Chapter 810: ransom

The hidden weapon was broken, and the fleet seemed to be planted too.
Viscount Tiebi was vaguely aware that he...this time...I'm afraid he really kicked the iron plate...
"Master Viscount, in another half an hour, the enemy intercepted in front will enter the attack range of the main fleet, do we...need to change the attack plan?" the adjutant asked cautiously.
"Do you want to send another fleet to attack the solar system?"
This is a very real problem.
If the enemies of the solar system are not wiped out, they are likely to be cut off. If the Gemini's offensive actions are blocked, they will face the dilemma of double-sided attack.
The safe way is to order the main fleet to turn around, first kill the enemies of the solar system, and then slowly deal with the immortals blocked in front of the wormhole, opening up the passage to the Gemini.
Although the plan of surprise attack on Gemini will undoubtedly be affected, but compare the strength of Gemini in intelligence...It is obvious that the real boss in the solar system is right?
However, what made Viscount Iron Wall uncertain is that the solar system is so strong that all of his 400 warships have been hitting dogs with meat buns. Why did he still look like he was crushed and beaten by his side before?
Those cannon fodder mechas, as well as the weak galaxy defense system, are not at all compelling for a powerful force.
It's like I have a strong body protection, but I have to pretend that my fist strength is only a hundred pounds...
What is this for?
Play pig eat tiger? Show the enemy to be weak?
What about trying to lure the enemy to go deeper and then wipe us out?
It is really impossible for Viscount Tiebi to think too much.
At first, he thought that this enemy was just a novice village mob.
However, after experiencing the various accidents of Legend Plus, Legend Mini, "Dark Sting Loss", and the defeat of the Solar System Fleet, the Earth Army undoubtedly became a low-key sweeping monk hidden in the corner of the interstellar in his eyes, and the threat level began to increase infinitely. .
The current solar system in his eyes was like the mist that swallowed a whole 400 battleships, revealing an extremely dangerous aura.
In this case, how could he dare to go deep?
"Report, there is a situation ahead!"
However, at this moment, before the frowning and thinking Viscount Tiebi gave an answer, there was also an abnormal movement in front of the main fleet.
Everyone looked at the newly enlarged display screen.
Seeing a large number of small black spots suddenly appeared on the immortal in the form of a giant soldier.
"This is... a mecha?"
That's right, in the zoomed-in picture, everyone clearly saw a large number of mechas being drilled from the trunk, crown, roots and other positions of the immortal.
The number of these mechas is only about 10,000, which is no different from the cannon fodder of the Earth Army previously seen.
They sit or stand, and some are lazily leaning on the trunk, and the weapons in their hands are also casually placed on their shoulders, which are very different from the precise and rigorous fighting style of the regular mech army.
Whatever you have to say... it's like a group of bandits who block the road and rob.
"Huh ~ 10,000 cannon fodder mechas..." The adjutant beside him breathed lightly.
If this is the air combat power that the opponent has brought out, it can only be said to be a dead end!
However, in the next moment, a shocking picture that everyone will never forget appeared before their eyes!
A dazzling light flashed on all the mechas on the opposite side, one by one crystal clear shields, one by one slowly forming crystal-like blades, dazzling everyone's eyes.
"Papa!" The data terminal in the adjutant's hand fell and his mouth grew into an O shape.
Not just him, everyone's expressions have all become "⊙o⊙"!
"Biography... Legend!"
That iconic crystallized energy tells everyone an incredible fact that the mechas in front of you... are all legends!
"It's impossible!" Even with the strong psychological quality of Viscount Tiebi, he was shocked at this time, and the three views were broken.
The weird communication received earlier finally has an answer.
It was the fleet trapped in the mist giving them a warning...
"Many legends, run!"
This should be what the message looks like in its entirety...
Unfortunately, they wake up a bit late.
"Impossible! This number of legendary mechas was definitely not flowed out of the Woolf Empire!" Viscount Tiebi's face was pale.
How many legends have been created in the history of the Woolf Empire? Only a thousand!
How much is in front of you? At least ten thousand!
Legendary mechas are advanced equipment excavated by the Woolf Empire from the relics of higher civilizations, and the quantity is extremely limited.
There are so many quantities in front of us that can only be produced through industrial manufacturing, and those capable of manufacturing such advanced equipment on a large scale...
"Gao! Wait! Wen! Ming!" With trembling lips, he uttered the most frightening four words, and the needle fell within the bridge in an instant.
What is the most afraid of interstellar civilization?
It is not a natural disaster that can destroy the galaxy, nor is it a man-made disaster that causes chaos, but a higher civilization that we can't match at all...
In this way, this unity of all things is really just like what the intelligence said, there are "big men" in the organization?
Otherwise, how do you explain so many "advanced equipment"?
Even if you buy it with money, you have to have the supply, right?
It's no wonder that when people shot 5 "legendary shells", they didn't care about this loss at all!
Hemp egg! What kind of terrible existence did the second prince provoke? !
"Drip!" Just as everyone was shocked and inexplicably, a light and shadow appeared in front of everyone without warning, and the virtual image in the black robe suddenly appeared in the air.
"What?" Everyone was shocked again.
"Black Butler, it's you!" Viscount Tiebi's eyes narrowed.
The external communication was automatically accessed by the system without permission...
"Yes... it's a system intrusion. Our brains were quietly implanted with viruses!" A program operator nervously tapped the console.
"How come? When is it?!" Everyone was shocked.
"Haha! Don't be nervous my friend, it's just a little innocent trick. Your system is very safe." Nie Yun smiled leisurely.
In fact, in the first communication before, Nie Yun had planted a "small gift" into the other party's communication system.
After this period of incubation and fermentation, Nie Yun can activate the virus at a long distance and tear a small hole in the opponent's system firewall.
Not much use, there is only an "auto-answer" function, but it is used to force and effect leverage.
Sure enough, Nie Yunlu's hand directly shook everyone.
Seeing Weizhi’s work, even if it’s just "automatically answering", this silent intrusion method that makes their defense systems unable to detect, still shows that in the field of electronic warfare, the opponent has crushed itself...
Speaking of it, this is the skill that Nie Yun has learned and used from Duke Liming. The last time the two "friendly exchanges" were not in vain, Nie Yun's "system intrusion and anti-intrusion" skill experience has been smashing recently The rise.
Copy skills from the lord-level boss and use them to farm elite monsters. This effect is completely suppressed by the level...
Coupled with the "legendary army" that resembled wolves outside, the image of "black butler" was completely demonized in everyone's eyes.
A series of titles such as "Higher Race" and "Higher Civilization Spokesperson" were slammed on Nie Yun's head madly amid the suspicion of everyone.
"Your Excellency, I said that we will see you again soon. I don't know if you still welcome me now?" Nie Yun smiled and looked at Viscount Tiebi.
"Hoo~ Black Butler, please forgive me for being rude."
Unexpectedly, after struggling for a while, Viscount Tiebi took a deep breath and bowed solemnly to apologize.
Facing a well-matched opponent, Viscount Tiebi would naturally be tough, but if the opponent was a member from a higher civilization... Then it would be purely a death to show up!
Among other things, the 10,000 legendary army on the opposite side is enough to make his fleet fall into the sand.
Even if there are 900 Black Flag battleships in his fleet, the ending will only change from a complete defeat to a disastrous defeat.
The opponent's cosmic creature is not vegetarian, and the firepower is extremely terrifying. Under the cover of this kind of firepower turret, fighting against Ten Thousand Legends, how many of them can survive even if they win?
Not to mention that this is only part of the opponent's forces, who knows how many legends there are in the solar system?
Even if one's own small universe breaks out and wins, and provokes the higher civilization behind the opponent and directly kills Woolf, is it afraid of becoming a civilized sinner?
"Oh ha ha! I like to chat with smart people." Nie Yun smiled.
"I'm relatively straightforward. Now, let's talk about the issue of ransom."
Viscount Tiebi: "..."
Really...really so direct!
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