Chapter 715: The art of language

According to Carl's research, "wormhole expansion technology" does have a certain probability to reopen a closed wormhole.
The areas where wormholes can form are generally the places where the dark energy has a large potential difference, and the fierce cosmic tides meet, which can also be understood as the "unstable points" of space.
In other words, for "intermittent wormholes", as long as the closed time is short and the energy tide has not yet completely calmed down, it is still possible to use "wormhole expansion technology" to reopen this wormhole channel.
This is like a fire that has just been extinguished, letting it reignite, and it is undoubtedly easier than rubbing a small fireball with your bare hands.
According to the information obtained by Gemini, the lost wormhole of the third three-star system has only been closed for more than a hundred years.
Judging from a cosmic-scale time measurement unit, it is almost the type of "the corpse hasn't cooled completely yet" or "can still be rescued"...
"Of course, this is only a possibility, and the specific probability of success still needs to be verified, but there have been cases of reactivating intermittent wormholes within the Woolf Empire, so there is no doubt about the feasibility."
Nie Yun didn't say anything to death, after all, no one except the Woolf Empire had real practical experience.
By the time the wormhole is already cold, it is also your own bad life, but it is not my false propaganda.
"Understand! Understand!"
Even if it was only a possibility, Leon was already breathing heavily with excitement.
It is undoubtedly of great significance to the Gemini to retrieve the lost Samsung series!
It is necessary to know that the lost galaxy group is completely S+ level in terms of richness, and its resources and value are no less than a star area.
If there were no accidents, judging from the population and materials transported at that time, the other party should have established a firm foothold and developed in more than a hundred years, forming a "sub-civilization" of the Gemini civilization.
Since the time of separation from the mother civilization is still short, the lost groups should still have a considerable sense of identity with the mother civilization, and the basis for the convergence of the two sides still exists.
Even if the other party’s leadership showed splitting intentions, in order to ensure absolute control of the emerging colonial area, the number of pioneering legions that followed the past together was actually not large, and the military industry and military technology were not complete.
Therefore, no matter whether it is soft or strong, there should not be much resistance to re-absorbing this "sub-civilization".
Not only that, rescuing the lost tribesmen will undoubtedly greatly boost the morale of the army that has been depressed because of the huge losses.
This is definitely an irresistible temptation for the Gemini Council, which has just suffered defeat and impaired prestige!
"Thank you!" Leon forcefully suppressed the excitement in his heart and said sincerely, even looking at Nie Yun differently.
If he had only believed in Nie Yun's "loyalty or treacherous" rhetoric just three points a moment ago, then it is now six points.
He really can't imagine, if the other party is hostile to Gemini, how can he give up this kind of technology?
Gemini gets this technology, it is just as powerful as a tiger!
Really an enemy, is it possible to be such an enemy?
"Eh! Don't be too busy to thank you, I want to remind you first, what I got from Woolf is only a design drawing of the "wormhole expansion device". If you want to make a finished product, you need a Gemini scientist. We work together.
After all, the seller is not really unscrupulous, and can only do this. "
"This..." Leon was taken aback for a moment, then relieved.
The duck has been cooked for you, but you still expect someone to slice it for you and dip it in sauce?
"The problem is not big. We already have the research foundation for wormholes, and we have a hand in wormhole expansion technology. We have design drawings. I believe our scientific research team will soon be able to restore this technology completely!"
well! What you are waiting for!
One of the important reasons why Nie Yun is willing to share this technology is that he wants to borrow chickens to lay eggs!
Although the group of scientists in the Cloud Research Institute are powerful, one can hold up to 100, it may not take a hundred years to rely on their own strength to fully understand this technology.
But Gemini is not bad! Among other things, the number of other scientific research teams is thousands of times that of you.
In addition, Gemini has a long history of research on wormholes. The depth and breadth of the research on wormholes are even greater than that of the earth civilization that has just started.
Watching the technology upgrade bar slowly rise, Nie Yun is happy!
If you share it, happiness is doubled! Why not do it?
A hundred years is too long, I will fight for the day!
Nie Yun was satisfied, but he said,
Technical theory may not be difficult for us, but some of the core materials and processing techniques of the device cannot be broken in a short time.
However, I have already considered this aspect, so I spent another sum of money to buy two core components of the Wormhole Expansion Device from the Woolf branch, which was enough for emergency. "
The technical master of the "wormhole expansion device" is at the core of a few devices, and the difficulty of manufacturing is very surprising.
Even if there are design drawings, with the current materials and industrial manufacturing levels of both parties, whether it is Gemini or Earth civilization, it is impossible to produce a real product in a short time.
From theoretical breakthroughs to practical applications, both sides have a marathon-style long-distance race.
However, Nie Yun has another picture, but there is no time to wait for Gemini to slowly file it out with a file part by part. There is no way, only cheating, the old way...use "hand rub"!
"What? Are the core components ready for us?"
Leon only felt a touch of emotion in his heart.
It turns out...I'm really ready to put it in sauce...
Not only the drawings but also the stock is ready! What a thoughtful and caring service is this?
With these core components, I believe that we can put this technology into practical use as quickly as possible!
People have considered everything for you!
The surprise was so big that Leon felt a little unreal, and he hesitated to look at Nie Yun.
"These...really only need 20,000 tons of energy crystals?"
Nie Yun smiled when he heard the words, and finally saw it. "Of course, but I do have another additional requirement..."
Gemini Council.
"What? Revenge for Lord Gillard?!"
The congressman looked at each other.
"Yes! In addition to the 20,000 tons of energy crystals that should have been delivered, there is also the hope that we can send troops to unite with the Broken Star Pirate Alliance to destroy the last batch of remnants of the Locke Consortium!
It is said that the last time we attacked our Gemini, the culprit who directly led to Gillard's heroic martyrdom, the Class A war criminal ‘Croros’ is currently in the Rock Galaxy!
The other party has convinced the Pirate Alliance to give us a chance for revenge!
As for why the other party did this...According to the analysis of the intelligence personnel on the scene, the black butler is likely to be General Gillard's old friend. "
When Cruzer said this, his face was obviously a little strange.
The attitude of the black butler is simply unpredictable, it seems that he is jumping repeatedly between the enemy and ourselves.
If you have to use one word to describe it... it is "both right and evil"!
"Huh! I want us to send troops and just say, what good-sounding reason! Your Excellency General Gillard died well enough for him to be hypocritical with an unknown enemy?" A congressman cast his lips disdainfully.
What he said was right. What Nie Yun wanted was a big victory, not a tragic victory. Given the strength of the Pirate Alliance, it is a bit difficult.
But if you add Gemini, it's completely different.
This is Nie Yun's true purpose!
However, the truth of the congressman's confession was immediately glared at by several veterans in the army!
"No matter what the other party thinks, they finally gave us a chance for revenge. We have to admit this love!"
It was Patriarch Victor who spoke.
Girard is not only a firm ally of the Victor family, but also Victor's close friend for many years. His death in the last big battle was undoubtedly a huge blow to Victor.
Now that there is a chance to avenge an old friend, even if there may be everything in it and other careful thinking, Victor instinctively does not want to give up easily.
"Yes! Not to mention that the technology provided by the other party is of great value. Even if it is necessary to borrow troops, we will not lose at all. Even if there is no benefit, I also agree to send troops to avenge General Gillard. !"
"I also approve of sending troops! My Gemini can't just be beaten and not fight back. Tens of millions of soldiers died on the battlefield, and the other party must pay for it!"
"I second!"
After all, Gillard is highly respected in the army and has deep connections. After Victor, many military leaders also spoke out in favor of sending troops.
[Girard: I feel a little complicated inexplicably...]
In addition to Victor's line, many major factions also joined in their support.
Your own general is dead, and now the opportunity for revenge is right in front of you. If you are still silent, what kind of main combat faction is that? Do you understand political correctness?
For a time, more than two-thirds of the members of the parliament agreed to send troops.
Among them, there is not only the huge temptation of "wormhole expansion technology", but also the reason Nie Yun gave is too clever.
If Nie Yun made it clear to ask Gemini to send troops, then this would be a deal at best.
But Nie Yun cleverly changed his view, not only greatly reduced the resistance to sending troops inside Gemini, but also made them owe themselves a favor.
...This is the art of language.
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