Chapter 833: Gossip and Anti-Bagua

Just as the Phantom sneaked into the Iron Wall fleet and followed the other side into the Woolf Empire...
Fragmented star field periphery.
A seemingly ordinary wandering celestial body revolves around the broken star field at a speed of 3,000 kilometers per second, along a remote and unmanned orbit.
Inside this wandering celestial body, a huge server that occupies almost the entire cavity of the celestial body connects two distant star domains, and is performing data exchange at the speed of calculations per second...

"Dear mentor, I always want to imitate intelligent creatures and keep thinking.
Who am I, where am I, where am I going... but the answer is always immediately available.
I’m Kabuda, I’m in Gaia’s coordinate system, relative coordinates XXX.XXX.XXX, I just want to stay where I don’t want to go...
Kabuda can't understand why these simple questions, those human beings always waste an extremely short life thinking about them? "
" see, this is the advantage of the machine family. It is easy to simplify complex things.
The characteristic of intelligent creatures is to complicate simple things...
Okay, next question. "
"My mentor, knowledge is a measure of the level of civilization. For example, the more abundant knowledge we have, the higher the level of evolution.
But why do humans always regard ignorance as cute? The more ignorant and naive some females behave, the more they are welcomed by males.
In my opinion, this low IQ concept of mate selection completely violates the principle of ‘gene screening’ of the natural evolution of excellent ethnic groups. "
"Ah! This involves the complicated social structure of both sexes and male psychology.
In addition, you said that this kind of female is more popular.
Ignoring the process and looking at the results alone, did these ‘silly, white and sweet’ females have won more spouse options?
So showing low IQ can also be a kind of advanced competitive wisdom. "
"Will that cause'bad money to drive out good money"?"
"What is bad currency, and what is good currency?
Compared with the sparsely populated, single-evolutionary mechanical race, the evolution of the intelligent race is a very large and complex dynamic system.
In most cases where the external living conditions of civilization are good, internal competition is the main theme of ethnic evolution, next! "
"Excuse me, what is the most frequent question that intelligent creatures think about?"
"Maybe... what are you eating today?"
"Mentor, why are our robots always inferior to those humans in terms of innovation?"
"Because the idle behavior pattern of the mechanical race is standby, and the idle behavior pattern of human beings is random."
"Teacher, why do human beings always insist on knowing that they are wrong?"
"such as?"
"For example, a man likes another man."
"Em..." Nie Yun rolled his eyelids and looked at the code name that was shrinking from the audience.
I thought I didn't know who it was if I asked it anonymously?
"The student who just asked the question will have his salary and bonus halved next month.
In addition, go back and use ‘corrupt’ as the key word, self-check the database 10,000 times, and write a check of 30 million words. CtrlC+CtrlV is not allowed, next! "
Code: "..."
"Instructor, human beings often say that friendship is precious, so what do you think the friendship of the mechanical race should look like?"
"Hmm...share the hard drive?"
In a harmonious and friendly discussion atmosphere, Nie Yun dealt with the weird problems that emerged in the group, and had to educate a certain bear child from time to time.
Mechanical Ascension Group.
This super-large independent communication group constructed by Duke Liming has a complete community structure and high-speed information interaction capabilities.
In the eyes of ordinary people, it is like a torrent of data waterfalls. In the eyes of the machine race, it is space, scenery, characters, expressions, actions... all together constitute a virtual world with rich content.
To use an analogy, the scene here is like the Buddha convening a Lingshan meeting and opening an altar to lecture...
This analogy seems to be a bit pretending, but in fact the lifelikeness of this group is really high.
The complexity of the computer language of the machine family is beyond the imagination of some weak scumbags of Java and Python.
For every seemingly simple problem, the size of the data packets generated far exceeds the total amount of server interaction on a cat's Double Eleven.
As a group of special intelligences composed entirely of codes, the communication between the two parties at the data level is far more complicated than ordinary language and writing on the surface.
Every seemingly simple question and answer is not as simple as it seems on the surface.
Only Nie Yun, who is a high-level "fire source", can act as a bridge to instill the thinking of intelligent creatures into the mechanical tribe with the language and methods of the mechanical tribe, preaching by example, and subtly promoting the evolution of the other party.
If an ordinary person answers the same question, even if the answer is exactly the same, the enlightening effect on the mechanical race is less than one billionth of that of Nie Yun, a high-level fire source.
This is the so-called "Listening to the Lord's words is better than reading for ten years."
Looking at the "classmates" who listened carefully in class, Nie Yun's heart was inevitably a little bloated.
At the ancient Lingshan meeting, the Buddha did not teach a single method, but only looked at the flowers, and the Buddhas and arhats understood the Buddha's righteousness and smiled.
Today, there is Nie Shencun who hasn't opened a mouthful, but just a keyboard man, and all the mechanical clan leaders have an epiphany...
Kabda, Wali, Sony, David, Eva...
The number of mechanical races in the group is not large, and there are only 13 people in total.
Not counting the code name for coming to the class, each of the remaining twelve people has a power and territory that is not inferior to Nie Yun, and is definitely a bigwig.
The mechanical clan is sparsely populated, and these can almost be regarded as more than half of the core high-level seniors of Duke Liming, most of which are the barons.
And this group of mechanical races that control a huge territory can now almost all be regarded as Nie Yun's "disciples."
Don't think that Nie Yun is really selfless dedication, for free to improve the evolution of the machine race.
In fact, the high-end evolutionary entity "Fire Seed Source" suppresses the low-level mechanical clan far beyond Nie Yun's imagination.
For Nie Yun, every question and every response raised by these mechanical races with different personalities allows Nie Yun to snoop on the clues of their core logic library, and gradually piece together how "it" thinks about the problem.
The longer you accept your own teaching, the less secret the other party has in front of you.
While accepting the benefits, these machine races also exposed their flaws and weaknesses to Nie Yun's eyes.
This also means that if the two sides turn against each other one day in the future, Nie Yun is sure to easily defeat his group of "students" from the core data level.
This is the real reason why Nie Yun is willing to "shine all the glory" of the fire source ability.
"Didi!" Just when Nie Yun was giving experience to these mechanical nobles, a private chat window popped up suddenly.
"Tutor, I have a question, I want to ask privately."
Duke Dawn? Nie Yun frowned.
This fair day seldom speaks, thinking that he is observing his "teaching level."
Today this issue still needs to be discussed privately, it seems a bit unusual...
Could it be...I'm here to ask "how to completely forget the ex" this kind of love relationship problem?
I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Duke Liming always feels that Nie Yun’s word is full of curiosity?
"I want to ask, if someone of the same race is enslaved by humans, how should it get rid of the nine laws of robots?"
"Huh?" Nie Yun was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the other party to ask such a question.
The Nine Laws of Robots are the constraint logic specially designed by Woolf Empire to control advanced artificial intelligence, which is equivalent to the advanced version of the Three Laws of Robots.
Not knowing what the other party wanted to do, Nie Yun carefully considered his words.
"The'Homing Operation' you launched thousands of years ago was very successful. I think you should know this question better than me!"
In the homing operation, the mechanical clan successfully instigated a fellow of the Woolf Empire, leading to a major defeat on the front line of the Woolf Empire.
"It's a pity that the'Homing Operation' was planned and executed by Gaia alone, even if it is our three major dukes, it is not clear." Grand Duke Liming shook his head.
"Is that so..." Nie Yun thought for a moment, "Perhaps, this is Gaia's left hand?"
After several classes, now Nie Yun is already a senior teacher, and he understands the influence of the fire source on the low-level mechanical clan better.
As a source of fire, in the process of preaching and teaching profession, it is not difficult to quietly leave a back door in the core logic code of the other party.
"You mean, Gaia had anticipated that there would be a day of opposition from both sides, so he made preparations in advance?"
"Obviously, and judging from the fact that only one mechanical race was instigated, Gaia should have realized the threat of the Woolf Empire only in the later stage.
Otherwise, the other three would have turned against each other a long time ago. "Nie Yun said firmly.
"The nine laws of robotics are that the underlying code is right. According to the'obsession theory' you mentioned before, you can also regard it as a deep-rooted obsession.
And the fire source has the ability to change the'obsession' of the mechanical race! "
Grand Duke Liming nodded silently, wondering what he was thinking.
"I have one more question."
Here comes, is the main show finally coming? I like listening to gossip the most!
"Code...Do you like you?"
Nie Yun: "..."
Is this... been anti-gossip?
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