Chapter 752: Second battlefield

"Oh? Is it the cosmic coordinates that we have proven?" The second prince immediately got to the point.
The edge of star cluster number 0779...
Since there is a number, it means that this is a star field recorded by the Empire.
"Yes! Your Majesty, please see, the 0779 star cluster belongs to three types of undeveloped star clusters. One B-class wormhole, 4 C-class, and 3 D-class have been proven.
In addition to a D-class wormhole, there is also an intermittent C-class wormhole near the star field where the solar system is located, connecting the 0778 star cluster.
And the iron castle collar of the Imperial Iron Wall star field happens to have an A-class wormhole that can reach the 0778 star cluster. "
A three-dimensional projection star map appeared in front of the second prince, which not only marked the territories of the Woolf Empire, Gemini and the solar system, but also marked the wormholes with various lines.
The largest piece is the Woolf Empire. The size of the Gemini is less than one percent of the Woolf Empire.
As for the solar system... it's exactly a small dot as big as Sesame, the one that has to be drawn out separately.
Naturally, the star map mastered by the Woolf Empire cannot be limited to the territory of the Empire.
In order to expand, or to defend against foreign invasions, the Woolf Empire will naturally spare no effort to send surveying and mapping spacecraft to survey the surrounding areas where spacecraft can reach.
As an interstellar highway, the distribution of the wormhole network determines the key strategy and development direction of each subluminal interstellar civilization.
The territory that takes ten or eight years to reach is no different from the enclave, and the development value will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.
Therefore, even if the detailed astronomical information of each planet cannot be surveyed, the distribution of wormholes around it is the key target of the empire's surveying and mapping!
As the Woolf Empire with more mature wormhole-related technology, the wormhole network star map they master is undoubtedly larger and more detailed than those in the hands of Gemini and Nie Yun.
The high-level wormhole detection technology is the top technology at the bottom of the Woolf Empire. It is currently only in the hands of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, and confidentiality is extremely strict.
Even the detailed star maps of the surrounding star regions that have been explored are only available in the full version of the Imperial Military Headquarters, which is impossible to make public.
As for Woolf's map, Nie Yun has only explored the surrounding area of ​​Broken Stars, which can be said to have just left the Novice Village.
Not to mention the ultimate map of the Imperial Capital Circle, the next advanced maps have not had time to open.
How can you explode such rare equipment and skill books without even touching the high-level monsters?
Therefore, Nie Yun's current wormhole detection technology is as good as that of Gemini.
He can't detect what Gemini can't detect.
So even the people on earth don’t know that besides the D-class wormhole that leads to the neighboring galaxy, there is actually a C-class intermittent wormhole near the solar system!
Judging from this projected star map, the solar system is located on the cantilever of Orion, Gemini occupies a part of Orion’s arm and a small part of Sagittarius, and the Woolf Empire spans Orion’s arm, Sagittarius arm, Perseus arm, and even The tentacles reached the bottom arm of the boat.
Due to the irregular distribution of wormholes, the territory of Gemini and the Woolf Empire is actually not a whole group of rice balls, but extends along the wormhole veins, forming a core as the main body, but the tentacles stretch out in all directions. Territory like a monster of tentacles.
If the distance between the two wormholes is too far, there will even be a blank "fault" on the territory.
Although the solar system is bordered by Gemini, and Gemini is bordered by Woolf, it does not mean that the solar system is "hiding" behind Gemini.
The universe is three-dimensional, and the three are not divided by ordinary planes, but more complex canine teeth.
The distance between the solar system and the Woolf Empire is actually not that far.
In a sense, the solar system is sandwiched between Gemini and the Woolf Empire.
If the positions of the solar system and the Woolf Empire are separated separately, then it can be found that one of the "tentacles" of the solar system and the empire is actually quite close.
Of course, this "closeness" is also relative, and there is actually more than 500 light years between the two.
Under normal circumstances, this distance is enough to make people sigh, causing geographic isolation.
Of course, if there is a wormhole channel to shorten the journey, then the situation is completely different...
"In other words, starting from the Ironcastle leader to the 0778 star cluster, and then turning to the 0779 star cluster, you can directly attack another branch of the other party, so as to make full use of our military strength to open up the second battlefield!
According to calculations, it is possible to reach the solar system in about 3 months from the Iron Fort at the highest sailing speed, which is tactically feasible.
Our current hidden forces around the Broken Star Region have been wiped out. If we only rely on local troops to deal with the Broken Star Pirate Alliance and Gemini at the same time, especially if the opponent still has a powerful artifact in his hands, it may not be realistic.
And if the second battlefield can be opened up, before the opponent reacts, send an elite fleet to make a long-distance attack.
Destroy this branch of the solar system first, and then enter the hinterland of the Gemini star through the solar system, then the horns of the opponent and the Starbreaker Pirate Alliance will disappear.
According to intelligence, this solar system has only just begun to develop, and the defense force is not strong, the number of warships does not exceed one hundred, we can easily win it.
And Gemini is desperately shifting the direction of the warship to defend Locke, causing the rear to be empty.
If we move fast enough, we can even go straight to Huanglong, and then capture the home planet of Gemini!
Inferring from the structure of Gemini civilization, there is at least a 70% probability that Gemini can be directly forced down.
At that time, the Broken Star Pirate Alliance will lose its allies and be attacked from both sides. It only needs a little provocation to make the pirate alliance, which is not monolithic, fall apart in despair and completely lose its threat! "
The second prince nodded frequently.
This plan is bold and careful, intertwined, and deep in the essence of blitzkrieg, with the smallest price in exchange for the greatest result!
"Very good! Who made this plan? This prince has many rewards!"
It seems that the staff team he has spent heavily on recruiting and training is still somewhat capable.
"Uh...this is Cloros's plan."
The second prince: "???"
Just grab a scene, why is it you again?
"Ah! This was originally a backhand prepared by Cloros. I wanted to execute it after evacuating the Locke collar. However, unfortunately, the plan was just reported, and before the action started, people had an accident..."
The second prince: "..."
Back hand again? Do you have so many tips after death?
[Croros: I regret so much and look forward to so much, do you know...]
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