Chapter 564: Funny soul

Even if she loses her morality, there is no lower limit to gain sympathy, but the codename has not been able to save her three-month bonus in the end.
Nie Yun felt that it was necessary for her to carry out internal rectification movements against this kind of crooked wind and evil spirit that dare to take advantage of her boss.
But having said that, the development of the emotional template for the codename also somewhat exceeded Nie Yun's expectations.
After acquiring the body, the code of thinking quickly moved closer to normal humans, not only developed the food-eating attribute, but also became more and more autonomous, and his personality became darker ...
Of course, Nie Yun will never admit that it is black near Mexico, probably because of his influence ...
"I am a parent who is busy siege to make money and marry a stepmother, but the daughter who is raised at home is also understandably arrogant ... Uh! It must be so, negligence, this is a painful lesson!
Father Nie was so distressed that he made the ultimate killer tool for all dads in the world-pocket money!
But as the saying goes, if you do n’t have pocket money, then it must be the way you want it!
Who is the code name? Captain Ghost's number one wisdom brain and intelligence information leader! Can pocket money befuddled her?
The code name followed Nie Yun, quietly opened his online account and checked the balance ...
Um ... Fortunately, a lot of money is left to prepare for spending ...
Let ’s see which stock can go up first ...
Chu Xiaoxiao didn't dare to go there for a while, Nie Yun took a codename to hang out in the headquarters of Atlantis.
The Atlantis lunar headquarters is divided into four branches, namely the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Security, and the Ministry of Administration. The office locations are located in the four buildings of the spiral structure.
Among them, the highest security level and the core place are undoubtedly the Ministry of Science and Technology, and also the actual permanent residence of scientists such as Yu Lao.
"Good boss!" Yu Lao heard that Nie Yun had arrived suddenly and came to the door to meet him.
At this time, Yu Lao is no longer a Hobbit, but he has restored his original image of a white-haired old man!
Nie Yun looked at Yu Lao, who was in front of him, and smiled and asked, "How does your body feel?"
"Very good, no, it can't be better!" Yu Lao talked about his current state of health, and it was also full of red light.
"The cell activity of the whole body is at the peak of life, and has about twice the physical fitness of a normal adult man. The old man feels that he can borrow another 100 years from the sky! Haha!
However, it is also thanks to the boss who spared no expense in the precious water of life. It seems that this life can only be sold to the boss. Yu Laoban joked.
"Small things, little things! Haha!" Nie Yun waved his hand, and his mood was equally good.
Which strong human body transformation technology?
Dr. Nie, who has a complete "human template", is absolutely unique.
Absorbing a lot of biotechnology of the Kara civilization, especially the research and application related to the "water of life", Nie Yunben has once again made a leap forward in the very advanced "human body transformation technology".
One of the biggest breakthroughs is to overcome the "stem cell regeneration technology"!
Stem cells are special cells with self-replicating ability and strong differentiation potential. Under certain conditions, they can evolve into different functional cells.
In theory, only a small part of stem cells is needed to cultivate most tissues and organs of the human body.
The basic reason for the Kara people's "super regenerative ability" is that there is a special kind of activated stem cells in the body that can quickly differentiate into damaged organs or even missing limbs, similar to gecko tail regeneration.
In addition, this stem cell regeneration ability can also produce a large number of new active cells to replace senescent cells, thereby maintaining the long-term activity of the body, which is the secret of the long life of the Kara people.
The body transformation Yu Lao accepted this time is precisely the latest achievements drawn from the mysteries in the Kara people's body.
Using the powerful effect of the water of life, stimulate the potential of human stem cells to regain the ability to divide various organs and tissues, so as to complete a whole body repair of reborn, including nerve cells that are extremely difficult to overcome!
This kind of body repair is not expensive, and only requires some dilution of life water.
Of course, the more dosage, the better the effect.
And the repair effect is mild, much safer than Nie Yun's "gene countercurrent" technology.
The difference is that the Kara people gained this magical ability because the ancestors were once baptized with a lot of water of life, and then after a long time of genetic optimization, the racial ability finally obtained.
Nie Yun's stem cell regeneration technology can only rely on the water of life to cheat.
Others have suggested whether it is possible to replicate the karmic genetic optimization miracle and add a new racial talent to humans.
But evolution is a long process, and it is also quite accidental. Before he was sure, Nie Yun dared not rashly modify human genes.
If nothing else, what should I do if it turns green?
"Yu Lao, how did it look like when I met you, why don't you make yourself look younger?" Nie Yun asked as he walked in.
"Oh! Good-looking skins are the same, interesting souls are different."
"Yo! Tasteful!" Nie Yun said unexpectedly.
It is worthy of being a researcher who is obsessed with scientific research. This ideological consciousness is much stronger than those cocks.
"Cough! Fortunately, okay ... Haha ..." Yu Lao called haha.
At this time, the code behind him suddenly came up and whispered to Nie Yun, "You do n’t know, boss, I always wanted to be a 20-year-old guy, and I wanted a Wu Yanzu version of the beauty package. His wife knew ... "
Nie Yun heard a corner of his mouth.
This old guy, people are old-fashioned!
Yu Lao now has improved physical fitness and excellent hearing. Naturally, he heard a small report code-named, and he couldn't help but blush and quickly open the topic.
"Cough! Boss, please, here, I will show you around our experimental base."
Yu Lao took Nie Yun into a long corridor. On both sides of the corridor were dozens of large and small laboratories. Through the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, a large number of assistant robots wearing white coats traveled between them, efficiently and busy.
"Why so deserted? What about the others?" Nie Yun curiously looked at the slightly deserted laboratory.
There are many robot assistants, but there are no living people.
"Oh, I usually only do some relatively safe small experiments. Everyone usually runs the solar system with virtual reality technology, and today there is just a large experiment, everyone basically goes to watch the fun!" Yu Lao explained with a smile. A sentence.
With Nie Yun's full support, the resources consumed by the scientific research department are indisputably second only to the huge construction project expenditure, which can be called a golden beast.
Every moon is not enough, this group of mad scientists will be a scourge for two days.
Researches on high-risk topics such as biochemistry, nuclear energy, quantum, time and space, etc., will cause huge environmental damage and disaster if you are not careful. You must have a safe and independent isolation environment, and sometimes even a single cosmic celestial body.
For example, the previous battlefield Europa has now become the largest biochemical test base on the Nie Yun side.
A group of scientists who opened the "brain chip hanging" spread Huan's full solar system to open a research institute. Even the surface of the star was not let go, and the first stellar thermonuclear reaction observation laboratory was established.
Hundreds of large or small laboratories are scattered throughout the solar system. Although each laboratory occupies less resources than those large-scale projects, the combined resources consumed are still astronomical.
If Nie Yun ’s mechanical worms were n’t doing anything to fill the world ’s dry infrastructure, even if the resulting scientific and technological achievements had huge patent fees, they would n’t fill this hole.
Regardless of the cost of resources, Nie Yun has obtained a steady stream of scientific and technological achievements.
The technological changes obtained from several alien civilizations, after being integrated into the earth civilization technology system, began to gradually enter the stage of large-scale application. The third crescent city is one of the products of this comprehensive scientific and technological progress.
"What experiment is so attractive, everyone runs to see the excitement?" Nie Yun asked curiously.
"Oh, it's an experiment about the" supergravity field distortion limit test "."
Space distortion of hypergravity field?
Uh ... listen to how familiar it is? Don't these guys want to make black holes? Nie Yun jumped.
"Listening seems to have a high risk factor?" Nie Yun frowned.
"Please rest assured! We have gone through a lot of meticulous data analysis, there will be no problem, and we will guarantee nothing!" Yu Laopao said.
At this moment, the code name was abrupt and interjected again.
"Report the boss, just half a minute ago, a high-energy reaction occurred at the experimental base No. T108 inside the asteroid group, the base signal disappeared, and the nearby space probe showed that the base has been devastated!"
Nie Yun's eyes twitched, and she squinted to the dumbfounded Yu Lao.
Is this foolproof?
Sure enough, a cursing shout was heard deep in the corridor.
"Lying trough! Laoliang, who made you increase the energy limit by 20%! This is good, it's blown up again!"
"Uh ... I think this experiment has a good effect, the opportunity is not lost ..." Another voice was weak.
The air was quiet for a long time, and Yu Lao could only cough awkwardly.
"Cough! That ... the boss is assured, let alone say, our security work is still in place, there will be no casualties!"
Nie Yun: "..."
Across hundreds of millions of kilometers, you're the one with casualties. Let me take a look!
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