Chapter 843: The Sleeping Kogoro Tebi

Grand Duke Horton’s words were moved with affection and reason, which completely created a magnificent and positive image for the country and the people. Feeling and reason can really move people's hearts.
But Nie Yun noticed something unusual from it.
The effect of this mouthpiece... is too good, right?
He carefully sensed it, and immediately noticed the insignificant mental fluctuations floating in the air...
At first, Nie Yun thought it was the mental ability person brought by Pluto who wanted to make small movements, but he carefully sensed it, only to find that the source of this mental fluctuation was someone else!
This person is no one else... it is the Lord Duke who just talked about!
This... Grand Duke Horton is also a mentally capable person?
This sudden discovery made Nie Yun a little bit astonished.
The outside world has never heard that Grand Duke Horton is still a capable person. Is this guy... hidden so deeply?
Nie Yun carefully sensed this message of spiritual power.
Although Grand Duke Horton is not a powerful person in terms of mental strength, it can even be said to be so weak that the effect is directly ignored by the mental power master Nie Yun, but the opponent's ability type is somewhat familiar.
What to say... Does it feel a bit similar to when the second prince used the charm spell before?
Although Grand Duke Horton's mental power is weaker than the second prince, but the effect seems to be similar to the other's charm technique.
It is also through mental interference that influences the thinking of others and makes one's own words more convincing.
If you insist on giving this ability a name, it's probably...
Little charm technique?
The charisma value of the bonus naturally did not reach the full value of the top 100 points of the second prince, and the younger brothers would pay attention when they talked. However, there are almost 70 or 80 points, which is enough to subtly affect the senses of the surrounding targets.
And because of the weak mental power, it is not easy to be noticed.
No wonder even the two viscounts, who have been fighting for a long time and have a firm will, were hit.
As for the mentally capable person that Pluto brought over...
Ok! He was not affected much, mainly because he was shocked when he heard that His Majesty is going to be dying, and now he is still in a state of lack of focus.
It is estimated that now my mind is full of what kind of posture I will be put in to kill people...
Since the stone statue of Fei Fei had been smashed just now, the restraining power of the surrounding spirit power had been greatly weakened.
In addition, this small charm technique interferes with other people's thinking by spreading the spirit wave, so the influence of the magic stone is very small.
This is also the reason why Grand Duke Horton was able to quietly succeed.
After a brief use of the power, Grand Duke Horton condensed all his mental powers, and even Nie Yun could not find the opponent's abnormality in this situation.
"Strange, it stands to reason that people with mental abilities have certain resistance to the fascination technique. Is it possible that Duke Horton was really not fascinated?
All of this... is it voluntary? "
Because of this unexpected discovery, Nie Yun was also a little confused at this time.
However, he naturally wouldn't let things develop toward the ending of "everybody's joy", and immediately gave Viscount Tiebi an electric shock therapy!
Viscount Tiebi was still at a loss, a numb touch of inductance rose from the tail vertebra, reaching the Tianling Gai!
A rousing spirit, Viscount Tiebi woke up instantly.
What was it just now? illusion?
There was no time to think about the abnormality that had happened on his body, and the Viscount Tiebi, who had regained his clarity, calmed his mind for a while.
"Master Duke, there is no turning back at the bow! Now the news has not spread, and there is still room for recovery.
If it turns out that the adults are really not controlled by others, then the subordinates will have no complaints about how the Duke wants to punish his subordinates for offenses! "
Seeing that his friend was still insisting, Pluto was about to come out and say a few more words, but he heard Grand Duke Horton raise his hand to stop him.
"Okay! Since you haven't committed a big mistake, tell me, how do you want me to prove it!"
Grand Duke Horton readily agreed to Viscount Tiebi's request, which surprised Nie Yun.
"I need Lord Duke to clean up these things first." Viscount Tiebi pointed to the fragments of the magic stone on the ground.
Grand Duke Horton took a deep look at each other, nodded and said, "Yes!"
He waved his hand, and immediately a cleaning robot came over and swept away all the debris.
Viscount Tiebi didn't expect things to go so smoothly, he felt a little more hopeful, and then looked at Pluto.
"Pluto, who I asked you to take?"
"Oh! Master Yoda!" Pluto was taken aback for a moment and looked behind him.
The mentally capable person named Yoda looked up at Pluto in confusion.
"Huh? Are you calling me?"
Viscount Tiebi glanced at his friend silently...Is this the spiritual master you brought?
Pluto said he was innocent.
I didn't know you would sing it like this, but today this involves the secrets of the royal family!
Who is not afraid to change?
"Ah! This is Master Yoda, one of the empire's top mental abilities. He has a lot of research on mental power."
"Okay! Master Yoda, I asked Pluto to invite you over this time. You should have guessed the purpose. I would like to ask you to do a mental assessment of Lord Duke to see if there is any sign of Lord Duke being controlled." Viscount Tiebi stated his purpose.
"This..." Yoda suddenly looked at Duke Horton with a look of embarrassment.
Use mental power on an empire duke?
No matter how you look at it, it is a very offensive act.
"It's okay, since my most loyal subordinates doubt me, that means it's my problem.
If this is the case, I have the responsibility and the obligation to clear your doubts, Master Yoda, please do not hesitate to check. "
Grand Duke Horton's eyes were full of calmness.
Hearing this, Viscount Tiebi looked a little guilty, but he couldn't help igniting hope in his heart.
Seeing Lord Duke's calm look, is it really not controlled by charm?
After all, there is a problem with the secret guard, and it doesn't mean that Lord Duke also has a problem. Maybe it's a purely political cooperation of powerful alliances?
The words of Grand Duke Horton just now still affected the judgment of Viscount Iron Wall.
What's more, in the final analysis, compared to finding out the truth of the matter, Viscount Tiebi didn't want his most respected duke to be a puppet that was always manipulated.
Seeing that the eyes of the three of them were all on him, Yoda had no choice but to bite the bullet.
"Okay! I will do my best!"
The next moment, an invisible spiritual force surged towards Grand Duke Horton...
Ten minutes later...
"Huh~" Yoda slowly withdrew his mental strength, and let out a sigh of relief.
"How about master?" Pluto asked quickly.
"This..." Master Yoda looked at the three of them, "According to my observations, Lord Duke's mental field is no different from ordinary people, and there is no sign of spiritual manipulation!"
While speaking, he also showed a relieved expression.
To say that Grand Duke Horton is okay, it is not the two viscounts who are happiest, but should count him, the "strong man" who was forced to come.
If it turns out that Grand Duke Horton really has a problem, then needless to say, the Duke's Palace will immediately fall into chaos.
If the two sides tore out their brains on the spot, even if they were mentally capable, they would inevitably hurt Chi Yu.
Now Lord Duke is fine, then this matter is a misunderstanding, at best it is a rumors and conspiracy by the hostile forces.
Naturally, there is room for relaxation...
Hearing this answer, Pluto and Viscount Iron Wall breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time.
Grand Duke Horton's face remained as usual, as if he was not surprised by this result.
The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became relaxed.
"Hahaha! I said how could Lord Duke be controlled by others, Alfonso, fortunately you are just being deceived, and you haven't made a big mistake!" Pluto smiled immediately.
"Master Yoda, are you sure?" Although Viscount Tiebi was relieved, he asked again cautiously.
"Master Viscount, I guarantee with my personality, this kind of matter is related to the safety of Master Duke, I will never conceal the slightest thing!"
Master Yoda seemed a little dissatisfied with Viscount Ironwall's doubts.
"Not only that, Lord Duke's spiritual force field is quite active, and he already possesses spiritual power beyond ordinary people. At this level, he is actually one step away from those with spiritual abilities.
In addition, Lord Duke has been fighting all the year round and has a firm will...I can tell you that such a Lord Duke is very unlikely to be manipulated by the spirit! "
You can question my character, but you can't question my professionalism!
Seeing that the other party was so determined, Viscount Iron Wall looked at Pluto, and the other party nodded, indicating that Master Yoda can be trusted.
The big stone in Viscount Tiebi's heart finally fell, and he didn't know whether he should be grateful or angry.
He knelt down on one knee with a shame on his face and pleaded guilty to Lord Horton.
"My Lord Duke! His subordinates mistakenly believe in rumors, it is indeed a crime worthy of death!"
At the same time, he had already scolded the instigator, Black Butler, over and over again.
Damn it!
This guy's information is half true and half false, the secret guard is true when charmed, and Grand Duke Horton is false when charmed.
I was too worried about the Duke's safety, and I was actually caught in the trap of the other party. This time I was ashamed and thrown into the Duke's mansion, and I was ashamed and angrily.
"Alfonso, I know you are caring and messing up, but in any case, you are indeed bewitched by the enemy and almost caused a catastrophe.
Capital crimes are forgiven, but living crimes cannot escape!
I am now dismissing all of your positions and punishing you for half a year. Do you have any comments? "
When Grand Duke Horton saw the dust settled, a victor's smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.
In the short term, he still can't move Viscount Ironwall, because he needs to dispel the doubts of these military generals like Bruto.
But after this matter has completely faded...
Grand Duke Horton had already murdered Viscount Iron Wall in his heart.
But this trace of killing intent was keenly caught by Nie Yun!
There is a problem, this guy must have a problem!
It seems that it is time to let "Sleeping Kogoro on the Wall" go online...
Viscount Tiebi just wanted to say that he had no problem, but the commander's battle uniform on his body suddenly tightened suddenly, and the next moment he felt something pierced his neck, and his consciousness immediately became dizzy.
"I... of course have opinions!"
The deep words sounded from the Viscount Tiebi, who was kneeling on one knee with his head down...
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