Chapter 795: You have to call me grandpa

The birth of the Gemini civilization is a process of constant competition and compromise.
To some extent, the system of the Gemini civilization is surprisingly similar to that of a country on earth.
Two races are like two political parties in a country. If they want to gain a greater right to speak and survive within civilization for their race, they must continue to develop and strengthen themselves, and the one that fails will eventually become the other. Vassal.
This peculiar multi-racial competition system has brought strong vitality and vitality to the Gemini civilization, allowing them to develop a brilliant interstellar civilization in a very short period of time, demonstrating its institutional superiority.
However, while gaining a strong internal driving force, this competing system has also planted a fundamental side effect, that is, sharp internal contradictions.
Family conflicts, factional conflicts, conflicts between races, the internal conflicts of this civilization are more intense and turbulent than normal civilizations.
On weekdays, this contradiction can be forcibly suppressed, and even form a healthy competition as a whole, mainly relying on three main factors.
The first is "to ensure mutual destruction"!
In the process of merging with each other, the two races are already in a complicated situation where you have me in you and me in you, and both sides have maintained a basically balanced military strength.
No matter which party wants the east wind to overwhelm the west wind, it means that one's own side may have to endure the embarrassing situation of killing one thousand and losing one thousand and two.
It is not impossible for a civil strife to fall apart directly into civil strife or be directly beaten back to the Stone Age.
This prevents any party from resorting to force at will.
The second is external pressure, which is a challenge from "alien".
Throughout the history of Gemini, the rising and falling curve of its internal contradictions has an extremely obvious correlation with the degree of threats from external forces in the corresponding period.
Simply put, when there is an enemy outside the door, we unite and fight together, and when there are no enemies, we close the door and fight by ourselves!
The last is the "Gemini Council."
The joint council composed of many aristocratic families, chaebols, and military personnel is like a huge interest combination, coordinating the interests of both parties, promoting the integration of the two sides, and forcibly suppressing all discordant voices.
The civilized environment of ethnic unity is their "political correctness."
Alsace was previously rumored to have been assassinated by the Sea Clan, but in the end it was nothing but internal processing and benefit exchange, which was a political compromise in this general environment.
There is no doubt about the role of the Gemini Council in coordinating the internal conflicts of Gemini and balancing the interests of all parties.
In summary, the unity of the two ethnic groups requires "deterrence by force", "external pressure" and a "coalition government" overhead.
However, for the Gemini branch of "Lost Land", with the closure of the wormhole, the foundation of the unity of these two races almost disappeared overnight!
The loss of contact with the parliament caused the immigrant Gemini people to instantly lose their nominal ruler.
After exploration, this fertile "Lost Land" galaxy group is completely isolated and undeveloped virgin land. There is no alien civilization that can pose a threat nearby, and the external pressure is almost zero.
The only remaining constraint is "forced deterrence."
After the wormhole was closed, the immigrants who were in chaos and panic entered the state of "military control" in accordance with the "Emergency Plan for Gemini Development Regulations", and the commander of the pioneer army who was in charge of immigration security became the highest person in charge here.
In the beginning, the two sides could rely on the force of inertia to cooperate sincerely and try to reopen the wormhole.
However, technological breakthroughs did not happen overnight. They also lacked top-notch scientific research talents and scientific research equipment related to Wormholes. What even the Gemini civilization could not do, they were ultimately futile.
As time passed, everyone was almost desperate.
They can only abandon their illusions and begin to multiply and develop in this rich galaxy group by their own power, and try to replicate a ruling structure similar to the United Parliament.
However, the new rulers with soldiers as their main force obviously lack the most crucial political wisdom with "compromise" as the core.
In the process of building the new government, the two top commanders finally broke out irreconcilable contradictions and finally parted ways.
After more than a hundred years of development, the two tribes divided this rich group of galaxies with the "third star system" close to the wormhole.
The two have the same origin, plus the vast space for survival and development here. At the beginning, the two races were able to live in peace, each playing "interstellar navigation", and the population also exploded.
However, as the turf was completely divided, the friction between the two sides began to increase.
In the process of vying for key resources, it was naturally inevitable that there was a fight. Therefore, the outbreak of conflict caused the two races to go further and further, and eventually evolved into an arms race between the two races.
As the "buffer zone" of the two sides, the "three-star line" has become the most critical "border dispute" between the two sides.
The resources of the "Third Star Series" are not the richest, but the status is the most special-because there is the only wormhole that can "go home"!
Even though it seems to be completely closed now, its strategic significance is extraordinary.
What if it just can't be thought of for a while, and then suddenly turned on when you want it?
In case of a technological breakthrough, can we find a way to reopen the wormhole?
Although this group of galaxies is rich, it is also like an isolated paradise, with limited development space, and they have to find a way to "go out" in the end.
Because of the strategic significance, this place has become the "Kashmir" of both sides.
As the conflict between the two ethnic groups has become more intense in recent years, the two ethnic groups have deployed heavy soldiers here, confronting each other, and small-scale conflicts continue.
"Milos, I will ask again one last time, do you not retreat?"
"Barty, I'll tell you one last time, unless your fleet withdraws from the 3rd series first, I will never give in this time!"
"So, are you determined to go to war?"
"It was you who caused the war, not me!"
As the negotiations have reached a stalemate, the fleets of both sides have become more and more tense, and the commanders have entered the final stage of "shirk responsibility", and the war can be described as imminent!
However, just as a battle between the two sides was about to erupt, the void in the distance was suddenly and weirdly twisted.
"Didi!" "Didi!"
At the same time, the radars of both sides began to issue harsh warnings.
"There is an ambush!" Milos and Batty's expressions changed, thinking that the other party had arranged an ambush in advance.
"Yes... it's the wormhole reaction! The wormhole has a reaction!" The young radar soldier exclaimed with shock on his face.
The intermittent wormholes hailed by these "lost people" as the "corridor of homecoming" have not been opened for more than a hundred years. Even for the new generation of Gemini, wormholes only exist in legend .
People only know its existence, have seen its images, but have never witnessed it with their own eyes.
But today, the legendary ancient portal...reopened...
"This..." The two commanders were also shocked and inexplicably watching the video uploaded.
A void vortex is slowly and firmly, from scratch, from small to large...
The shock brought by this scene is no less than a supernova exploding in front of your eyes.
"Retreat, keep your distance! Dispatch the reconnaissance ship to the wormhole to approach and investigate!" The two commanders who reacted after being shocked gave orders in unison.
The wormhole reopens, whether it is naturally opened, or the opposite mother civilization or someone takes the initiative to open it, it is obviously not a wise move to start a war at this time.
At least, you have to figure out the current situation first, and the two sides have shown amazing tacit understanding.
An hour later, the wormhole that had expanded to one kilometer flashed, and a small battleship suddenly rushed out and appeared in front of everyone.
"This is... this is our spaceship!"
Seeing that small battleship with a very familiar construction style, many people's hearts jumped wildly.
Is this... the spaceship of the mother civilization?
This small warship quickly discovered the two fleets in the distance, and then the next moment, a wide-area communication spread to every spacecraft.
"Unknown fleet, this is the Gemini civilization, the liaison ship of the fleet directly under the joint council, please inform your identities!"
"Sure enough! This is the spaceship of the mother civilization!" Many people showed surprises on their faces.
The two commanders looked complicated.
They are the new generation born in the Lost Lands, and their sense of belonging to the mother civilization is by no means as strong as their parents' generation. On the contrary, the two who have achieved a certain status are more resistant to the arrival of the mother civilization.
After all, he was used to being a Tu Emperor, and no one wanted to suddenly have an additional boss.
It's just that since the mother civilization has sent people over, you can't show excessive resistance before you can't figure out the situation.
"This is the'Lost Land' feather fleet, Commander Milos!"
"This is the'Lost Land' Marine Fleet, Commander Batty!"
In the face of inquiries, the two still reported their own identity and used the title "Lost Land" in unison.
The other side was silent for a moment, and then a communication screen suddenly popped up.
On the screen, hundreds of Gemini people in different costumes sit in a row. Looking at their costumes, there are soldiers, businessmen, and politicians, who seem to come from all walks of life.
The only thing in common is that these people are not young anymore, they look like an elderly group.
The two commanders were a little confused. Why did this contact ship contain so many elderly people without soldiers?
Is it a negotiator? Are they all senior?
I don’t know, I thought it was for an elderly tour group...
"Milos, Batty? Which family are you descendants from?" the old man with gray beard and majestic face sitting in the front asked.
The two were stunned.
"The Escar family of the feather clan, the 23rd generation grandson, Milos!"
"Marine Baroque family, 35th grandson, Batty!"
"Escar and the Baroque family?" The old man breathed a sigh of relief.
Fortunately, the peasant uprising did not happen. The current rulers here are at least the children of the family, so it's easy to say...
He looked at the elders around him. "Has the principal of these two families come?"
Immediately, two old men stood up with red faces.
"Hahaha! Worthy of being a species of my Baroque family, Batty, where is your father? I remember he just married a daughter-in-law before entering this lost land, or was introduced by his aunt." Looking at everyone around him, his face was smug.
"Milos, right? Well done, I didn't shame the Escar family!" The other old man of the feather tribe looked calmer, but the smile on his face couldn't hide it.
Everyone around looked envious.
To be a ruler in this lost place, no matter what means is used, that is also the ability. In the eyes of the superior, this is ability, and for the family, this is glory.
What's more, if things are done this time, it might bring huge benefits to the family, and everyone is naturally envious.
Speaker Kluzer promised two seats in Parliament in front of them.
This is simply an opportunity to make a small family soar!
Little Buddy?
Hearing this name, Barty, who was over a hundred years old, twitched the corners of his eyes, resisting not having an attack on the spot.
"Dare to ask you who?"
"Hey! Regarding seniority, you have to call me "Grandpa"!"
"Milos, why don't you come over and meet your great-grandfather?" Another old Feather clan smiled and said at this time, his face was kind.
What? The two commanders immediately turned green.
Who made the idea, it's too despicable...
How to talk about this?
Is it possible that they can still negotiate terms with their grandfather and grandfather with a red neck?
This matter...
Isn't it nice to do?
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