Chapter 820: Star Royale

"Speed ​​up! Get rid of them!"
After recovering from the shock, Viscount Tiebi's first reaction was to get rid of the opponent.
Now they are in the territory of Gemini, although the strength of this civilization is the same as the information given by the second prince, it is weak and not worth mentioning.
But after all, it was an away game, and he was unfamiliar with the terrain, and no one knew what kind of enemy he would encounter in the next wormhole.
At this time, if nearly 10,000 legends catch up and find a favorable terrain to come from behind them, it will definitely be uncomfortable.
The Iron Wall fleet, which was originally sailing at its normal cruising speed, immediately ran full power, the power engine was overloaded, and the fleet's speed immediately jumped up again.
However, the trailing behind seemed to have some leeway, and after an acceleration, they still maintained a speed level with the Iron Wall fleet, and followed them unhurriedly.
"Master Viscount, the engine is overheated..."
An hour later, seeing that the opponent could not be shaken off, the Iron Wall Fleet could only reduce its speed again.
After all, the overloaded running state of the engine cannot be sustained.
"What on earth does this guy want to do?" Viscount Iron Wall was a little mad when faced with the Sea Wolf, who couldn't get rid of it like a dogskin plaster.
I have paid the tolls, and I have said that from now on, there will be a long way to go, no need to see you again, and now chasing us, is it possible that I want to ask for another one?
Besides, didn't you say you want me to find the second prince uncomfortable? What is going on now?
and many more! Is it possible that you suddenly regretted telling yourself that big secret, so you are ready to kill others? Then leave a sentence "Do you know too much?"
Do you want to be so cruel?
Fishing law enforcement, this is!
However, just when he thought that a fierce battle was inevitable, the opponent's speed suddenly slowed down.
"What's the matter?" Viscount Tiebi puzzled.
I speed up and you speed up, and when I slow down, you also slow down. What do you mean?
"Perhaps the other party's engine is at its limit?" the adjutant guessed hesitantly.
Viscount Tiebi couldn't help but glanced at him.
How could such a coincidence happen? Are they still using the same engine?
At this moment, Viscount Tiebi's personal terminal flashed suddenly, and a communication request was projected onto his retina.
Viscount Tiebi took a look, frowned, and then pretended to be nonchalant and said, "I'll take a rest. You closely monitor the movement behind you. If the other party has any changes, immediately notify me."
"Kuroshitsuji, what do you mean? Is it possible that you want to perfid your faith and need another 500 warships to catch up?"
As soon as the communication was connected, Viscount Tiebi said in a bad tone.
500 more ships?
Nie Yun was taken aback when he heard the words, so there was such an operation?
However, after looking at Viscount Tiebi, whose face was already darkened to the bottom of the pot, Nie Yun temporarily pressed down this tempting idea.
If you hit it twice, wouldn't it just hit the Iron Wall Fleet directly bald?
"Ah! Of course not, your Excellency thinks of me as someone, I am catching up with you, it is all for your consideration!" Nie Yun said righteously.
Consider it for me? Viscount Tiebi almost laughed angrily.
"Don't you think it's not appropriate to just go back home so easily?"
"What is inappropriate?"
Do you have to block me all the way?
"Think about it, you are not opponents against me, and strategic retreat is excusable. But if you pass by such a weak Gemini, if you don’t fire a shot and rush back in a hurry, wouldn’t the one behind you be suspicious ?"
Viscount Tiebi was taken aback when he heard the words, and when he thought about it, it was really the case.
In particular, he seized the secrets of other secret guards, and when the two were combined, there were even more doubts, and it was inevitable that he would be surprised.
Maybe he was killed by the second prince before he saw Lord Duke.
"Then what do you mean?" He looked at the black butler.
"Of course you are desperate to complete the task. I tried my best to protect my allies. The two sides fought for three hundred rounds, and finally you escaped wit...
Follow this script, and then edit and edit to highlight a thrilling, thrilling, life-threatening life, what do you think? "Nie Yun said with a smile.
This script... sounds great!
Viscount Tiebi gradually recalled.
"I'll show it to the second prince. If you earn the favor of Gemini, maybe you can make a fortune from it... It's a good calculation!"
"Haha! A win-win situation! A win-win situation!" Nie Yun said with a smile.
Nie Yun just played a careful eye and directly referred to Gemini as "allies."
After returning, Viscount Tiebi, who was about to find an excuse for this failure, would definitely describe the two sides as a military alliance that cooperated sincerely, covered each other, and jointly repelled the incoming enemy, in order to alleviate the guilt of his mission failure.
Not a military alliance, can Gemini allow the reinforcements of the solar system to drive straight in?
It's not an alliance. Can the chasers behind them pursue the Iron Wall fleet so hard?
As long as this news spreads through Viscount Tiebi’s mouth, then everything will return to the thief ship, and Gemini will probably never be able to get off again...
Whenever anyone mentions Gemini in the future, he will immediately think "Oh! It's the dog-legged guy who turns everything into one..."
Viscount Tiebi had no reason to refuse this kind of win-win proposal.
So next, Seawolf and Ironwall Fleet launched a "Star Royale" with sound and light effects comparable to Oscar in the heart of Gemini...
"Report! The Karajita galaxy has discovered the Woolf Empire invading fleet, and our defense force is seriously insufficient. We request support!"
"The fortifications in the A2, A3, and B7 areas on the periphery of the galaxy have been destroyed by the enemy, and the mobile defense forces have been wiped out! The enemy has entered the stellar gravitational circle, and the outer planets are in emergency. Request support!"
"It was discovered that a huge flying object with the friendly identification code ‘Tree of War’ entered the galaxy and fought fierce firefights with the invading fleet!"
"The invading fleet was raided by the friendly mecha legion and was forced to withdraw from the galaxy and flee in the direction of the No.17 Wormhole. The'Tree of War' chased after him..."
"The No.17 Wormhole in the Caldari Zone has detected the traces of the invading fleet, and the Wormhole Defense Fortress has entered the highest war alert state..."
"The No. 17 Wormhole Defense Fortress has fallen, and the invading fleet successfully penetrated into the Emma star area... "The Tree of War" entered the Emma star area..."
"Vikme Galaxy is in a hurry, request support!"
"Vikme Galaxy is supported by the'Tree of War', and the crisis is resolved..."
In the following time, the Gemini Council kept receiving urgent messages from various places.
But soon, this information was covered by information about the relief of the crisis.
Without exception, the bases that were raided all witnessed a fierce competition between fugitives and killers.
The violent explosions and flashes are intertwined into a magnificent cosmic wonder, and the terrifying energy fluctuations make the onlookers dumbfounded!
Even though each time is a short match, it leaves an indelible impression on everyone.
In this chase, facing any defensive fortress of Gemini is to meet the gods and kill the gods and the Buddhas to kill the Buddhas, and the terrible fleet that has no one with the generals is playing the weak side to be chased down.
The "Giant Soldier Form" capable of launching super fortress-level horror cannons, the "Speed ​​Mode" with super mobility, and the invincible legendary Mecha Legion, let Gemini see the terrifying combat power of this "Tree of War" .
"All things come together! This must be the high-end combat power of all things come together!"
The identity became a mystery, and the mysterious background all came together for a while, lifted a corner of the veil to them, revealing their grandeur.
However, before they were grateful for the strength of their reinforcements, the crisis gradually emerged...
Although the combat effectiveness of the reinforcements seems to be stronger, they seem to be less mobile. The Iron Wall fleet often runs halfway through the fight and never loves to fight.
The hard-following reinforcements made the Iron Wall fleet exhausted, so many of the Gemini galaxies survived, but the reinforcements at the rear were unable to catch the opponent and were unable to inflict heavy damage on the opponent.
This has caused the battlefield of both sides to gradually approach the core area of ​​Gemini...
"No! They are coming towards the Gemini Galaxy!"
When a tortuous but always clear sailing path gradually took shape, the senior executives of Gemini finally realized the plan of the Iron Wall fleet.
The Gemini galaxy is the parent galaxy of the Gemini planet and is also the seat of the Union Council.
Various cutting-edge industrial facilities, research institutes, top universities, and more than 30% of the essence of the entire civilization are gathered in this galaxy.
Even if you are determined to give up the home planet, it is definitely a huge project that can make your scalp numb just thinking about it.
Not to mention the huge turbulence that will be caused to the entire civilization after the fall of the mother galaxy.
Li Zicheng broke through the city of Beijing, and Ming died since then.
The capital is a symbol of the country and a symbol of high concentration of power. Therefore, the fall of the capital often marks the demise of a country.
This is especially true for Gemini, a government with extremely sharp and prominent internal contradictions.
The coalition parliament has been hit hard and the fragile balance has been broken, which may mean division and civil war.
The core of the Gemini raid plan drawn up by Cloros is to conquer the Gemini parent galaxy. If the plan is successful, the Gemini will either die or descend. This is not unreasonable.
"Quick! Contact everything for a while!"
The desperate Gemini executives anxiously wanted to seize the last straw.
What they didn't know was that Nie Yun had already put on his hood at this moment, and was showing a "sincere" smile, waiting for Gemini's help call...
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