Chapter 817: Eat another cat

Naturally, Nie Yun was not idle and had nothing to make up a story to tease each other, but about how the earth civilization obtained these ten thousand legendary mechas, there must be a reasonable explanation.
"Pinch the mecha with bare hands"?
Naturally, this correct answer cannot be used directly.
If you let others know about a galaxy-level "small and micro civilization" like Earth Civilization, but mastered the legendary super-spec ability of mass production, it would be like dropping a piece of fresh meat in a school of sharks.
All civilizations that receive the news will look at the earth civilizations, and even directly attack them in groups.
But if it is just lucky to "buy" it from the outside world, the meaning is naturally completely different.
To attack the solar system, not to mention the loss of troops to destroy nearly 10,000 legends, even if it is forced to eat, the benefits are minimal. On the contrary, it may offend the higher civilizations standing behind the solar system and attract great enemies for nothing.
No matter how this account is calculated, it is very uneconomical.
At least, before the cowhide of "All Things Become One" is blown through, even the second prince will have to weigh carefully before continuing to attack the solar system.
Half an hour later...
"What? You mean...that is the chaser of the solar system?"
Soon, Leon, who obtained the first-hand information of the Iron Wall fleet from Nie Yun, quickly notified the two commanders Milos and Batty.
The news naturally stunned the two of them.
"Didn't it mean that the solar system is just a force that only protects itself and is still in a strategic defensive state? How many things have you concealed?" Milos couldn't help but exasperated after reacting.
Is there any truth in your mouth?
"Uh...this situation really exceeded our expectations. I didn't expect the solar system to get a batch of advanced weapons and equipment from the organization behind them, so..."
There was embarrassment on Leon's face.
He swears, this time is really an accident!
The ghost knows that the other party can actually purchase the legendary mecha in batches?
Leon, who had done a whole set of psychological relief and stress relief after returning, had broken free from boundless regret and jealousy, and his mood had returned to calm at this time.
Although the vector engine is precious, Gemini also got a lot of benefits from each other in the last transaction.
Not only has it resolved the crisis of civilization’s destruction, but it has also obtained the key "wormhole expansion technology", and this has resulted in today's lost fleet reinforcements.
For the Gemini at that time, the value of the vector engine has almost been used to the extreme, and both sides have taken what they need.
The current priority of the Gemini civilization is not to entangle the price difference made by middlemen, but to solve the current crisis.
In one respect, the sudden increase in the strength of the solar system is also good news for the current Gemini.
Otherwise, what they are facing now is not just over 2,000 iron wall warships.
"So, just a group of defeated soldiers on the opposite side?" Batty looked disappointed.
"Although it is only a group of remnants, but the main enemy force still exists, it is said that the strength is also very strong, and in order to avoid falling into the unfavorable situation of two-sided attack, the other party will definitely choose to break through." Leon frowned.
The so-called trapped beast is still fighting, the enemy in this situation is not easy to deal with.
"And..." Leon seemed hesitant to speak.
"And what?" Milos asked immediately.
Don't cheat us anymore, if you have any information, hurry up!
"Ah! That... Your Excellency the Black Butler just suggested us that the enemy is so powerful that we can temporarily avoid its edge. As for the enemy, they can continue to pursue it..." Leon bit his scalp and said.
"What?" The two were stunned when they heard the words, and then a feeling of being humiliated came to their hearts.
What does it mean to avoid the edge? Isn't this just letting us flee without a fight?
Are you responsible for continuing the pursuit?
Isn't this just asking for foreign aid? And it's the kind of unknown origin!
"The soul is light! Do they think my lost fleet is muddled? They can't fight, but we can't?" Batty was furious.
Milos is more cautious, "Are there any detailed combat data for the opponent?"
Through the battle video and battlefield data, you can undoubtedly understand your opponent more intuitively.
"Uh... the other party refused to provide it on the grounds that it involved military secrets." Leon said in embarrassment.
The two sides did not even sign a "security treaty", and they could not even talk about a formal military alliance. Instead, they were still on guard against each other.
In this case, the opponent really has no reason to provide them with battlefield data inside the solar system.
"Really..." Milos lowered his head and groaned.
"Your Excellency Leon, is the other party's intelligence really credible?
No matter how you look at it, the two sides don't look like a big battle. Could it be that the solar system knows that it is invincible, so there is no such thing as a big battle at all, but deliberately let the road open for the other side to pass? "Milos guessed.
Chasing a fleet with a tree, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a play.
The opponent has this ability, can he be crushed by hundreds of warships on his side not long ago?
"This..." Leon hesitated.
I have to say that Milos's suspicion is not impossible.
We must know that the earth civilization is not a serious and hard-core ally. It used to be a geopolitical competitor even more.
With him, he would not try his best to help his competitors carry thunder.
As for whether the opponent really has nearly 10,000 legendary mechas...Who knows if it was a smoke screen that was released suddenly?
"Whether it's true or not, let's just stop the other party?" At this moment, Batty grinned.
"After we stopped the enemy, if the other side stood on the sidelines and did not dare to join the battle, it would naturally show that all this is a lie.
What defeats the opponent is just sticking gold on his face.
And if the opponent joins the battle, then we have to block the enemy back, which can also consume the forces of the solar system and prevent the opponent's strength from constantly growing and threatening us in the future. "
Milos nodded.
It would be better if the Iron Wall Fleet could be allowed to retreat, turning around and smashing with the immortal.
After all, no matter how you look at it, the fleet on your side is even more threatening, and the persimmon has to be soft, right?
Drive tigers and wolves? Clever plan!
Naturally, Leon would not object to such a tempting suggestion, and bluntly let the two commanders do it.
Although he was a little concerned about Black Butler's suggestion in his heart, the arrow was on the line and he had to send it out!
Persuade the two commanders to abandon the line of defense?
What's the point of arranging two people to stop the enemy with all their energy?
The strength of the Woolf Empire is indeed very strong, but the opponent's number of warships is half the size of his own, plus it is an away game, and his own possession of the land, there is no hope of victory.
Fleeing without a fight is a felony, and even if they are willing, the parliament will not let them go afterwards.
So even if it was the last soldier in the battle, Leon had to let them die on the line of defense!
"I just hope that the lost fleet will not let us down..." Leon prayed in his heart.
If the plan goes well, maybe you can also get some of the remains of the legendary mecha from the battlefield and go back to study and study, wouldn't it be a good thing?
Regarding the black butler's "sales, I would like to mention the legend of Wantai"...
Sure enough, I'm still very jealous...
However, the ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.
Just when the self-confident Lost Fleet was about to kick back the "ball" of the Iron Wall Fleet, it was hit with a stick.
"Boom boom boom..."
In the shocked gaze of the three of them, their frontal fleet was directly defeated as soon as it came into contact with the enemy!
Dozens of front-row battleships turned into fireballs under the opponent's artillery fire. Many battleships were destroyed by the enemy halfway before they were in range.
The fierce firepower of the Iron Wall fleet obviously exceeded the expectations of Gemini.
The strength of the Lost Fleet is not weak, but at best, it is at the same level as the Locke Fleet. When encountering the real elite of the Woolf Empire, the gap is immediately seen!
No one has thick shields, no one has a long range of naval guns, and the power of artillery fire is even more powerful. The battleship is directly worse by one level.
With the same number of warships between the two sides, the fleet faced off, and Gemini was completely defeated.
After reacting, Milos and Batty were not reconciled, hoping to win the battle with the air combat troops after getting closer.
The result... naturally worse!
How can the Woolf Empire, with its mecha technology alone in the surrounding star regions, be comparable to the lost fleet behind closed doors?
According to statistics, the average battle loss ratio between the two sides has almost reached 1:5!
When the black flagship team joins the battlefield, the battle situation is even more lopsided. That scene can be regarded as bullying the children!
Viscount Tiebi was delighted when he saw this scene.
That's it?
Who gave you the courage to stop in front of my fleet?
The Viscount Tiebi, who had been forced to pay high tolls, immediately vented all the suffocation in his heart to the enemy in front of him.
The officers also seemed to have found their place in Gemini, regained their confidence, and moved forward.
In less than an hour, the Iron Wall Fleet directly broke through the lost fleet's defense line with a destructive aura, then plunged into the wormhole and drove away...
"This..." Inside the bridge, Batty and Milos were desperate, no longer the spirits they had when they just returned.
The hundreds of warship wrecks left on the spot seemed to mock their self-defeating ability silently.
The Iron Wall fleet was advancing so fast that they didn't even have time to reorganize their defenses, and they were destroyed by a single blow.
If it weren't for the Iron Wall fleet seems to be eager to break through, how many people can survive in their fleet is probably unknown.
"How could it be so strong..." Leon also paled.
He thought that he would fail, but he never thought that the Lost Fleet would be defeated so badly!
Even with the most pessimistic prediction of the Council, it was that the lost fleet was defeated, and the enemy fleet also suffered heavy losses. It was no longer able to attack the homeland of Gemini, and the crisis was lifted...
But now, the enemy has all his tails and broke into the wormhole with little loss!
How should this report be sent?
Leon only felt that the future was dark.
He can almost imagine the terrifying scene of the Iron Wall fleet entering the hinterland of Gemini, and the entire civilization is chaotic...
"Look, what does that war fortress want to do?" Suddenly, someone exclaimed.
Leon turned his head to look, and saw the huge immortal who was crossing the battlefield unhurriedly, seeming to want to follow the Iron Wall fleet into the wormhole under their noses.
"They don't really want to continue chasing Caldari, do they?"
"This... do we need to intercept it?" someone asked for instructions.
Leon and Milos, you look at me, and I look at you.
Intercept? Are you kidding me?
Then the terrifying Iron Wall fleet is helpless, and can only let the immortals trailing by the other side, will they be able to stop the defeated group of remnants?
Until this time, they somewhat believed what Heizhi had said beforehand.
If there is no strength, such a terrifying enemy, will he let the opponent chase and follow him unhurriedly?
Such a short analysis can draw such a comparison of strengths.
Longevity ≥ Iron Wall Fleet>Lost Fleet...
Now you want to use the Lost Fleet to intercept the Immortals... Don't know how to write the dead words?
Leon has even abandoned himself.
Anyway, two thousand warships have been put in, what's the big deal in putting another tree in?
The Last Hope The Lost Fleet has become a group of frightened birds. What else can Gemini do to stop such a terrifying enemy?
Maybe this tree... will be the last straw?
He couldn't help thinking of a joke he saw when he was a child.
What should you do if you accidentally eat a mouse?
Answer: Eat another cat.
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