Chapter 731: This unscientific

"High energy ahead! The attack type is judged to be'Super Heavy Delta Ray Cannon', and the attack energy level is judged to be 14-15!
The attack path extension is being judged...Alert! alarm! The ship’s coordinates are within the attack damage radius, and its damage exceeds the ship’s shield by more than 800%. It cannot be defended. Please avoid it as soon as possible!
The estimated time of arrival of the attack counts down to 3m46s, 3m45s, 3m44s..."
"This...the target of the constant star weapon, is it us?!"
"Why... how could this be? This is impossible!"
Judging by the intelligence brain’s attack, countless fish monsters discovered extremely cruel facts in horror.
No matter how unwilling to believe it, the countdown to death that came from my ears was like a spell for life, making their hearts shattered!
Many people may be familiar with this weapon judged by the brain as the "Delta Ray Cannon", but the "Gamma Ray Cannon" must be familiar.
Gamma rays, or gamma rays, are high-energy short-wave rays produced when the energy level of an atomic nucleus transitions.
In the operation of "Saving the Longevity of the Big Tree", Nie Yun once used the "Gamma-ray Cannon" equipped "Hou Yi-class" Mithril battleship, and set an impressive record of sinking a Gemini battleship in one blow.
Gamma rays in the usual sense refer to electromagnetic waves with a wavelength less than 0.01?.
(Egstrand?ngstr?m, abbreviated as angstrom, symbol?, length unit. 1?=10^(-10)m=0.1 nanometer.)
The "delta ray" is an ultrashort wave whose wavelength is 8 levels shorter than traditional gamma rays and can exist for a long time in the universe.
The original earth civilization did not have the concept of "delta rays", but with the success of Nie Yun's cosmic adventure, the scientific and technological database of earth civilization has also been greatly enriched.
Scientists of the earth civilization just separated this ultrashort wave from the traditional gamma-ray band separately last year and named it "Delta Ray".
As we all know, the shorter the wavelength, the higher the energy level, and the stronger the damage to the target.
For example, the "millimeter wave" used by 5G has shorter wavelengths and higher power consumption than 4G, and has a greater radiation effect on living organisms, which has caused some public concerns.
Of course, the radiation damage of millimeter waves is limited after all, but the destructive power of ultrashort waves such as "delta rays" can be described as "brutal"!
"I can't stop it! Hurry up! It's safe to leave the army!"
"Damn it! How do you go in such a short time and the formation is so dense?"
"Damn pirate king, how did you make the tactical decision? Didn't this make us die!"
"It's too late. Escape is not the way. We must maintain the formation and fully open the shield to defend each layer. As for who can survive, it depends on God's will!"
Although it is the third planetary orbit, it takes time for an attack from the center of the galaxy to arrive, but with a dodge time of more than three minutes, even if the acceleration capability is within 10s of 100 kilometers, how many kilometers can they run?
Thus, the chaotic scene appeared.
The formerly dense group of the Left Army's front arrow array slowly spread around like a fainted ink wash.
Most of the pirates wanted to rush out, and many panicked warships were fleeing in disregard of the friendly forces ahead and wanted to accelerate. As a result, a series of car accidents occurred. The scene was terrible.
Chaos and disorder have increased the difficulty of escape, and the entire fleet is in chaos.
There is also a more calm part that wants to shrink to the rear of the large army, intending to use the friendly army as his own physical shield to withstand this wave of attacks.
Although "Delta Ray" is extremely destructive and penetrating, the shields and thick hulls of pirate warships are not furnishings.
In theory, as long as there are enough meat shields in front of oneself, it is enough to weaken the aftermath of the attack to within the upper limit of the defense of one's own spacecraft, and eventually survive.
Most of the fish-catching monsters in the Left Army are pirate old fritters with first-class life-saving ability, and many people can think of this method.
So, except for the one who pulled the engine power crazy and ran around, almost all of them hulled towards the rear of the fleet. The spectacular scene was not much different from the big defeat.
Many selfish pirates also used towing beams insidiously to pull the back legs of the friendly army next to them, so that they could have as much meat shield as possible behind them.
At this moment, it fully explained what it means that I don’t need to run the fastest, I just need to run faster than others...
Among the fleeing army, the twenty-fifth golden retriever was also pale at this time.
He finally reacted at this moment, how much trouble he had caused himself with the information he sold.
Obviously, Cloros wanted to implement beheading from the very beginning, and didn't care about the life and death of their two or five boys.
He underestimated Cloros and overestimated the pirate king...
He really did not expect that the pirate king who was about to be deified in the Broken Star Territory... was so watery!
Not sure you are still at the forefront with a confident face? Where's the show?
I thought the opponent was a king, but turned out to be bronze? !
"Damn, don't pull us back when you die! Go! Retreat to the rear of the fleet at full speed. The opponent's goal is our alliance flagship. As long as we stay away from it, we are safe!"
He wasn't stupid, he quickly realized a way to improve his chances of survival.
At least... to die after the pirate king...
This may be his only comfort at this time.
However, just when he wanted to lock the flagship coordinates and plan his escape route...
"Uh... where is our flagship?"
Golden Retriever looked at the very conspicuous VIP position in the front row, but he swept around, but there was no one!
At the moment he was stunned, suddenly the top of his vision suddenly went dark.
Inside the bridge, everyone raised their heads stupidly, and watched the elegantly lined, legendary silver warship, maneuvering with an already extremely rare roller, turning over his head with a slight difference... …
The camera is slowed down, and through the panoramic porthole overhead, Jin Mao and others can even see the brightly lit bridge on the opposite side and the big guy sitting on the bridge...
"Hey!" This warship was in full view, and a beautiful harrier turned over and penetrated the narrow gap between them and another warship that was only a few kilometers away, almost rubbing their scalp and rushing forward. .
Afterwards, including the Golden Retriever, everyone opened their mouths and stared at the silver warship, which was sometimes graceful and graceful as a dragon, and launched a personal drag racing show on the chaotic escape battlefield. !
With all kinds of weird maneuvers that violated the basic laws of physics, it left behind the pirate ships that fled in a hurry, abruptly finding a way out in a messy fleet...
It wasn't until the other party's taillights were no longer visible that the golden retriever was shocked and his thinking went online again.
His eyes were bulging and his golden retrievers exploded.
It was just... Damn it, right?
I can endure the drift of S-shaped corners, but what the is the reciprocating mirror reentry and Z-shaped lightning overtaking?
Is this a fairy maneuver that a warship can make?
Is it possible... the other party can still install a three-dimensional maneuvering device for the spacecraft?
The next moment, with question marks all over, the Golden Retriever and the spacecraft he was on finally waited for the azure light of destruction...
"This unscientific!"
Golden Retriever's last words are simple and simple...
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