Chapter 10: Dong Xiang's cry

There was silence in the office, and the store manager was also in deep contemplation. He couldn't confirm what Chu Mo said was true or false, but the dangers that antiques need to face are real.
"The system, if you want to eliminate the shortcomings, how many points do you need?" Chu Mo recalled the dialogue with the system before entering the coffee shop.
"The points consumed are equivalent to the value of Hiroshi at the current level ..."
The system's response seemed to be still in my ears, and the silence in the house was finally broken by Chu Mo. He said lightly: "I am willing to show my sincerity, and first change one of the types in the store, but it must be below the S level. "
"The higher the Hirsch level of the seed, the greater the cost. I can't change the S-type seed at all." Chu Mo explained, waiting for the store manager's answer.
"Thank you so much, you are really amazing." The store manager finally opened his mouth, slowly opening his eyes, his eyes filled with hope.
"Hey, in ancient times, the manager wouldn't really let that guy stay?" In the coffee shop, Dong Xiang was still sitting on the chair, staring at the empty plate, and asked a little lost.
"It's not easy to say, with the personality of the store manager, no matter how many misses have been committed before, they will be allowed to be forgiven. It should be ..." Half of the words in the ancient room, I heard the door push and everyone's attention Was attracted to the past.
The manager stepped out of Chu Mo's shoulder with one hand.
"Everyone, I want to announce one thing here. Chu Mo will be our partner in the stable area in the future." The store manager glanced around the crowd and said Shen Sheng.
"Ah? The store manager, this guy ..." Dong Xiang was taken aback and quickly prepared to refute.
But just after opening, he was interrupted by the manager waving his hand and turned his head to look at Chu Mo.
"I have decided, Mr. Chu, now it is time for you to fulfill the agreement."
"No problem, but the only one who meets the requirements is currently this little girl. The others are too high." Chu Mo inadvertently glanced at Jinmu. Although the latter is very weak now, he inherited Lishi's after all. ability.
"Hah? What do you mean, is my strength weak?" Dong Xiang, who didn't understand Chu Mo's meaning, couldn't help but rolled up his sleeves and asked angrily.
The manager patted Dong Xiang's shoulder and shook his head at her. The latter reluctantly sat back in his chair.
"Little girl, she has such a violent temper. Be careful not to find her boyfriend in the future." Chu Mo laughed and turned around to take a plate of sandwiches from the bar and said to the system at the same time, "The system helped Dong Xiang eliminate the problem Kind of drawbacks. "
"Successfully eliminated, cost 200 points."
"Try it, the taste is really good." Chu Mo handed the sandwich to Dong Xiang, showing a charming smile, "I think you should like it."
"You guys, are you going to watch my joke?" Dong Xiang finally couldn't help it, and lifted a whip leg and swept to Chu Mo.
Chu Mo easily blocked Dong Xiang's attack with a raised hand, revealing a helpless smile.
Sneak attack was blocked. Instead, Dong Xiang took advantage of his strength to turn around in the air, kicking again with a sweeping sweep. The combat experience was very rich.
"Honestly." Chu Mo shook his head silently and threw the sandwich in his hand into the air. After slightly avoiding the whip leg, he pulled forward and grabbed a gap directly. The electric light and flint room will be one-handed. Dong Xiang's hands were locked.
Pressed on the chair with his strength and lifted his left hand to catch the falling sandwich again.
"What are you doing, let me go!" Dong Xiang's face turned slightly red, a little bit angry and angry, but her legs were also suppressed by Chu Mo, no matter how she struggled, she couldn't get away.
"You guys, dare to bully Dong Xiang." Gu Jian frowned, ready to start with a shout, but was stopped by the store manager.
"Troubled woman." Chu Mo stared at Dong Xiang's cheek and said lightly, picking up the sandwich and preparing to feed it into her mouth. Brows raised slightly, and both eyes began to change rapidly, turning into awesome eyes.
"Om ~ 嗤!"
Dong Xiang stared angrily at the scarlet eyes, and Yuhe behind was summoned, but it was just Shan Yuhe. But before it was too late to launch an attack, Chu Mo's Yu He had swept in, directly hit Dong Xiang's He Zi, and controlled it on the ground.
"Eat." Chu Mo stuffed the sandwich into Dong Xiang's mouth. Although he wanted to be gentle, the latter resisted too fiercely, and the debris of the sandwich fell to the ground.
"The manager, how can I tolerate this guy to torture Dong Xiang, I can't stand it." The ancient room shouted, and the bloodshot instantly spread out from his eyes, turning into scarlet eyes, and a tail of light glanced out at a fast speed .
Chu Mo's figure flew out, hit the pillar of the coffee shop, blood hung from the corner of his mouth.
"SS-class Demon Ape, after so many years, the strength has not declined at all." Chu Mo wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and took the dust off his clothes.
"Stop it, Komuro." The shopkeeper's majestic voice slowly sounded, and Komuro was forced to stop.
"But this guy ..."
"Cough ... woo ..." Dong Xiang's intense coughing sound attracted everyone's attention. Dong Xiang squatted on the ground and kept sobbing, not knowing whether it was sad or excited, and his tears kept ticking on the floor.
"Dong Xiang?" Ichimo Xuan asked Jinmu worriedly, but the latter did not respond.
The sobbing sound gradually stopped, Dong Xiang looked at the messy slices of bread on the ground and picked it up frantically and stuffed it into his mouth.
Was about to pick up another piece of bread, the two hands touched together, Dong Xiang froze in place, slowly looked up, and saw a dull Chu Mo. Chu Mo picked up the slice of bread, blew the dust on it, and stuffed it into his mouth.
"Although the taste has not changed, it is still delicious, but after all, it is not hygienic. If you want to eat it, there will be opportunities later." Chu Mo said lightly.
"Thank you!" The manager ’s gratitude was particularly heavy. He tried hard to make the normal life of human beings, but after all, it was a kind, even if he could forcefully swallow food at the banquet with friends, no one In the corner, still spit it out.
This time he saw hope.
"Dong Xiang was able to eat a sandwich." Ren Jianxuan and others have been completely stunned, and whispered incredulously, Chu Moming apparently did not do anything. What's more, there is nothing more magical for this kind.
"No thanks, this is an equivalent exchange." Chu Mo replied lightly, turned and left the hall, and walked into the dark corridor.
Jin Mu looked at Chu Mo's back, and suddenly felt that the latter was a bit lonely. In addition to his character, he was made in a mold with him, but he also has everyone in antiques. The latter is always a person.
?? Recommended ticket, 嘤 嘤 嘤 ......
(End of this chapter)
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