Chapter 725: XX civilization to visit here

"Cough! It probably means something like this, worthy of the boss, hit the nail on the head!" Yu Lao gave a flattery.
Isn't this the legendary transforming water?
Nie Yun touched his chin, thinking about whether to evolve the first brother to come out and have a long experience?
But that guy in Hachijo has also soaked a lot of life water, except for a little smarter, he doesn't seem to have grown into an octopus girl?
Could it be related to mechanization?
It's Catherine... but the one she drank was regarded as the "reckoning cocktail" that had been added by the mechanical insects, and it has not been able to replicate so far, and the research value is limited.
At this time, Zhou Dong took over and continued to introduce to everyone present.
"According to the basic common sense of biology, there is no gene that is'absolutely useful' or'absolutely better' in the world.
For example, for marine organisms, gills are a useful organ, but for terrestrial organisms, they are useless organs.
A gene may be an excellent gene in one situation, but in another case it may be an inferior gene. It is difficult for us to accurately define whether a gene is good or bad.
We can't even tell ourselves, so where did the water of life judge the ‘better gene’?
Therefore, we boldly guess that the reason why the water of life gives us the illusion of'gene optimization' is not because it can judge what type of genes are better, but because it might have known it in advance...'perfect human race' What should it be like! "
The perfect human race? !
"You mean... in the water of life, there is probably a complete set of'perfect human gene map' hidden?" Nie Yun said in surprise.
"Exactly!" Yu Lao and the others nodded together.
"It's like having a standard answer. The water of life doesn't need to judge the quality of genes at all, just copy it!
Its function is completely to slowly and orderly transform the creatures that use the water of life towards this existing perfect template!
Perfection is actually relative. For example, orangutans are more perfect than monkeys, and humans are more perfect than orangutans.
Judging from the powerful effects currently displayed by the water of life, this hidden perfect genetic map, even if it is not the end of human evolution, is definitely the later stage of human evolution!
That is probably another level of life form! "
Hmm... Nie Yun's eyes were contemplative.
I can’t even analyze the principles of the water of life on my own side, but the mysterious civilization can hide a huge set of genetic maps in it...the science and technology content in it is scary!
In such a comparison, although the "Cartier technology" just developed by Yu Lao et al. is also a genetically modified technology, it can't be used in front of it at all!
So the question is, who on earth made such a scary thing?
Is the existence of the water of life a gift from a mysterious civilization or a hidden conspiracy...
"Elder! Don't you think you should stand up and say something?"
The product was detected to contain "unknown additives", which might have side effects. As its manufacturer, do you have to explain?
It seemed that he was also shocked by the news. After a long silence, the immortal slowly spoke.
"My original consciousness was born in the process of wandering in the universe, and the production of the water of life is my innate talent.
If your research results are true, then maybe...I am not a naturally born life form, maybe..."
The mood of the immortal at this time is also quite complicated.
It originally thought it was a super-species native to the universe, bred by absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, similar to a natural stone monkey, so it has always regarded itself highly.
But now others told him that from the beginning of your foot hitting the mother's womb, someone secretly tattooed the sentence "XX civilization comes here".
Suddenly, the whole tree felt bad...
Nie Yun carefully felt the spiritual fluctuations of the immortal, it was a deep resentment, yes! it also a victim...
With the growth of spiritual power, Nie Yun's judgment of other people's emotions has become more and more accurate, which even he himself finds quite amazing.
"As a seed, the possibility of retaining these memories is indeed unlikely. Is the clue broken here?"
"No! Not broken yet!" Yu Lao said flatly.
"Although we don't know who has hidden this genetic map in the body of the immortal, what is certain is that the other party and the'pan-human civilization circle' must be inextricably linked!
The two have a high similarity in common..."
Nie Yun's eyes moved slightly. "You mean... teach us how to be human?"
Everyone: "..."
"Ahem! The same can be said.
This mysterious civilization gave me the feeling that... as if they hoped that a human race would be born here, and then through the water of life, they would continue to evolve toward the "perfect human race" they set. "
"You mean, the other party first cast a wide net to create a'pan-human civilization circle', and then the lucky ones among them discover the secret of the water of life, they will inevitably compete with each other to purify the bloodline, and finally evolve a'most perfect'. 'The Human Race?"
"Yes! This is the biggest possibility!" Yu Lao nodded.
"Well... it sounds like raising Gu." Nie Yun frowned.
"But why did the other party do this? Is it with good intentions or malicious?"
If there is a "perfect genetic map" hidden in the water of life, it is absolutely invaluable to any human race, and it can save countless evolutionary time.
But in the same way, if this is a "gene invasion" of a mysterious higher civilization, would you do anything in it, such as inserting some kind of "back door" in a certain gene segment?
You must know that the core of the third-order completion plan that you designed for the people on earth is the water of life. If it goes wrong...
Think carefully!
"We think it is unlikely that the other party will be malicious!" Yu Lao shook his head, "After all, with such a level of technology, they can easily produce a large number of'perfect human races' in batches.
Whether as an experimental subject or subdued to become a vassal race, there is no need to be so troublesome.
The purpose of raising Gu is to eliminate the weak and choose the strongest, but people already have the strongest Gu worm in their hands. "
Nie Yun thought for a while, and after analyzing various possibilities, he initially recognized Yu Lao's judgment.
"Okay! Mysterious civilization and the'Human Origin Conjecture' are listed as top secrets for the time being. Now I want to ask a question, this water of life...Do we still use it?"
"Of course you must use it!" All the scientists present said in unison.
"Boss, this is probably a treasure left by a higher civilization. How can you return to Baoshan empty-handed?
Now that such a big benefit lies in front of us, we can't give up on choking! "Zhou Dong said excitedly.
"But... after all, it is the gene map given by the mysterious civilization. If we really want to evolve like this, are we still human?" Nie Yun hesitated to look at everyone.
I'm fine, it's not anymore anyway, but have you passed the hurdle in your heart?
"Boss, you are wrong! To evolve towards a higher level of life is the instinctive pursuit of all organisms!
For example, we evolved from monkeys, but who have you heard that you want to change back to monkeys? "
Nie Yun thought about it seriously...
Many girls on Weibo said that they would have a monkey with me. Does this count?
Mechanical insect: "..." (¬_¬)
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