spiritual communication transfers information, it consumes spiritual power!
Seen in this way, Nie Yun's control consumption of mechanical insects also includes spiritual power, is it a coincidence?
Nie Yun boldly guessed, will the communication method of the mechanical worm be an extremely clever communication technology? Even a mixed technology based on "quantum technology" and "mind technology"!
To know that manipulating mechanical worms not only consumes mental power, but also consumes energy. If we reverse from the "power source" of this communication, this guess is most likely to be close to the truth!
Nie Yun would not be surprised at the scientific and technological level of Iris civilization and the related technology with spiritual power.
According to this guess, the control of the mechanical insect requires two elements, one is energy and the other is spiritual power!
Energy is not a problem for Nie Yun. At least in the current situation, the communication distance of several light years and the communication between nearly 10 million tons of mechanical insects are still not worth mentioning, but ... the spiritual power seems to become A bottleneck.
Although the expansion of the mechanical insect kept the total upper limit of Nie Yun ’s spiritual strength continuously reaching the point where the longevity people were extremely surprised, it is clear that the growth of Nie Yun ’s spiritual strength is still unable to keep up with the geometric growth of mechanical insect .
In other words, Nie Yun's CPu can't carry so many mechanical bugs ...
If you can't move it, you must take it, then you will inevitably get stuck.
Under the condition of deep sleep, Nie Yun's ability to control mechanical worms will undoubtedly be greatly reduced. Relying on subconscious control alone, it seems that it is not enough to perfectly control such a large number of mechanical worms!
In other words, a part of the mechanical worms overflowed Nie Yun's sense of control ...
For the mechanical worms that have been given the instruction to "eat and sleep", if they lose control, they will spontaneously look for new food and eat all the metal they see ...
Fortunately, this discovery was early and did not cause much harm. If the number of mechanical insects further expands, maybe after sleeping, you will find that the earth has been gnawed and pitted ...
Earth: "..." (o ((⊙﹏⊙)) o)
"Has it reached the limit?" Nie Yun sighed.
Unless Nie Yun ’s spiritual power has increased significantly, the number of mechanical bugs today is almost Nie Yun ’s control limit.
"The strategy of sweeping the entire universe with the sea of ​​insects seems to be adjusted a little ..." Nie Yun was helpless.
Although he felt sorry for his heart, he still ordered the decision to stop all the mechanical worms blindly.
In order to avoid the out-of-control of the mechanical worms, they must match their proliferation speed with their own mental strength. How to balance them in detail requires Nie Yun's further experiments.
With the order issued, the expansion of mechanical insects was officially transferred from market regulation to macro regulation!
"Ah! Said good without family planning ... I'm sorry! I'm saying ..."
Mechanical worm: "..." (ˉ―ˉ?)
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