Chapter 850: Add one more

Someone above refers to the higher civilization behind the unity of all things?
The other party can have tens of thousands of legendary mechas, maybe they have bought "Fairy Beans" from higher civilizations?
"If your Excellency can really cure the emperor, my brothers will be grateful!"
The eighth prince was quite excited, as if he was really a filial son who was a father.
In fact, the current dilemma of the two princes, in the final analysis, lies in the decline of the emperor, leading to the dominance of the two princes.
If the ghost captain can really heal the emperor, he can undoubtedly change the current situation completely.
"His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince is polite." Nie Yun smiled.
What status should I use to enter the Woolf Imperial Capital, and what method should I use to approach the Imperial Emperor?
These were two questions that Nie Yun had been thinking about for a long time before he came.
First of all, although the Ghost can bring itself into the imperial capital without knowing it, a black household obviously cannot allow Nie Yun to achieve the purpose of this trip.
The ubiquitous monitoring facilities in the Imperial Capital are not furnishings.
So a body and identity that can walk openly is a must.
On the other hand, this identity must also have enough legitimate reasons to be able to naturally come into contact with the members of the imperial royal family...especially the emperor!
The lost things of Ayers civilization and the mission of Duke Dawn all point to the imperial royal family.
And the key person is the imperial emperor!
Through Duke Liming’s description, Nie Yun has learned that the four princes were not the insiders of the year.
Even the specific conditions of the wonders of the universe possessed by the empire are poorly understood.
According to this logic, the eighth prince, who is more powerful, knows that it is half a catty.
Of course, it does not rule out that the four princes still have reservations.
However, Nie Yun still focused on the two core figures of power, the second prince and the imperial emperor.
His prestige with the second prince is almost a mortal enemy, this is not a matter of time, so the best breakthrough is undoubtedly the emperor who is said to be dying!
Therefore, Nie Yun finally chose an entry point.
That is the emperor's strange disease!
A dying person, what else can touch him more than the hope of life?
As for Nie Yun, who has super-microscopic surgical capabilities and can almost use the human body modification technology, as long as the person is not dead, Nie Yun really does not believe that there are diseases that he can't cure.
In this regard, even the Woolf Empire, whose medical technology is more advanced than Earth and Gemini, cannot be compared with Nie Yun.
No matter how bad, I also brought several kilograms of life water.
This is the blood bottle of Wanjin Oil, which can cure all kinds of diseases!
As a result, the two filial princes went through thousands of hardships, searched the vast territory of the Woolf Empire, and finally found the "genius doctor" who is said to have the best medical skills for the emperor.
After the early stage of building momentum, today this "general doctor" grandly stepped onto the stage of the imperial capital under the witness of hundreds of nobles...
"Your Excellency Ghost, although I hope you can heal your father, I still want to ask, what good will this do for you?"
Compared with the eight princes, the four princes are more suspicious.
"If I say, I'm just interested in this weird disease that makes the entire empire helpless, do you believe it?"
"Uh..." The fourth prince's face was stagnant.
"In fact, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. For you, if I can't cure it, you have no loss. If I cure, then you will make a lot of money, right?" Nie Yun smiled.
The two princes looked at each other.
This is undoubtedly their idea.
"Oh! Then please call the genius doctor Hua!" the fourth prince said helplessly.
If possible, he did not want to place his hopes of healing the emperor on an "outsider".
But recently the situation in the imperial capital has reached the point where he has to go to hospital in a hurry...
As the condition worsened, the news of the imperial emperor's critical illness could no longer be blocked, and now it was no secret to the entire upper class of the nobility.
According to his intelligence, the emperor's current physical condition could not last three months.
At the same time, the power of the two princes was declining as the emperor declined.
The Ninth Prince, who had just emerged some time ago, was severely beaten and immediately wilted. He could only shrink up and linger.
And just after the rebellion of Tiebi Viscount, the second prince seemed to be aware of something and began to exert extreme suppression on the forces of the fourth and eighth princes.
No longer did the other side care about exposing their strengths, they directly "instigated rebellion" against several aristocrats and officials from key departments in their own camp.
These people were originally the confidants of the two princes, but this time they suddenly turned back, making the second prince's momentum soar, and the people who depended on them were constantly coming.
This made the two princes who had been under extreme pressure even worse.
The two knew that this was the result of the second prince's enchantment, but they were still helpless and could only watch their own power being eaten up a little bit.
The discerning people at this time can see that the second prince sitting on the throne is almost a certainty!
So Nie Yun's arrival can be said to be their last straw.
Even if they need to take a certain risk, they can't refuse the huge benefits that can be brought by the successful treatment.
Viscount Tiebi couldn't speak, he could only listen to all this silently.
The four princes just called "me" the ghost captain?
The broken star field?
Isn't the mysterious person who controls his body the black butler?
How many "code names" does he have?
He said he could heal the emperor...
Judging from the fact that the other party can control his body unconsciously, and perform a cosmetic surgery on himself within minutes, the other party's biotechnology point is indeed much higher than that of the Woolf Empire. This possibility is really true .
But the other party spent so much effort to do so much, really just to deal with the second prince?
Is revenge so heavy?
Viscount Tiebi was caught in various speculations, and he heard the voice of the Eighth Prince in his ears.
"The question now is, how can we let the'genius doctor Hua' see the father..."
"Huh? Difficulty?" Nie Yun asked.
The fourth prince smiled bitterly, "Your Excellency knows something, now my second brother is so powerful that he has almost controlled every key department of the imperial capital.
I am worried that the other party might obstruct it.
In addition... even if we pass the level of my second brother, my father might not agree with it.
Although our campaign is not small this time, your medical skills have also been blown up to the sky, but it is still a bit difficult to get the father to agree to meet you...
Although the news of the illness spread and the emperor no longer closed his doors to thank guests, Emperor Xing still remained in a semi-closed state.
Before, we also found many famous doctors for the father, but without exception, not only could not heal the father, but even the cause of the disease could not be found out.
A few times later, the emperor father disappeared from all the famous doctors we got. "
Give up treatment...
This is a little troublesome.
Nie Yun thought for a while, "The joint recommendation of the two of you won't work. How about adding another one?"
The two princes were taken aback.
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