Chapter 601: Spartak redemption

Although it is planned to return the identity of "Alsace" to the Gemini to continue to glow, but before leaving, Nie Yun is still preparing to make a vote, which is a write a trip for himself ...
Lion Star.
This is an unremarkable remote planet in the corner of the Titan Cluster under the Rock Consortium.
There are deserts on the planet, scarce resources, and a lot of fierce underground creatures. In Woolf's hierarchy, it can't even be called a livable star.
Originally, there was only one large mining base of the Rock Consortium. After Jin Locke bought the Lane tribe, he forced all the Lane people to migrate to this planet, and renamed the only numbered planet to the Lane star.
The Lane people were enslaved by the Woolf Empire for nearly a hundred years. Their previous owner failed because of the political struggle, causing the family to fall apart. They were also sold as an "asset" and finally bought by Jinlock.
After changing the owner, not only did the conditions of the Lane tribe not improve, but they were even worse.
While Jinluo used the Lane tribe to clean up the beasts and acted as a mine guard, he tightened supplies and screened qualified soldiers through brutal natural elimination.
This planet is like a cage, trapping the entire Ryan family in it. In the planetary orbit, ten interstellar warships belonging to the Fifth Fleet are the "guards" responsible for surveillance and suppression.
Relying on the only large mining base on the planet, there are hundreds of large and small Lane villages distributed in the surrounding millions of kilometers.
Due to the harsh living environment and the large number of infested underground creatures, they not only have to fight against the harsh environment and terrifying beasts, but even between different villages, they will also fight for limited resources.
Today, the Lane tribe has only a population of more than 5 million people, and every year it is necessary to provide a large number of warriors to Jinluo for his drive in exchange for the pitiful survival supplies.
"Spartak, this is my follower Sula."
"Identification is confirmed. One day you will return to the 67th village to select 30 slaves and receive a batch of materials as a reward for your promotion to the senior bronze warrior. In addition, starting today, the 67th village will supply 10% more supplies each year. "
A Woolf warrior wearing the Locke consortium logo confirmed his identity with the data sheet and began to scan him all over again.
After confirming that he did not carry dangerous weapons, he waved impatiently at him, "Next!"
Along the line, Spartak and the accompanying Sula who had just arrived here were sent directly to a small landing craft, and soon flew towards the inside of the planet when they were full.
"Spartak, we must be very happy to return to the village head this time. You are now the only senior bronze warrior in our village. With these promotion rewards, the life in the village will be better in the future." Sula led Sparta Gram's arm said happily.
"Um ..." Spartak smiled unnaturally at her, but his eyes fell quietly on the "Destroying Hammer" tattoo on the back of his right hand.
Relying on the help of the mysterious existence and the "Hammer of Destruction", Spartak stood out among a group of Ryan warriors in a short time.
With several achievements of "Big Kills" on the battlefield, Spartak was promoted to senior bronze warrior.
In this unique system that relies mainly on personal force to determine status, his rate of promotion is not alarming.
However, with the promotion, there is a new task that makes Spartak completely puzzled ...
"Mission Name: Spartak Redemption.
Task description: Someone once used it for 20 years and digs through the prison with a spoon. Want to ask if you dare to be crazy about freedom like him? "
Spartak had just seen such a system prompt that he didn't even have a mission request, it was a black question mark.
Although no matter how you ask, this arrogant and unwilling system has not responded, but Spartacus vaguely feels that the mission this time seems to be related to the identity of his vassal race ...
Half an hour later, the small landing craft landed slowly in the heart of a valley.
From the sky, some simple stone houses are scattered in the valley. A simple boulder bunker has been established at the entrance of the valley, which can only accommodate a single Ryan people in and out, in case of ubiquitous underground beasts on the planet.
The Lane tribe did not know much about technology, plus the foundation of civilization was destroyed by the Woolf Empire. Weapons and supplies were completely controlled by the Locke consortium, and they were never allowed to develop their own technology system, so they lived here better than the primitive people. So a little bit.
Most of them wore unknown beast leather armor, and many soldiers with huge serrated swords came to the face with a wild atmosphere.
The only thing incompatible with the primitive tribe here is the dozen or so worn-out mechas in the central square of the valley.
What the Locke Consortium needs is the cannon fodder on the battlefield of the universe. The brutal fighting can hone their skills and their will, but they ca n’t teach them how to operate the mechs. The cheapest "trainer".
In each village, only the most powerful group of fighters are eligible to board the mech, and then after a brutal competition, only a few people are eligible to become bronze fighters, and thus have the opportunity to change the destiny of themselves and their people.
Spartak is one of the lucky ones.
The movement of the spacecraft landing at this time has already attracted the attention of the village of Lane below. They quickly gathered together, and the number of people was about three or four hundred.
Everyone, men, women and children were silent. Under the leadership of an old man without a right arm, he quietly looked at the hatch that the landing ship slowly opened. His eyes looked forward to and disturbed.
The Locke consortium is usually completely left to their own lives, except for the spaceship coming over every fixed material supply time, with one exception.
That is, the people who go out of the village are promoted to become senior soldiers ... or collectively die!
Only this time, the spaceship will bring rewards, or select new soldiers to go to the battlefield.
Under the pressure of survival, the Lane people continued their civilization in such a difficult way, humble but tenacious ...
"Look! It's Sula!" At this moment, the little girl in a woman's arms recognized the figure who had just stepped out of the spaceship and shouted excitedly.
"Haha! It's the Spartak kid!"
"He succeeded! I knew Brother Spartak would succeed! Long live!"
A burst of cheers came from the crowd.
They knew that the arrival of Spartak meant that their village would have better living conditions until he died in battle.
"Kiki!" Sura opened her arms in delight, and took the little girl over to kiss her face a few times, causing the little girl to giggle.
"Spartak! Good! It's worthy of being the best disciple I have tuned out, hahaha!" The old man with a broken arm came forward and gave Spartak a hug with one arm.
"Village chief, didn't you say I was your best disciple yesterday?" A young soldier shouted with a smile.
"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed, and the scene was full of joy.
"The village chief!" Spartak was also very excited.
The chief of each village is a disabled veteran on the battlefield, who is responsible for managing the village and training new recruits.
For Spartak, the village chief is not only an elder who is also his teacher and father, but also his relatives.
"Sister Sula, what about my dad?"
Seeing that only Spartak and Sura got off the boat, the little girl Kiki asked disappointedly because she didn't see the person she was expecting.
Sura's face stiffened, but the smile resumed tenderly the next moment: "Kiki, your dad is still fighting on the front line, but he didn't come back together this time."
"Really, my dad told me to bring me something delicious."
Kiki didn't find Sura's anomaly, but the side of Kiki's mother saw Sura's face just now, her bright eyes dimmed suddenly, and tears fell silently.
On the battlefield, how can there be no dead.
As a vassal of cannon fodder, the death rate is even more alarming.
The joyous atmosphere around was also silent for a moment because of the dialogue between the two.
Soon, the landing spacecraft threw down a batch of supplies and then took off again to the next Lane village. The Lane people on the scene directly opened the supplies, took out food and collected wine, and the scene reveled.
They knew that Spartak and others would soon go to the battlefield again, and next time they did not know if they would have a chance to come back. They wanted to thank Spartak in this way for their contribution to the village.
What Spartak, who was pulled by the uncle of the village to drink wine, did not notice that the tattoo on the back of his hand suddenly flashed, emitting a faint silver light ...
At this time, a large number of warships are turning on optical stealth around the outer side of Ryan Star. They are silently surrounded by ten "guards" on the orbit of Ryan Star from all directions ...
Not long ago, when Spartak's "internal response" came under the news of the upcoming return to Ryan star, Nie Yun suddenly had a bold idea!
So, the pirate group went to the nest!
Relying on the positioning function of the mechanical worm in the Spartak, Nie Yun's ghost pirate group almost followed the Spartak spacecraft to the Ryan star, preparing to open the first pirate group's first "robbery" !
Mixed with the pirate fleet, there are nearly fifty Gemini battleships of the two task force fleets of Fallen Angel and Beckman.
Obviously, before Nie Yun planned to let "Alsace" return to his reputation, he would add a lot of credit to his credit. After all, he came to the Woolf Empire and only brought back some information. After all, there were some flaws.
Hiring a pirate to rob Loch Consortium ’s vassal of the vassals of the vassals, should it be a great achievement?
After finishing this vote, Gemini should always believe in the "business level" of the ghost pirate group, so as to "increase investment" with confidence?
Not only that, Nie Yun continued to make money and achievements, but also focused on the strong fighting nation of the Ryan people.
He does not rob money this time, only robs "people"!
The fighting skills are superb and the character is tough and tough. In the eyes of Nie Yun, the Lane people are the best seedlings to be pirates. They must grab and grow their ghost pirate group!
The number of slaves and local pirates has increased, but the quality is uneven.
But as long as the means are appropriate, the Ryan tribe in the depths of the water can make up for this shortcoming of the ghost pirate group and become the backbone of the pirate group!
Take the Gemini's money, borrow the Gemini's soldiers, strengthen your own power, or do a noble cause of saving a civilization and fighting for freedom.
Three views of such a correct job, Nie Yun promised, 58 can not be found in the same city!
More than one hundred and fifty warships, like the hunted wolves, completely surrounded the airspace around Ryan Star.
"Fight ... fight, beat, rob!"
When the warship radar of the Fifth Fleet sounded madly and an arrogant classic line rang in his ears, the aggressive Rock Consortium soldiers found that ... everything was settled!
One hundred five to ten!
This is a virgin robbery show without suspense.
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