Chapter 994:

Grasping the fusion of the past and the future is the opposite of fate in the palm of your hand!
This technique that allows time to retreat is a fateful ritual that Chu Mo felt under Wen Yang Yuan Shen during the two months of closure!
Like his good fortune, the third form after quite a frame and speed, the fateful past!
This formula looks very simple, it seems to change the operation of the years, but it is not. Chu Mo really couldn't do this. What he can do is to integrate the perception of the past two words into the wind, just like the memory of the wind, and thus reverse it.
If he becomes fate, this formula will expand to the maximum. Now he has not changed. When used, it can only be reversed for an instant.
However, even for an instant, it can give enough impact to the Yinling people here. This magical power has reached an extremely mysterious level!
The 30-odd man who is standing outside the fourth hall now has this in his heart!
He looked at Chu Mo and didn't need to hide the complexity of his face. His name is Fire!
"My name is Lihuo, and I want to serve you in accordance with the contract between my family and your witch clan. Itabi" Chu Mo also saw the big man in front of him, his ears were in a daze, as if he had spoken in the past.
Regarding Chu Mo's problem, the struggle from Huo Lu became fierce, he raised his head fiercely, showing decisiveness in his eyes.
"It's okay, do everything! As a personal me, I shouldn't stop you from being in my nation, I must stop you! You have the kindness to help me. A big man named "this matter" suddenly raised his right hand, Caught by the emptiness, the big axe soon appeared out of the emptiness, and was held by him and placed on the ground.
The tiny cracks in the ground vibration are ticking.
"...It's my fault!" Leaving the fire, letting go of his right hand, the axe was standing on the ground, he turned around, his right hand slapped his chest, its body staggered a few steps, vomiting blood, and the helmet collapsed. With a face like a dead tree, "The way is clear!
"Let's go!" gritted his teeth from the fire and roared.
The other Yinlings around are now slowly awakening, seeing everyone stay away from the fire and remain silent.
Chu Mo clenched his fist in front of the fire, his complexion also became complicated, he staggered and jumped up, rushing into the Fifth Hall, the moment his body jumped, the other Yin Spirit Races in the Hall raised their heads.
"Let him go!" The voice of Li Huo appeared again. Although it was a short time to know Chu Mo, don't forget Li Huo in the scene that happened in this brief understanding. He did not complete Chu Mo Nian's final explanation. The young man and woman took only the girl to Wucheng. About the boy, an accident happened midway.
This matter is always where he feels guilty.
Chu Mo became Changhong, leaving this fourth hall instantly and entering the fifth hall!
He entered the fifth temple, and while still in the air, there were nine huge stone statues in the fifth temple with a strong momentum. Now these nine stone statues wake up one by one, looking coldly. With Chu Mo, he also walked out in those five halls
"Stop!" The middle-aged Yin Ling Clan spoke slowly, and his voice revealed a sense of decay. The moment that sentence was uttered, the nine Yin Ling Clan in the temple burst out with a strong momentum, distinguishing themselves from the nobleness of the Hou Wu. Comparable!
Especially the middle-aged people who came out of the temple, even if the fluctuations in their bodies never became witches, they are also the pinnacle of post witches!
These Yin spirit races shut Chu Mo here, enough to not go to the Sixth Hall in a short time!
Almost the Yin Ling clan in this palace showed all the corrections. The moment Chu Mo raised his head to approach Chu Mo in midair, his eyes glowed, and the snake on his shoulders raised his head violently, making a sharp hiss.
In that hoarse voice, the snake jumped out instantly, and the body in mid-air was distorted. Soon in this tabernacle, the shadow of the huge candle nine shades in the fantasy suddenly transformed!
The shadow of the Jiuyin of the Candle was roaring, and his mouth was suddenly rolled downwards. At the same time, Chu Mo became a Changhong. Everyone penetrated the phantom of the Jiuyin of the Candle and went straight forward.
The Nine Yin of the candle made by the snake blocked the Yin Spirit Race in this hall from below, and obtained a machine for a moment in Chu Mo, so he suddenly rushed out of the fifth hall and came to the sixth hall while driving at a fast speed!
The snake's candle nine-yin power is not weak, but it hasn't fully grown. Facing the Yin Spirit Race in its fifth hall, it can only be trapped in a short time, and it won't take too long.
I know Chu Mo. My time...not much!
He unfolded all his speed, and the moment he entered this temple, he immediately had an aura that rivaled the top of the seven witches, walking straight towards him, Chu Mo had no chance to hide in this midair! Seeing these seven breaths approaching instantly, Chu Mo's eyes glowed, and his right hand was raised, and the crystals with considerable wind inside his body exploded. The vortex swirled sharply from around Chu Mo. The vortex was spinning, and there was actually a feeling of heat, including high temperature
Along with this wind, Chu Mo's right hand pointed towards the sky.
"Hidden Yin!" At the moment when the word was exited, in this sky, there was actually a huge whirlpool wind, which was different from the high temperature of the earth, and contained the cold of the forest. This is a long passage, but it only happened for a moment.
The icy vortex of the sky and the hot wind of the earth continuously roll and suddenly come into contact. With their contact, the burial wind stronger than Kaiyang explodes out of thin air. This wind is whistling and has the power to blow away vitality. This is burial yin! No!
The second style of Li Feng, the technique of burying the Yin!
Under this burial wind, the seven powerful Yinling tribes who came, they are like the corpses in this burial wind. Under this wind, their whole body is constantly drying, and their vitality is changing rapidly. The wind is whizzing and rolling around, Chu Mo in it looks like long hair dancing, clothes
However, this is the sixth hall of the Yinling Clan. It was almost the moment this funeral wind appeared. An old man came out of the sixth hall. This old man looked at it and suddenly he was someone familiar with Chu Mo! No!
This old man was rented by Chu Mo back then, there is definitely someone who can match the witch! In other words, he didn't know how to take Chilong away, Chilong was sealed here!
His face is also very complicated, but it is different from the road far away from the fire. He lifted up and walked around. In the circling of the funeral wind, he raised his right hand and gave instructions!
Just like the gambling conference at that time, this old man helped Chu Mo fight the Demon Goddess Palace, the same finger!
Chu Mo of "Zelongshen" Funeral Feng saw its coming finger, and the 7 figures now appeared around them, but they couldn't get close to Chu Mo, and in this funeral Feng, they made death resistance.
The strength of this kind of wind would be good if it was used for ordinary cultivation, and the power of Chu Mo's whole body sacrificed the bones, and this kind of burial technique was exerted very strongly.
"At that time, I was not your opponent...Today, see how much the gap between you and me is! Chu Mo's eyes glowed, and his body stepped forward, suddenly stepping out of the whirlpool of funeral wind, raising his right hand, The finger technique derived from the infinite years of the immortal world, and the fingers of this Yin Ling tribe old man, approached each other in mid-air like lightning in an instant. At that time, Chu Mo was fragile in the eyes of this old man!
He is now qualified. Go with this old man and fight the real battle!
"It's a pity that the timing is wrong." Chu Mo stretched out this finger, his body changed a little, and his heart sighed secretly. This finger instantly touched the old man's finger and was startled.
In this roar, the corners of Chu Mo's mouth were filled with blood, and his body was swept away, but the direction of the swept away, under the slight change in front of him, did not turn back, but seemed to have used the strength of the old man. Go straight to the seventh hall!
The old man of the Yinling Race trembled, Chu Mo's finger was his feeling, as if he hadn't used up everything to fix it, but with its power, now he saw Chu Mo head straight to the seventh hall, his eyes gleaming , The moment of walking and chasing, 000
At the moment when the original spirit Chu Mo turned around, the original spirit raised his right hand and waved vigorously towards the sky. During this separation, blood suddenly appeared, and the whole sky seemed to quickly become blood.
This is a very powerful set in the Red Luo technique, and it washes the sky with blood!
This technique is used to transform the gods, it is difficult to exert its power, it took the soul, only half of it, although half of it, it has the power of bloodbath!
If the tent is red and red, the sea of ​​blood will turn around, and appear behind Chu Mo, such as blocking, blocking the path of chasing the old man of the Yinling tribe. Later, he went straight to the old man of Yinling.
Chu Mo didn't look back, using the power of his fingers to stop it with the method of the soul. This was to prevent him from being trapped in the sixth hall. It was now Changhong. During the roar, Chu Mo stepped into the seventh hall.
His face is a bit pale, and his fingers are comparable to a witch after all. Unless his body is strong, he may soon collapse and burst once he is born to resist.
Although the palace of the Yin Ling clan is stronger than the guard, it is now before Chu Mo, but there are only two remaining from the peak hall that seals the Chilong!
But these two deities, the seventh and eighth halls, must be extremely vicious.
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