Chapter 619: Lonely homeless assassin

"This is the legendary ... true iron head skill?"
On the fallen angel, Nie Yun looked at the amazing picture on the screen in shock.
Just before the end of life, the arrogant Rock Consortium fleet, just a few minutes, after the mysterious aircraft returned a dozen times, most of the strange disappearance.
The remaining ships fled in panic, hoping to reduce the killing efficiency of mysterious flying objects in a loose formation, but how far they could escape in just a few minutes.
"The image is out!" Catherine called up a analytic picture of a magnified wisdom brain.
Due to the long distance, the speed of that thing is too fast, and it can only be restored by optical stitching technology, so the picture quality is not very clear.
But vaguely recognizable, it is a eccentric spherical celestial body with a dark color, which seems to be all metal structure with sharp spikes on the surface.
Figuratively speaking ... much like a meteor hammer?
"The speed of that thing ... seems to be continually decreasing?" Nie Yun stared deadly at the simulation of the trajectory of the mysterious flying object on the screen, and immediately found the anomaly.
In comparison, the secret weapon of Gemini has dropped by nearly one-tenth of its original speed.
"Is the conservation of kinetic energy ..." Nie Yun immediately realized the problem.
Although it is unclear why [txt novel] can make a momentary change in direction regardless of inertia, the energy loss caused by the collision still seems to exist.
Although the mass of the Rock Consortium ’s spacecraft is not worth mentioning relative to the huge volume of that thing, but the accumulation is less, the more enemies it destroys, it means that the more kinetic energy it loses, the speed will naturally decrease. .
The speed of nearly 270,000 kilometers per second is still quite scary, but it also means that this thing is not invincible!
Once the speed drops below half the speed of light, relying on the warship's radar and maneuvering system, the success rate of evading the attack path will be greatly improved!
And the accuracy of this thing's attack ... It's really touching, at most it's even a bombardment around a coordinate.
"It's 'Death'! That must be our most mysterious battle star 'Death'!" Emilia the Captain of the Fallen Angel shouted excitedly.
Everyone looked at her at the same time.
"Our generation may have heard less, and in my parents' generation, there was often a rumor about 'ghost celestial bodies'!" Emilia whispered.
"It is said that smuggling ships that travel all the year round in hidden channels will occasionally encounter a weird ultra-high-speed wandering celestial body. The radar cannot capture it at all, and everyone can only see the flashing signal.
But just when they wanted to find this celestial body along the other side's channel, they couldn't find its traces at all, so many people called it the 'ghost celestial body'.
Some people have speculated that this ‘ghost celestial body’ may very well be the battle star ‘God of Death’ that the dragon sees and misses, but no one has ever found evidence.
Now it seems ... these things are probably true! "
It turns out so!
Through these clues, Nie Yun quickly thought of the closest truth.
Gemini has a secret that can instantly change the trajectory of objects ...
They installed it on the battle star "Reaper", which is touring on the inaccessible hidden waterways all year round ...
By consuming the energy of astronomical figures, Gemini slowly accelerates it to near the speed of light and waits for an irresistible enemy as a hole card ...
Once the speed drops, it will take a long time and energy to accelerate again. Therefore, if this strategic weapon wants to be on the battlefield at any time, it must not be slowed down easily.
It ’s like eating Xuanmai, there is no way to stop ...
So brother wanders in the universe, and the universe leaves only his legend ...
As for why Gemini is strictly confidential about the existence of this thing?
Although it has great power and can be invisible and invisible, its weakness is also obvious.
If the enemy knows in advance, the other party can immediately make targeted arrangements for this weakness, such as placing a mass of high-density meteorites in the fleet array, or looking for various complex environments as a battlefield ...
Losing speed, it is not as threatening as a warship.
Like the white dwarf bomb, this weapon with extremely obvious weaknesses can only achieve the greatest results if it is used unexpectedly for the first time!
Moreover, Gemini has to endure the last resort to use this big killer. Obviously it is not something that can be used casually, and there must be huge restrictions.
In this way ...
"Order the fleet to speed up the evacuation!"
Seeing that someone was eager to move and seemed to want to get a headache and hit the water dog, Nie Yun quickly ordered.
At this time, if you do n’t take advantage of the other party ’s disregard for your own escape, you ’re likely to be eaten by the remaining fleet.
Sure enough, after ten minutes, in the face of a situation where the attack efficiency has been greatly reduced, the battle star "Death" seems to have received some commands, and has not returned after the last insertion.
It passed away in dust at a speed of more than 230,000 kilometers per second, and soon disappeared on everyone's radar.
In just 15 minutes, Cloros ’s fleet lost more than 1,000 warships, and the only remaining 300 warships were still in shock.
Like a startled bird, they were afraid that this blow would hit them, and the assassin who had escaped for thousands of miles once again emerged from the deep space of the universe and gave himself a fatal blow.
Fortunately, the touching accuracy of the "Death" saved Crolos's life, and his flagship survived miraculously. With a probability of one-fifth, Cloros can be called a high star. .
Seeing that the fleet of Nie Yun and others were about to escape from their radar range, they knew that the pursuit was hopeless, and also worried that the other party ’s secret weapons would return again. Cloros gave a resignation order.
At this point, this huge cosmic war finally came to an end.
The ups and downs of this war can be described as peaks and loops turning ...
After the two sides played their respective hole cards ... Both defeats hurt!
But until the remnant fleet of Nie Yun and others returned to the storm galaxy to stand by for assistance at the command of the military, they finally received real information about the battle star "Death".
Obviously, after this battle, the "Reaper" naturally had no need for secrecy, especially for the "self".
Nie Yun finally learned a little about the "secret treasure" ...
"Cosmic Wonder" ... Unsurprisingly, this is the official title of Gemini.
According to the ability of this cosmic wonder, Gemini named it ... "Vector Engine"!
In the fighter planes of the earth, there is also the concept of "vector engine".
But the "vector engine" here is essentially different from the "vector engine" that Gemini is secret.
Vector engine refers to an engine that can deflect nozzles in different directions to generate thrust in different directions, such as F35B vertical take-off and landing, using a vector engine with deflectable nozzles.
But this cosmic singular object obtained by Gemini is completely different ... It has the super dream ability to change the motion vector of an object in an instant!
That is to say, the object that it can install the engine from instant forward to backward, suddenly left and right, and suddenly drift up and down is not a matter of course, and the direction change process does not lose kinetic energy and speed.
At first glance, this vector engine seems to be a drag racing artifact at best.
And because it is completely impossible to parse mass production, a vector engine can at most create a super warship with super power.
Gemini has indeed done this, but a super-powerful warship has a very limited role on a large-scale battlefield with hundreds of thousands.
It is accurate and the shield is thick. This is the most important combat indicator of the interstellar battleship.
Once the other party's intellectual brain has figured out the capabilities of the vector engine and adopts an irregular overlay saturation attack, even the vector engine's erratic maneuvering method is difficult to avoid.
As a result, Gemini's brain opened again, and an attempt to launch a super-high-speed battleship + vector engine was started.
However, it was later discovered that the application of this thing in the battle of the fleet was simply a disaster. Due to "speeding", the plan was forced to be terminated by "drag racing" three months later.
In the end, Gemini felt pain, and found another way, decided to maximize the "speed advantage" of the vector engine, that is, destroying the enemy with impact, and hard work on the iron head!
However, for a celestial body with a too small mass, the impact speed must be reduced by more than half after completing an impact. If you want to use it, it will take a long time to re-accelerate, which is completely a disposable item.
So, the "lone wandering assassin" ... the construction plan of the all-metal war star "Death" is finally finalized!
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