Chapter 765: That's Gaia

Forming a chat group is a compromise that is acceptable to both parties.
It not only maintained a safe distance between the two parties, but also allowed Nie Yun, the source of the fire source, to shine and benefit the general public.
In a friendly atmosphere, the two parties spent 0.0001 seconds to communicate the specific matters of the group establishment. Nie Yun also gave the group a very appropriate name... "Mechanical Ascension Group"!
Nie Yun, who is the source of fire, is naturally the owner of the group, and Duke Liming is the unyielding administrator who is mainly responsible for pulling people into the group. In addition, he is looking for a hidden area near the Broken Star to build a large server and signal transfer station.
If you want to host a large number of "really minded teleportation" machine clan, the exchange data per second is quite terrifying, the scale of this server is definitely not small.
In addition, it is necessary to build a separate physically isolated server to facilitate the situation where teachers and students cannot agree with each other.
Almost at the end of the dialogue between the two, Duke Liming had already devised a set of "Tinder Source Academy Design Plan" and began sending out his mechanical servants to start site selection and field inspections.
The efficiency of the action of the mechanical clan is such a race against time.
The Broken Star Domain is located in the Woolf Empire, which brought some trouble to the Duke of Dawn's actions, so she initially selected a wandering celestial body orbiting the Broken Star Domain.
This kind of celestial body is unknown in the universe, hollow out a meteor, and build a few more signal reflection stations, as long as the movement is not too big, even the empire will not even want to find the source of the signal.
Perhaps because of the "initial friendship" bonus effect of his own fire source, Nie Yun felt that the Duke Liming seemed to be quite talkative, so he hit the iron while it was hot.
"I always have a question, I don't know if it's appropriate to ask."
"Please speak." Duke Liming used honorific words this time.
After confirming the identity of Nie Yunhuo seed source, the status of the two parties has undergone subtle changes.
In terms of title, Nie Yun can be said to be a "king-level" existence beyond the duke, theoretically at the top of the ruling class.
Although Nie Yun's current strength and status do not match, Duke Liming still showed the low profile he deserves.
Of course, in the eyes of Nie Yun, who is still unaware, such an attitude may be just a kind of "respecting the teacher and respecting the moral."
"It may be a little rude, but I'm really curious, Gaia... how did he die?"
Nie Yun stared at Duke Liming and asked about the hidden source of all the hidden sources in the fog of history...
"Does the Woolf Empire really have the ability to beheaded hundreds of millions of miles away? Judging from some historical documents, at that time your side should have taken an absolute advantage.
I have no other meaning in asking this, but I just feel that if the Woolf Empire has the ability to kill the previous fire source, once the news that I am the fire source is leaked, does it mean...I am also in danger? "
That artifact is a "special weapon for fire source" and "fire source nemesis". Although such a possibility is minimal, Nie Yun felt that since Duke Liming himself sent it to himself, then this terrible possibility should be confirmed. safer.
Faced with this problem, Grand Dawn was silent for 0.1s.
"This is actually not a secret, but for me, it is a past that I don't want to remember, but I can't forget it anyway..."
As the other party's words fell, Nie Yun felt that a flood of data was coming, and the surrounding environment suddenly changed.
In the model world formed by data, Nie Yun and Duke Liming are in a vast void, with a huge star system in front of them.
"This..." Nie Yun looked at the magnificent scene before him in shock and inexplicably, without knowing what language to describe.
There are a total of twelve planets in the star system and hundreds of moons of varying sizes. Without exception, the surfaces of these stars have shown a certain degree of metalization.
All stars are brightly lit, even in outer space, you can clearly see the brilliance of civilization. Inside the galaxy, there are countless spacecraft shuttled back and forth. The tail flames of the spacecraft are dotted, forming a prosperous channel that extends in all directions, like a galaxy. .
The galaxy formed by countless spaceships extends to the outer galaxy, into the invisible void...
Obviously, this is a galaxy that has been developed to the extreme and also prosperous to the extreme.
However, this is not its most shocking place.
The most shocking is the huge star in the center of the galaxy.
Hundreds of huge beams of light are radiating out of this star, linking all orbiting planets like chains, and even small satellites on some planets.
Subsequently, these planets or satellites continue to reflect, turning into more complex and dense light veins, connecting to spaceports, floating fortresses, and even spacecraft.
At first glance, the entire galaxy is like being covered by a huge network of light, densely networked throughout the galaxy.
"Here is the'Gaia Galaxy' and the most important core area of ​​our mechanical race. You can understand it as our home galaxy.
Of course, what you see now is the scene a thousand years ago. "The Duke of Liming looked at this homeland with a slight sadness.
"Then these lights..." Nie Yun asked, pointing to the huge network of lights.
"It's a light signal."
"I can see this, but the question is...the light is radiated from that star. What kind of black technology is that star?"
"You should know that matter capable of performing logical operations, including electrons and quantum, can all become the computing medium of a computer.
And light can do the same. "
"You mean... a photon computer?"
The photon computer, in the current definition of the earth people, is a new type of computer that performs digital operations, logical operations, information storage and processing by light signals.
Of course, it is still in the small-scale experimental stage.
Replace electrons with photons and electrical operations with optical operations. The parallel and high speed of light naturally determines that the parallel processing capabilities of photonic computers are extremely strong, with extremely high operating speeds, at least far exceeding electronic computers, and the requirements for the operating environment are also Lower than quantum computers.
However, due to the requirements of safety and speed, whether it is an empire or a Gemini, quantum computers are still the mainstream.
Under the catalysis of Nie Yun, the earth civilization completed the update of computer technology in a very short time, seamlessly integrating with the old star civilization.
However, in some of the Woolf Empire scientific research information collected by Nie Yun, he learned that the photonic computer of the Woolf Empire seems to have been developed to a stage far exceeding the theoretical level of earth civilization.
In the empire’s top research institute, it seems that a supercomputer that combines photons, microelectronics and excitation quanta is being developed.
It is said that after successful development, it is very likely to cause another subversive revolution in computer technology.
"Photon, as a standard boson, also has particle properties and belongs to the category of quantum. Therefore, strictly speaking, photonic computers also belong to the category of quantum computers."
"You said this, don't you want to tell me that these light paths are communication signals between photonic computers?" Nie Yun asked in surprise.
Could it be that the machine family has popularized photonic computers for all people?
"Communication signals? Maybe, but our machine race prefers to regard them as the king's consciousness, spirit, and even flesh..."
"Huh?" Nie Yun was stunned. As if thinking of something, he stared at the central star with wide eyes.
" mean..."
"Well! That's Gaia!"
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