Chapter 717: Hidden mystery

"You mean, everything will be backed by another prince and the two princes... for the throne?" Kruze frowned.
"This is also a possibility! Everything will be a commercial organization. The benefit of supporting a prince to the throne will not be less than that of any investment. It can be described as a profitable business!
I remember that there was also a wealthy businessman in the ancient history of Gemini, because he invested in a down-and-out prince in advance and eventually became the prime minister of the world. "Victor also said.
Kruze did not immediately draw a conclusion, but instead looked at Isha at the end of the conference room.
"His Excellency, you are the frontline commander of the Woolf Empire. What do you think of this speculation made by Leon?
In addition, I would also like to hear the opinions of professionals like you on the possible follow-up impact of our dispatch of the Rock Consortium. "
Everyone couldn't help looking at Ishar.
From a corps-level commander, he became the highest commander on the front line of the Gallente region, which is equivalent to being promoted from a division-level cadre to the level of military commander.
Ok! Although it is still temporary, it can be regarded as a foot into the highest power level of Gemini.
Recently, Ishaer has resolutely integrated the military forces in the Gallente region, regained lost ground, appeased refugees, and regained wormholes.
Although there were no amazing performances in the series of operations, they were stable and did not leak, which greatly stabilized the post-war situation in the Gallente region and demonstrated military command capabilities that can defeat the commander in any region!
For the rapidly rising Isha, various forces naturally paid great attention to it.
In particular, the small group composed of Ishar, Alsace, and Renault is very likely to become the largest military faction in the Gallente sector, which has attracted the attention of many people.
Renault was directly ignored as a follower, but Ishael and Alsace had two big families, and the significance of these representatives is intriguing.
Speaker Cruze allowed Isar to speak at this time, which undoubtedly meant to improve Isar's right to speak.
Ishar was not stage fright in front of a group of bigwigs, she looked around.
"Whether we are involved in the throne dispute between the two princes, I will not comment on this.
However, I don’t know if you have noticed it. In addition to providing us with a complete set of ‘wormhole expansion device’ design drawings, they also promised to give us 2 sets of core components.
What I want to ask is...Why are there 2 sets? "
"Is there any problem with this?" Someone puzzled.
"Yes! Our needs are clear. The'lost third-star system' must have a core set so that we can get back feed from the'child civilization' as soon as possible and restore our strength.
In this case, one set of core components is enough. Why give us two sets? I believe the other party will not aimlessly!
So the question now is, where does the other party want us to use another application? "
"You mean... Woolf Wormhole?" Cruzer quickly understood Ishal's meaning.
"Not bad!" Isal nodded, "Due to the loss of the support of the wormhole expansion device of the Locke Consortium, the wormhole between us and the Woolf Empire is gradually shrinking.
According to scientists’ predictions, if there is no interference from external forces, the wormhole will return to its original size in a year, and by then, it will be unable to allow medium-sized warships to pass through.
I think this is the hidden hint of the other party! "
"You mean, the other party gave us 2 sets of equipment, in fact, they want us to use this second set on this wormhole? But why should we do this?" Some military personnel disagree.
"The Woolf Empire is not an existence we can now fight against, and we have just suffered a huge loss. The solution for the present should be to let the wormhole shrink. It is best to block this channel completely!
cough! Of course, after we regain our vitality, it is not too late to wait for the right time to open the wormhole and counterattack Woolf. "
Many people nodded secretly, and all agreed that this was the best strategic choice for Gemini.
"Yes! We can indeed choose to do this, I call it isolationism!
The advantage of isolationism is that even if the outside world fights you to death, it will not affect our Gemini in a short time. We can use this precious time to rejuvenate and develop technology.
However, the downside of isolationism is that we will also lose the ability to interfere with the outside world.
Wormholes limit the invasion of foreign enemies, and also limit us to send troops!
Imagine that once the Broken Star Pirate Alliance finally fails in the war and the Rock Consortium comes back, even the second prince also stepped in. The next time we face, it may be a more dangerous war threat.
Gemini's coordinates have been exposed to the eyes of the Woolf Empire, and to some extent, we have offended the Locke Consortium and the second prince.
If they win and obtain the final say in the surrounding star field, it is not impossible to settle accounts after Autumn.
A wormhole can't stop each other, and by then, we will be helpless! "
Everyone was silent.
I have to say that this possibility is not low.
If one side of the Locke consortium wins, it is hard to believe that they will give up the fat of Gemini.
And the Gemini who chooses to remain neutral in this war will undoubtedly affect the goodwill within All Things, and the other party may choose to die.
Where will they find the second secret treasure to pay the protection fee?
"But... what if the Pirate Alliance wins? Judging from the current situation, the pirates should already have an absolute advantage, right?
With them in the front, maybe our worries are unnecessary? "A congressman questioned.
"No! According to the intelligence, the second prince is in full swing, and his prestige and power are far superior to the other princes.
The second prince is in the light, but the existence behind the pirate king is dark, which can explain the problem.
Fighting hard, I am afraid that the second prince is better, otherwise the other party does not need to fight our idea.
So I am more inclined, the Rock Consortium will soon get external support, and their winning rate is even greater! "
After a pause, seeing that everyone no longer objected, Ishaer continued, "I think you all realize that the second set of core components of the other party is a hint, a hint to let us'choose sides and stand on the team'!
Open the wormhole, join this unavoidable war, and act as horns and alliances with the Broken Star Pirate Alliance. This is the second choice that the other party gives us!
I remember the black butler once said that he can help us once, what about next time? Next time?
I think the other party is reminding us vaguely that the threat of the Woolf Empire will always exist.
However, it is unrealistic to obtain the shelter of everything through trade all the time, and we can't afford the price paid, so we must find a once and for all method.
This method... is to stand in line! Pour everything to one side completely! "Isal concluded.
Everyone nodded silently, Ishaer's analysis is indeed very possible.
"In addition, the borrowing this time is very likely to be the opponent's calculation!
Speaker Cruzer just asked about the possible follow-up impact of our sending troops to the Rock Consortium. My opinion is that as long as we join this encirclement and suppression of the Rock Consortium, we will have one foot on the chariot of the unity of everything. !
We think this is just a retaliatory action against the Locke consortium, but the second princes and the first line are likely to think that we have joined the unity of all things, and label us as ‘comrades’.
At that time, even if we want to be neutral, I am afraid that we will not be able to tell. "Isal sighed quietly.
With the temptation of super technology, Gemini could not refuse the request of the other party to send troops.
However, what seems to be an extremely favorable requirement for Gemini to send troops is actually hidden mystery, and it is completely preparing for the next step to completely pull Gemini into the water...
The other party’s calculations are almost a chain, and even if you see through it, it’s hard to refuse.
The black butler... is terrible!
After reacting to Ishaer's analysis, all the Gemini big guys in the room screamed!
"Damn! It's so insidious!"
"This is to create the established facts first, so that we can't tell them!"
"No wonder the other party is so generous and gave us such important technology without hesitation!"
"If it hadn't been for your Excellency Ishal to see the other party's intentions in advance, we would have almost boarded the thief ship!"
"Uh...but we don't seem to have a choice now..."
"Fart! Actively getting in the car and passively getting in the car, can this be the same?"
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