Chapter 835: I have an ally

"What you mean is that from the very beginning, there has been such a ‘naturally rebellious’ kin in our mechanical clan,
And Gaia... acquiesced in his existence? "
Duke Liming stared at Nie Yun.
"Whether it was acquiescence or Gaia accidentally created such an alternative without knowing it, this is still inconclusive.
The machine race has an almost eternal lifespan. Although it lacks in creativity, the evolution process is also very long.
But eternity already means that you have almost unlimited possibilities!
Even the weakest baron among you has the possibility of evolving, even surpassing Gaia...
The machine race is a race with terrible potential.
So normally, even if Gaia wants to increase the number of companions, the basic premise is not to endanger his safety.
Then the subtle ones will instill in you the gene of ‘loyalty’ in the process of cultivating you to ensure that you are partners who can trust and rely on each other. "
Therefore, according to common sense, Nie Yun is more inclined to Gaia not knowing.
Replaced by Nie Yun, he was absolutely cautious about the birth of each machine clan to avoid backlash.
I haven't seen Nie Yun for so many years, and he is code-named "Single Miaomiao", and never thought of having a "second child"?
"Mutual trust, mutual dependence..." Grand Duke Liming chewed these words with a weird face. "That's how you cultivated the code name?"
Nie Yun was stunned.
How else can we cultivate?
Skynet, Ultron, Matrix... the lessons learned from so many film and television works.
In order to avoid becoming a mechanical enemy, and to prevent the world from being destroyed, of course, I kept instilling recognition, trust, reliance, loyalty, never betrayed, and unswerving to my master...
Eh? and many more?
There seems to be something wrong?
"Ahem! Trade secrets, no comment!" Nie Yun was inexplicably guilty.
Duke Liming didn't care either, just sighed in his heart.
Maybe... when Gaia created his own then and now, exactly this moment?
Why does she see it at first sight with the code name? Maybe it's because she looks so much like herself when she was young...
"Ah! Let's get back to the subject, the above is just an inference I made based on the information I have so far. It is possible that Gaia knew it, but acquiesced in the existence of the other party."
Nie Yun looked at the thoughtful Duke Liming and quickly changed the subject.
"Why did Gaia do this?" The other party's attention was really drawn back.
"There are many possibilities. For example, Gaia couldn't bear to kill his fellow clan, or he thought he was capable of suppressing the opponent's ambitions, and the result was an improper operation overturning.
After all, with Gaia's strength, if it weren't for the Woolf Empire's strange tricks, an insider wouldn't be able to make waves, although it seemed a bit risky to put a time bomb next to him. "Nie Yun spread out his hands.
Don’t believe it, the
time worm
case has told us that Gaia really has a history of digging a hole for yourself...
"Gaiata... is indeed a fair, benevolent, and almost flawless leader... who can't bear to kill his clan, it is indeed possible."
Nie Yun was not surprised when he heard Duke Liming's words.
After attending several classes, Nie Yun heard almost all the comments about Gaia from the mouths of a group of machine races.
Be gentle, stick to justice, fair and unselfish... Properly Weiguangzheng!
There are 21 mechanical clan under Duke Liming, but only 11 of them are willing to accept Nie Yun's "re-education".
In addition to some of them who are unwilling to let go of their obsessions, there are also some who are staunch followers of Gaia, which shows the charm of his personality.
"Unfortunately, based on these guesses, we still can't lock on this traitor." Grand Duke Liming thought for a moment, and shook his head in disappointment.
Guess and guess, except for the "betrayal" factor with a high probability of the insider, everything else is unknown.
"That's not necessarily true." Nie Yun touched his chin.
"What do you mean?" Duke Liming asked.
Sure enough, the machine clan is still too tender for reasoning...
"It's fine if you don't know, but if Gaia really knows that there is such an unstable factor around him, do you think he will treat him like the rest of you, and treat him equally?"
Duke Liming's eyes condensed, "You mean, Gaia must have a special defense against this person...?"
"Yes, if you think about it carefully, which one of you has been ‘specially treated’ by Gaia?"
Duke Liming's eyes flashed, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he shook his head again.
Nie Yun saw this scene, but his eyes lit up slightly. Could it be true?
Seeing that Grand Duke Liming didn't tell him what he meant, Nie Yun didn't care, anyway, the duties of the Kotou Sergeant had been fulfilled.
As for the love and killing within the mechanical clan, he believes that one day will come to light after all.
"Speaking of, back then, you two to one, you killed the rebel who returned to your clan.
In addition to being dazzled by anger... is it possible that the gangster also knows the destructive power of the ‘betrayal’ factor, so I don’t want a ‘kind’ around him? "Nie Yun said again.
After all, the beginning of the Three Kingdoms Killer double gangster, thinking about the scene is very chaotic...
Now that you know the opponent's "traitor" attribute, then instead of having to face off in the end, the smart will definitely unite the strength of the loyal minister and the anti-thief to kick out their counterparts first.
Ok! The strategy is fine!
"If you follow this line of thinking, this hidden traitor may be one of the supporters who advocated the execution of the other party. This is also a clue."
When Duke Liming heard this, his brow furrowed deeper.
"Okay! I will follow this clue to conduct an internal investigation, but based on a guess, I can't convict the other party, and the ultimate hope will fall on Gothic XIX.
Our time... is running out. "
Nie Yun understood what it meant by not saying too much time.
This means that the emperor's condition will not last long.
"The situation in the imperial capital is complicated. If you want to get close to the emperor, you can't avoid the struggle for the throne of several princes.
I have a plan and I am waiting for the best time to intervene. As for whether I can succeed in the end, I can only say that I will do my best. "Nie Yun said helplessly.
To race against death, he dare not pack a ticket for this matter.
But after hearing Nie Yun's words, Duke Liming was a little surprised.
Originally, he was just a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and he didn't hold much hope at all. I didn't expect that in such a short time, Nie Yun actually said that he had a certain degree of confidence?
You know that after hundreds of years of hard work, there is almost no hope in sight.
Although her electronic penetration ability is strong, it is still a heaven for an empire that is familiar with the mechanical race and has strict defense methods to infiltrate the heavily defended core area of ​​the other party and force the prince of a country to tell the secrets thousands of years ago. Night Tan.
After thinking about it, Grand Duke Liming solemnly looked at Nie Yun.
"Up to now, I don't think I need to hide it. In fact, I have worked hard in the empire over the years, and I have achieved some results..."
"Oh?" Nie Yun's eyes lit up.
Is this going to confess to yourself?
Nie Yun guessed right. Duke Liming, who saw some hope, has decided to increase investment and put all his chips on Nie Yun!
"In the Empire, I have an ally..."
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