Chapter 827: Hi-Ticket

The Sea Wolf, the central bridge.
"As of today, the total number of Earth citizens who have received the'third sequence' reinforcement has reached 3231. The effects of the reinforcement are within the scope of evaluation, and no side effects have been found so far.
In addition, according to your order, 53% of the strengthened citizens belong to the officers of the Earth Defense Forces, and the rest are the core members of outstanding individuals or teams. "The code name is reporting.
"Well! Control the approval ratio of strengthened applications and maintain the current level." Nie Yun nodded.
"Do you want to maintain the balance of power between the army and the people?" The code name was thoughtful.
Nie Yun nodded, "Xiamen use martial arts to offend bans, and Confucianism uses literature to chaos the law. Only by'respecting each other' can the power not be out of balance."
Nie Yun is not cautious. Judging from the example of the second prince, the spiritual power of the awakening of intelligent creatures is undoubtedly a double-edged sword.
And its inner edge is sharper than the outer edge!
Can mental power kill the fleet?
Facts have proved that unless it reaches the level of super individuals like Nie Yun and the longevity, it will be difficult.
But he used it to deal with the "kind", but it was completely indefensible.
If the
third sequence
strengthens its large-scale popularization, it is difficult to guarantee that among the billions of human beings, there will be no
rare species
like the second prince, thus threatening the rule of the entire civilization.
This is not impossible.
"If the boss is worried about the harm caused by mental power, why not restrict the development of this power like the Woolf Empire?" asked the code name.
Nie Yun shook his head, "What then? Is it really foolproof to monopolize this power in his own hands?"
The Woolf Empire wants to monopolize this power, but is it still on the verge of a "super power crisis"?
What's more, if you restrict, aliens are developing, what about a "super invasion" by others in the future?
"Blocking is worse than sparse. There is no righteousness or evil in power.
Nuclear energy technology, whether the US or the Soviet Union masters it, cannot change its priority use as a weapon, nor can it prevent it from becoming an energy source and the rolling wheels that promote the development of civilization. "
"Boss is far-sighted ~" The code name gave a flattery.
Nie Yun rolled his eyes.
What is far-sighted, but it is the recent abundance of computing power, a little more forgotten.
Although he didn't participate much in scientific research projects, Nie Yun has not been lazy in the near future, and made some long-term plans for the earth's civilization by using the increasingly huge computing power.
Art of War: If the husband has not fought and the temple is considered to be victorious, one has to count as more, and if the temple has not fought, it is considered to be invincible. More wins, less wins, and nothing counts!
In terms of Nie Yun's current terrifying computing power, he is definitely the strongest "temple king" in the history of the earth!
If there is no refreshment, he can find a black hole and kill him.
"Boss, you seem to be focusing on the inside of civilization recently. Is it because you don't feel relieved?"
As the code name is personal Xiaomi, it is natural that Nie Yun's focus of work in the near future will not be noticed.
"Well! The farther my body is from the solar system, the weaker it will be to control the interior of civilization.
In addition, the earth civilization has formed a preliminary unified civilization from more than 200 fragmented countries in less than ten years. In fact, there are great hidden dangers.
The enemy is not only from the outside, but also from itself. "
The code name nodded with the same sympathy, "Indeed, from the historical materials copied from other civilizations, almost 90% of civilizations have died out in their own development stage, and they have not been able to take a step out of their home planet. It is a man-made disaster. Terrible is better than natural disasters.
If the ghost captain was not born, it is actually unknown whether the earth's civilization will be destroyed in the third world war. "
Einstein once predicted that the weapons of the Fourth World War would only be stones and wooden sticks.
The earth civilization at that time almost stepped on such a critical point.
If we cross over, civilization will be nirvana, but if we can't cross over, humankind will die.
"Human heart is the most complicated variable.
Even if my computing power skyrocketed by 100 million times again, I can't accurately judge whether a person will choose to eat or go shopping in the next second, not to mention the tens of billions of variables?
At present, the surface of the earth's civilization is unified. In addition to external pressure, one of the key factors is the explosion of technology.
The popularization of virtual technology not only improves the efficiency of communication between people, but also breaks the traditional barriers between nations, cultures, and territories, allowing the entire human race to merge quickly and accelerate the evolution of civilization.
But this is only the appearance, the most critical factor is still derived from the ‘armed deterrence’. "
Nie Yun has a clear understanding of the status quo of earth civilization, and does not believe that today's earth civilization has been brought to the fore by singing and dancing.
"Relying on the absolute force of Captain Phantom and Atlantis, we have forcibly upgraded the status of the United Nations.
Alien invasion is the pressure of survival, creating an ‘earth defense force’.
Use the interstellar colony bonus as bait to promote unlimited coins.
We now are like the Qin State that forcibly unifies the six countries and redefines the currency and weights and measures system. It seems that we have completed the unification of civilization, but in fact there is a turbulent undercurrent.
When Qin Shihuang was there, he could still oppress the six nations. Once Qin Shihuang was away, the contradictions that had been forcibly suppressed would burst out like a spark and swept across in an instant. "
"Is this taking history as a mirror?" The code name seems to understand but not understand. "But the history books also say that the cause of the Qin Dynasty's demise was the tyranny of Qin II, and the'rule is more fierce than the tiger'?"
"Harsh government is fierce than tigers? Haha! It's just Liu Bang's whitewashing of family history."
The means of politicians are dirty.
"Well, even so, but... Boss, you are not Qin Shihuang?" The code name is still a little puzzled about Nie Yun's caution.
"Qin Shihuang needs to ask for the elixir, but you don't need it, boss. The change of dynasties in history does not seem to be suitable for the current situation."
"Longevity is not equal to eternal life, even an existence like Gaia may fall, let alone me?" Nie Yun's eyes were deep.
A mature civilization can be centralized, but it should never be centralized.
At least, it should not be overly dependent on an individual.
Gaia's case gave Nie Yun a lot of enlightenment. He wanted to ensure that even without him, the earth's civilization could still function and develop normally, instead of falling apart immediately.
"Didi!" At this moment, the radar system on the spacecraft suddenly sounded a reminder.
The code name took a look, "Boss, the Iron Wall fleet signals in front are disappearing one by one, and they are passing through the wormhole."
"Is it finally here?" Nie Yun looked forward.
After nearly a month of sailing, the Ironwall Fleet and the Sea Wolf finally arrived at another entrance to the Woolf Empire...the Broken Star Field!

"Hoo~ I'm finally back!" On the other side, the Viscount Iron Wall who had just passed through the wormhole let out a sigh of relief.
The pressure on him from the biological battleship behind was too great.
To be more precise, it was the pressure on him from the legendary mechas with tens of thousands of them.
Although Nie Yun has a private transaction with him, no one knows whether the other party will turn his face and deny after he achieves his goal.
Fortunately, the worst thing did not happen, and the attack that had been vigilant did not come.
However, before Viscount Tiebi could breathe a sigh of relief, the dense red dots on the radar made the corner of his eye jump.
"The enemy ship is found on the left, the number is 300. According to the signal type of the warship, it is preliminarily judged to be the Gemini Wormhole Garrison Fleet!"
"The enemy ship is found on the right, the number is 1,000, and the identity is unknown! The reconnaissance drone is approaching for reconnaissance..."
Soon, the battlefield picture came back, and on the flying pirate flag, a ghost ship jumped on it.
"Master Viscount, these should be battleships of the Broken Star Pirate Alliance." The adjutant immediately checked the information in the intelligence.
After nearly half a year, the direct fleet of the Broken Star Pirate Alliance has taken shape.
With a ratio of five to one, the elites are drawn from the seven major pirate regiments, plus the sea selection of the broken star pirates to recruit veterans, the quality of the personnel of this direct fleet will not be much worse than that of the regular army.
Although warships and weapons and equipment still cannot achieve a unified standard, the overall combat effectiveness is comparable to or even surpassing the original Locke fleet.
"Gemini, Broken Star Pirate Alliance..." Viscount Iron Wall thoughtfully.
All things go together for a while... what seems to be laid out on the borders of the empire?
If it were replaced by the past, he would definitely check it to the end, and even directly use the power of thunder to destroy these secret forces that threatened the security of the empire.
But now, there is a more serious crisis within the empire...
"The other party has no intention to intercept us, ignore them, we leave here as soon as possible!"
Indeed, judging from the location and distance of the two fleets, it does not seem to mean fighting, otherwise they would be attacked as soon as they passed through the wormhole.
Although he didn't understand the other party's purpose of being here, Viscount Tiebi instinctively didn't want to make extravagances.
He hadn't forgotten, there was a bigger threat behind him...
The Iron Wall fleet was carefully guarded, and slowly passed through the middle of the two fleets, neither side acted rashly.
Not long after, the wormhole behind him again waved, and the huge immortal slowly revealed his figure...
Viscount Tiebi looked behind him, and he was slightly taken aback by the scene on the screen.
"That is…"
I saw that the longevity man was lying on his back, the black tree body was glowing with metal luster, behind it was a long engine wake, and all the branches and leaves rolled up, like a huge sail.
"This look...seems a bit familiar?"
The adjutant around him looked at the new look of the Immortal with some doubts, and immediately seemed to have thought of something.
"How is this similar to the ghost ship logo of the Broken Star Pirate Alliance?"
The next moment, I saw a meteor-like flash flying out of the pirate alliance fleet, as fast as lightning!
"What's that? Beware!" The Iron Wall fleet was on the verge of an enemy.
However, the flash did not shoot towards them, but galloped towards the Sea Wolf.
Immediately in the incredible eyes of everyone, he was submerged in the Sea Wolf in the blink of an eye!
"This amazing speed...could it be the rumored vector engine?!"
Viscount Tiebi looked at this scene in shock, and almost instantly thought of the ultimate goal of this mission mentioned in the intelligence.
Giant tree of war + legendary mech army + vector engine? !
What kind of monster does the other party want to create?
But at this moment, all the battleships of the Broken Star Pirate Alliance almost simultaneously launched a channel of communication signals towards the void in a full-channel manner.
"Congratulations to the pirate king, congratulations to the ship!"
"Congratulations to the pirate king, congratulations to the ship!"
Like the return of the king.
The dense information that almost blocked the public communication channel, even if there is no sound and light effect, is enough to create an aura like a mountain whistling and a tsunami in everyone's mind...
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