Chapter 864: Who is it?

Nie Yun's cold joke caused the scene to fall into a short-lived cold field.
However, the second prince had quietly stepped back some distance at this time, looking at his father warily.
"Father, are you also a mentally capable person?"
"Of course, I have just'checked' your majesty's body. Compared to you, I am only strong or weak." Nie Yun reminded him kindly.
He could see it, the emperor was hiding a lot of things.
In addition to the fact that he is also a mentally capable person, the more important reason for Nie Yun to be sure of this is that... this guy has no desire to die!
Nie Yun's ability to perceive emotions played a role at this moment.
If ordinary people know that they will die, they will be depressed and heartbroken, or they will look away from the time of entering the sage and have no desire or desire.
However, the mood swings of this Emperor's Majesty have always been very strange.
That is an extremely strong desire. If you insist on describing it, it seems to be... appetite?
Is it possible for a dying person to be full of luminous food?
This is not normal, so there is only one possibility!
That is he knows he will not die!
No wonder the other party didn't show the desire for the water of life that could sustain life at all.
Because they don't need it at all!
But besides the water of life, what else can heal the emperor today?
After thinking about it, Nie Yun quickly placed the object of suspicion above the opponent's ability.
Since it is a physical problem caused by mental powers, then theoretically, this problem can also be solved by mental powers.
According to this conclusion, the next development will be very interesting...
Seeing that the emperor was silent and did not deny Nie Yun's words, the second prince's expression changed.
The other princes were all shocked.
This father, who usually seems harmless to humans and animals, has concealed so many things from them?
"Father, before taking over the throne, I want to know, what exactly is your ability?" The second prince stared at the other side and asked.
The emperor glanced at him and sighed helplessly.
"Oh! Isn't it good to dedicate everything to the empire ignorantly at the moment of reaching the peak and fulfilling the long-cherished wish?
After all, this is what I can give you, the last kindness..."
When this remark came out, everyone was shocked.
The face of the second prince changed suddenly. "What do you want to do to me?"
The emperor did not answer, his eyes squinted slightly, and a blue spiritual light flickered in his eyes.
The second prince suddenly felt his body stiff, and then the whole person floated in the air, slowly floating in front of the emperor.
Although he struggled hard, his mental power was surging out, trying to contend with that power, but it was like a mayfly shaking a tree, and the waves hit the reef without any effect at all.
"It's impossible!" The second prince looked horrified.
The emperor drew the second prince to his eyes, smiling.
"Father...Father, I am your heir, you can't!" The second prince said hard, with blue light flashing in his eyes.
"Don't waste your efforts. Your charm ability is only useful to ordinary people. For those of us with mental abilities, it's like a bubble that bursts with a burst. It's not worth mentioning."
"So strong!" Nie Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.
When I checked the opponent for the first time, I just gave a glimpse. Only then did I realize that the opponent's strength was a little beyond common sense.
Although the spiritual power of the second prince was only an ordinary level in his eyes, he was already among the best in the human carrier, but facing the emperor, there was no power to fight back.
Although the opponent only resorted to a mental power, but the expert watched the doorway.
The opponent has completely crushed the second prince in both the "quality" and the "quantity" of mental power, and even Nie Yun was amazed by the skills used.
Compared with the opponent's condensed spiritual power, the resistance of the second prince was completely disorganized and disordered.
No wonder the other party's body can't bear it, so that such a huge mental power is squeezed into a small body, it's not a problem.
"Don't you want to know my abilities? As you wish."
Looking at the second prince, the emperor slowly put on the crown in his hand with a smile despite the horrified gaze of the other prince...
"Let me... crown you!"
In the next moment, a large group of spiritual power light surging out from the emperor's body, and then following the emperor's arm into the crown!
"Om!" The gorgeous and shining crown suddenly exudes peculiar mental fluctuations. After absorbing the emperor's spiritual power, it began to flood into the brains of the second prince.
"Ah!" The second prince screamed, his eyes turned white, and the blue light of mental power almost drowned his entire eyes, ears, mouth and nose.
After a while...
"Click!" The emperor's hands dropped weakly, his head drooping, as if he had lost his soul.
But the second prince who just screamed again and again suddenly quieted down strangely.
Then... Slowly raised his hand to cover his face, and a familiar smile gradually climbed to the corner of the second prince’s mouth...
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…"
First laughed, then laughed, and finally laughed loudly.
The princes took a few steps back in horror, as if they had realized something.
After a long time, the laughter stopped.
"This kind of relaxed feeling, I haven't felt it for a long time..."
"Your Majesty!" Dusk bowed and saluted the second prince.
This move undoubtedly confirmed some speculations of everyone.
And the emperor's ability is almost ready to come out!
"It's actually taking home!"
Nie Yun was full of shock.
There is no wonder in the world, there are such special spiritual abilities? !
"Father, how can you do this? That's your close relative!" After the shock, the Ninth Prince looked incredulous.
The so-called tiger poison does not eat children, but how cruel is it to use his own son as a furnace to win the house?
Nie Yun couldn't help but glanced at him sympathetically.
This scene probably caused the Nine Princes to collapse more than trying to make him a puppet.
Human relations tragedy, this is!
"Because he is my close relative and is connected by blood, the success rate of'soul possession' will be higher." The emperor did not have any emotional fluctuations, as if discussing an academic issue.
"This is not a question of success rate!" the Ninth Prince roared.
"Heh! The wisdom of mortals! That's why I concluded that you are not suitable for being an emperor.
The change of dynasties and the turmoil of civilization usually start with the change of emperors, and the successors are unsatisfactory. Do you know how much hidden dangers of the empire can be eliminated by this extraordinary ability to make people live forever?
How about sacrificing my Gothic royal family for the prosperity of the empire? "
The emperor's eyes were calm, looking down at the nine princes, like a deity without emotion.
"All excuses! You are selfish!
Wake up, Father, this is not a supernatural ability that can make people live forever, but a curse that makes people eternally sinking! "The Ninth Prince said with grief.
The emperor Gujing Bubo's face seemed to be stimulated by something, and he twitched.
Hearing this word, Nie Yun felt like a flash of lightning flashed in his mind.
Many intermittent clues and fragments seem to be connected by such an inconspicuous word, and it instantly becomes clear.
"Wait! Could it are not a Gothic nineteen?!"
Nie Yun's sudden question made several princes stunned.
However, when they wanted to understand the amount of information hidden in this question, they all took a breath!
Who said that the one who possessed the ability to seize the house must be the Goth XIX himself?
Why is it not Goth XVIII, or even earlier?
This guy...who is it? !
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