Chapter 830: Too deep into the play

At this time, the second prince of the empire was looking at a scene of the battlefield in front of him.
"what is that?"
"It's so fast, is it a wandering meteorite?"
"Whatever it is, shoot it down!"
"Dodge! No, it's the enemy! Ready for battle!"
"This kind of maneuvering is it possible?!"
"The other party is approaching! No..." "Boom! Boom! Boom!"
"The outer fleet has been attacked! Quickly lock the enemy!"
"No! The opponent's trajectory completely violates the laws of physics! No good! The opponent is inserted into our formation!"
"Don't panic, there is only one enemy, dispatch all forces to block all the opponent's routes!"
"Attention, the other party released a batch of carrier-based aircraft! Uh... what is that?"
"Damn it! How could there be so many legends?!"
"Boom boom boom!"
"The flagship is over...withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"
In the picture, a rigorous formation, a huge fleet of more than 1,500 ships, fell into chaos in less than half an hour, then fell apart and fled in all directions.
The culprit of all this is just a giant warship with a somewhat different shape...
The second prince watched calmly until the video was finished, then went back and watched it again.
High-speed approach, disorderly avoidance, fold-line round-trip, vertical and horizontal interspersed...
That ghost-like phantom, like entering a man’s realm, relies on a ghostly trajectory to come and go freely among the armies.
Then, a large number of legendary mecha centers bloomed, with key breakthroughs, and quickly disintegrated the resistance will of an entire fleet.
The battlefield record picture of the fleet is very clear, coupled with the post-synthesis editing of Zhi Brain, basically completely and intuitively reproduce the battle.
"Everything goes into one..."
Chewing the two names carefully, the face of the second prince was uncertain.
Only then did he really face this opponent squarely.
The earth civilization is obviously a secret place armed with the support of the Unity of All Things.
However, there are tens of thousands of... even more legendary mechas in just one place.
There is also a giant battleship that has been equipped with a vector engine, and its defense is even more of a legendary battleship...
An organization that is very likely to be backed by a higher civilization... silently, outside of another territory of the empire, it has actually developed such an existence?
To make matters worse, this force is obviously hostile to itself, colluding with the machine race, and even his younger brothers.
It now appears that this organization is definitely not as simple as a mere white glove!
I just don't know which force within the empire got on the line with the other side.
Fourth brother and eighth brother? It's impossible for me to have heard nothing about it.
Could it be the ninth brother who does not show the mountains and the water?
At this moment, a secret guard wearing a mask said.
"His Royal Highness, in addition to this news, there is another bad news. Our secret guard sent to the Iron Wall Fleet... died. It is said that he died in the hands of everything."
"Heh! Killed?" The second prince sneered, "It seems that the viscount really doesn't take this highness in his eyes!"
His general is still alive, but my envoy is killed?
Really think that if you have the face of Duke Horton, you can beat me in the face unscrupulously?
"His Royal Highness, how do you deal with this matter?"
"I've given him a chance, it's a complete benevolence."
"Yes, the subordinate understands."
The second prince waved his hand and waved back.
In contrast to the enemy of the unity of all things, Viscount Iron Wall's affairs were completely insignificant in his eyes.
He thought about the information he had in his hands, and fell into deep thought.
Judging from the current situation, even if the unity of everything is strong, it obviously does not want to openly oppose the empire, which shows that the other party is by no means incomparable.
Otherwise, if he attacked the solar system himself, the opponent would have come to Xingshi long ago.
However, the opponent seems to be only entrenched in the border of the empire, temporarily unable to affect the situation on the Emperor Star side, but it is undoubtedly a variable in his own struggle for the throne.
"The physical condition of the father does not seem to last long. The other party has exposed such strength at this critical moment..."
Since ancient times, as a prince, wanting to ascend to that throne, there are only two situations.
The first type is just right, with a smooth transition of rights.
The second kind of name is not righteous, then it will be Qingjun's side, such as Zhu Di.
His own power around the Emperor Star has already overwhelmed the other forces. As long as the emperor doesn't want the empire to fall into division and turmoil, he can only choose to pass on the throne to himself, no matter he doesn't want to.
My own brothers should also be able to see clearly.
So this is planning to put pressure on the emperor outside of the emperor star, increase the bargaining chip, or... after nothing can be done, the earth will be sealed up?
Does this mean to take the second route?
"I really underestimated your courage!"
The eyes of the second prince narrowed dangerously.
"It seems that we have to speed up..."

At the same time, the residence of the four princes.
The fourth prince and the eighth prince are also watching a video.
If the second prince is here, you will find that the video they watched is almost the same as the one he just saw.
Obviously, the two princes do not lack eyeliner in the camp of the second princes.
"How is this possible?! Where did so many legendary mechas come from?"
The two looked at each other and both saw the shock in each other's eyes.
"All things will come together for a while...what is the origin?"
After this period of investigation, the intelligence forces of the two princes have been detected, opposing the second prince, and at the same time the force behind the ghost captain, is a mysterious organization called "All Things Become One".
Originally thought it was just a little-known gang, but relying on luck, the second prince overturned the ship in the gutter.
But I didn't expect that the other party was not a local snake at all, but a river-crossing raptor.
One shot, it was a big shot that shocked the audience!
Even if the legendary mecha is not considered the super-spec force of the empire, it is still top-notch.
What's more, since the other party can put out ten thousand, then who can guarantee that they will not put out another ten thousand?
"Legendary mechas, vector engines, and the giant battleship with crystallized shields... This organization seems a bit strong..."
The four princes couldn't hide their jealousy in their tone.
From a glimpse, I know the whole leopard, and the forces behind this organization can actually produce legendary mechas.
This kind of existence, for the empire, the degree of danger is not much worse than that of the mechanical race.
"Um... It's good to be strong!"
Compared with the fear of the four princes, the eighth prince had a thoughtful expression after being shocked.
"Huh?" The fourth prince looked at each other in confusion.
"You know what's going on now. Father is critically ill, and all forces are ready to move. The time left for us... is running out..."
"Yeah!" The fourth prince nodded solemnly.
The emperor is critically ill. Although this matter has been concealed as much as possible, there is no impermeable wall in the world. Over time, all kinds of weird things on the emperor star will inevitably be revealed.
In addition, the emperor has not shown up in public for a long time, and the information contained therein has already made the top dignitaries of the empire smell something unusual.
"Fourth brother, do you say that if we continue to develop according to the normal situation, how sure are we to bring down the second brother?"
"This...probably less than 20%." The Fourth Prince said with an ugly expression.
Facts have proved that the situation on Emperor Star's side is worse than they originally predicted.
The emperor's critical illness caught them by surprise.
In the past few months, the second prince has obtained the secret support of several big nobles without speaking. Even if he and the eighth prince are holding a group for warmth, the strength contrast between the two sides is further widening.
"Two Chengdu is still optimistic. If we add the influence of Grand Duke Holden, our probability of winning is less than 10%!" The Eighth Prince's eyes flashed brightly.
"All things into one will obviously have nothing to do with the second prince. If we can use such a force..."
"You mean... but this is to lead a wolf into the room, this..."
The face of the fourth prince seemed hesitant.
After all, the unity of all things is an external force, which is like the introduction of nomads when the Central Plains competes, and it is strange that they are not nailed to the pillar of shame in history.
"Huh! The big things do not stick to the trivial, what's more, history has always been written by victors!" The eighth prince's eyes were harsh.
"Think about it, what will happen if we fail? Will the second brother let us go?"
"This..." The fourth prince still looked hesitant.
"Okay, fourth brother, don't act." The eighth prince looked at him with a smile. "Don't think I don't know your private transaction with Silver Dawn.
A wolf is also a lead, and two wolves are also a lead, right? "
The fourth prince was taken aback, and then smiled.
"Haha! If you pretend for a long time, it will inevitably be too deep in the play."
"It's okay, as long as you don't pretend to be really stupid, you are still my good fourth brother." The Eighth Prince said with a smile in his words.
The two looked at each other and smiled, seemingly sympathetic to each other.
Once entering the palace gate is as deep as the sea, and those who don’t have many cities have already drowned in the sea...
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